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3 To the City Clerk: Please add my comments to the agenda for the May 28, 2013 Executive Committee meeting on item 2013.EX32.3, Results of the Shared Services Study - City Agencies I understand that my comments and the personal information in this email will form part of the public record and that my name will be listed as a correspondent on agendas and minutes of City Council or its committees. Also, I understand that agendas and minutes are posted online and my name may be indexed by search engines like Google. Comments:

Dear Members of the Committee:

TOO MANY CHIEFS FEW INDIANS: I fully agree that Toronto has an spending problem.. no doubt about it..I repeat we have a duplicity of services problem a real spending problem. in July 2011 during the public consultation put by the General Manager via the hired consultant group KPMG Torotonians from all walks of life were engaged in putting forward suggestions, recommendations and ideas to the Core Service Review.. it sought Efficiency in the way the city delivery services to Citizens of Toronto I described at the time that savings can be achieved by merging some of the abc's offices with the City's Services. The duplicity of services required a bold move and this current administration has been blunt to tackle this matter , Congratulations! The areas of savings by the study are as follows:

share procurement of common goods and services and implement strategic sourcing; EXCELLENT standardize human resource information systems and share payroll and benefits administration; LONG OVERDUE! It should have happened long time ago. share common information technology infrastructure with a focus on infrastructure management, data management and storage; rationalize information technology applications; WHY NOT? Technology changes so rapidly that some operations required extra staffing. . . coordinate real estate contract and vendor management through an information technology platform This in an interesting item.. I wonder why it can not be apply to T.C.H.C I believe there is a Auditor Report that is being consider by the board at this point in time. . establish a change management centre of excellence to support the implementation of shared services and other major City change initiatives. As long it is on a temporary basis and not a permanent centre.. I am fine with this suggestion.. Question? How is the City Manager plan to staff this new centre of excellence? And finally today the results of the study " Shared Services Study" will save us .. you , me and everyone else all of us taxpayer's 55 million dollars.. The Chief of Police I believe is conducting an efficiency review , to reorganize the staffing structure.. so in view of this information and Councillor Thompson may correct me it may be a bit premature to assist the Toronto Police Board to create savings opportunities i hope this information will help them to make the proper decisions. Yes lay offs are possible.. and are part of the way of doing business. it happens in the corporate world when they need to shrink their staff to move in a different direction and the city should not be strange to this changes.

I understand Exhibition Place has gained through a new governance model a semi-autonomous or autonomous status so I am not sure how this study will help this particular agency at this stage of the game. maybe the City Manager can provide us with a clarification. on this regards. The Zoo one of my favorites places would benefit tremendously from this efficiency study but they currently undergoing a "Governance restructuring plan" and it won't be of much help to make any suggestions at this point in time.. but I will remind them as soon as they are finish with their new governance model. Nowhistanding the opportunities for shared services across City divisions and agencies for common services and functions, with the objective of reducing costs, increasing service efficiency and effectiveness, and improving customer service City Council who will have the work to put the seal of approval to this recommendations and I would dare that this recommendations are implemented as feasible and practicably as possible. I also would recommend merging the legal services departments of the above agencies. The savings could even much higher. and finally please Mr. Mayor in your birthday today use the savings as reported to create more childcare spaces and lunch programs for the Children who are our future. Sincerely Yours, Miguel Avila City Hall Monitor

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