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There are many differences in culture between Eastern and Western countries.

For example; Westerners expect steady eye contact when talking with people. This is a behaviour considered basic and essential. But it is not the case in China. A lack of steady eye contact is not an indication of lack of attention or respect. Steady eye contact is viewed as inappropriate, especially when subordinates talk with their superiors. Eye contact is sometimes viewed as a gesture of challenge or defiance; so the Chinese will often talk while facing the ground.

Westerners like their personal space, they don't like people to stand too close to them. I don't think the same applies in China due to the vast amounts of people and lack of space.

Most western countries would be considered low- context cultures. Members of a low-context culture would be more direct and clear with their language where as members of a highcontext culture, such as China, prefer to use the indirect verbal style. Speakers of this culture often use imprecise language and leave a lot open to interpretation.

If you do not understand a word that has been used or what someone has said to you. You should try to ask them to repeat it rather than pretending you understand. This can cause misunderstandings and lead to problems later on if the person thinks that you understand when you don't.

Politeness is very important in the west. Pleases and Thank you's especially. If a westerner doesn't receive one when they are expecting, they may be a bit upset. If you have a suggestion for a teacher then you could try to use appropriate language to differentiate between a suggestion and a command. For example 'you should', 'you best' or 'you must', could be replaced by' have you ever thought about' or 'maybe you could' or 'perhaps'. Similar language which may upset would be 'Give me' or 'Do that' and other commands without politeness. Time- westerners will always expect to be given adequate warning before any event or situation occurs, especially if they are expected to do something above or beyond their normal role or if the warning would change something for the worse or better for them. Last minute or no warning for things will upset most westerners. Tone is important in English a relatively innocent comment in a disapproving tone could be taken as an attack by some westerners. Nonverbal cues also are also important. Posture should be open and friendly not, closed and cold. Facial expression friendly. All of these factors influence how the same words will be received. In China there seems to be mainly negative incentive schemes. Employees are generally punished if they don't do well. This is very different from western countries. In the west we have positive incentives. We are rewarded for doing well. This is a change in incentives for a westerner and therefore may cause some indignation.(anger at unfair treatment)

Translation- Cultural differences increase the likelihood of misunderstanding. If people speak different languages, the danger of bad translation is obvious. If you don't understand something that you are translating for us, please ask. The most important thing for us is that we are understood by the person we are trying to speak to. Wires can get crossed and a lot can be lost when communicating through a third person.

Westerners expect to be treated with respect. It doesn't help a conflict situation to treat people disrespectfully; it just makes them angry and less likely to listen to you, understand you, or do what you want. No matter what you think of another person, if they are treated with respect and dignity -- even if you think they do not deserve it -- communication will be much more successful, and the conflict will be better managed or resolved. Treating someone with respect in a westerners eyes would be the use of all of the things above; politeness, friendly body language, tone and non-commanding language.

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