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Blood Type Diet Michael Lam, MD, MPH www.DrLam.

Before You Begin Information presented here is for general educational purposes only. Each one of us is biochemically and metabolically different. If you have a specific health concern and wish my personalized nutritional recommendation, write to me by clicking here.

According to Dr. Peter Ddamo, author of Eat Right For Your Type, a chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods you eat. This reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. This reaction is caused by a factor called Lectins. Lectins, abundant and diverse proteins found in foods, have agglutinating properties that affect your blood. So when you eat a food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, the lectins target an organ or bodily system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area. Fortunately, most lectins found in the diet are not quite so life threatening, although they can cause a variety of other problems, especially if they are specific to a particular blood type. For the most part your immune systems protect you from lectins. Ninety-five percent of the lectins you absorb from your typical diets are sloughed off by the body. But at least five percent of the lectins you eat are filtered into the bloodstream and different reactions in different organs. Your blood type diet is the restoration of your natural genetic rhythm. Your blood type diet works because you are able to follow a clear, logical, scientifically researched plan based on your cellular profile. Each food groups are divided into three categories: Highly beneficial ( food that acts like Medicine), Foods allowed (food that are no harm to the blood type) and Foods not allowed (food that acts like a Poison)

Select your blood group for detail chart: Type O Type A Type B Type AB

Simpler List Diet Profile Allowed Limited Food to avoid Food that help for Weight Loss with Weight

purpose wheat corn kidney beans navy beans lentils cabbage Brussels sprouts cauliflower mustard greens meat dairy kidney beans lima beans wheat corn lentil peanuts sesame seeds buckwheat wheat

Loss kelp seafood salt liver red meat kale spinach broccoli

High Protein: Type O Meat eaters

Meat fish vegetables fruit

grains beans legumes

Type A Vegetarian

vegetables tofu seafood grains beans legumes fruit meat (no chicken) dairy grains beans legumes vegetables fruit meat seafood dairy tofu beans legumes grains vegetables fruits

vegetable oil soy foods vegetables pineapple

Type B

Balanced omnivore

greens eggs venison liver licorice tea

Type AB

Mixed diet in moderation

red meat kidney beans lima beans seeds corn buckwheat

tofu seafood dairy greens kelp pineapple

Select your blood group for detail chart: Type O Type A Type B Type AB

Good and bad foods for blood type 0

> Meat Good: red meat and poultry Bad: pork and quail

Tip: Favour red meat from grass fed animals: their meat contains more Omega 3s. > Fish Good: cold water fish like mackerel and herring Bad: squid, pollock, octopus, abalone Tip: Eat fish regularly, but don't use it as a meat substitute: your diet should contain both. > Dairy produce Good: butter, cheese, yoghurt made from ewe's and goat's milk Bad: cheese, cow's milk and yoghurt made from cow's milk Tip: Limit your intake to 2 yoghurts and 2 portions of cheese a week, if you tolerate it well. > Eggs Good: hen and duck eggs Bad: goose and quail eggs Tip: Eat up to 6 eggs a week.

Good and bad foods for blood type O

> Oil Good: flaxseed, olive, rapeseed, sesame, walnut Bad: corn, peanut, soy, sunflower, wheatgerm Tip: Use olive oil in cooking and salads, and other types for seasoning. > Nuts and seeds Good: almonds, flaxseeds, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecan, pine nuts, walnuts and sesame


Bad: Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, chestnuts, pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds. Tip: Eat nuts and seeds regularly, but not in large quantities. They provide you with essential fatty acids. > Pulses and legumes Good: soy Bad: kidney beans, lentils, butter beans Tip: Eat pulses and legumes from time to time for their protein content, but never in place of meat or fish. > Cereals Good: sprouted grain bread, buckwheat, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, rye, spelt, tapioca Bad: wheat, barley, corn Tip: Try essene bread made from 100% sprouted grains. It's far and away the most nutritious. Available in health and organic shops. > Vegetables Bad: capers, cauliflower, cucumber, leeks, button mushrooms, black olives, potatoes > Fruit Bad: avocadoes, melons, blackberries, coconut, kiwi, oranges, bananas, clementines Tip: Eat around 500g of fruit a day (2-3 pieces or servings).

Blood group A

> Your profile. You share your blood group with 42% of the UK population. A is most susceptible to stress, which impacts on your eating habits and on your weight. Whether it makes you comfort eat or lose your appetite, stress stops you from breaking your food down properly. > Nutrition Cut down on animal produce: meat, cow's milk and eggs aren't the best foods for you. But don't fall into a strict vegetarian diet: you need protein. Get it from oily fish like salmon and also from foods of plant origin (like pulses, all types of soya, nuts and ceeds, cereals, fruit and, obviously vegetables). Have as much of these as you like. Don't miss out on vital protein and amino acids: make sure you eat plant AND vegetable produce at every meal. > Want to lose weight fast? Combine your new eating programme with relaxation techniques to help you learn to let go

a bit more. If you're not into yoga, meditation and all that jazz, find other ways to relax: shopping with friends, chilling in the spa with your other half and whatever helps you zone out and forget your worries.

Good and bad foods for blood group A

> Meat Good: chicken, turkey, ostrich, guinea fowl

Bad: beef, duck, goose, lamb, mutton, porc, pheasant, veal, game Tip: Eat white meat, but only in small quantities: your body doesn't tolerate it well. > Fish Good: cod, mackerel, monkfish, salmon, sardines, trout, whiting Bad: anchovy, bream, eel, plaice, haddock, grouper, coley, halibut, herring, smoked salmon, sole, octopus, seafood > Dairy produce Good: feta, goat's cheese, goat's milk, mozzarella, ricotta, sheep's milk cheese, yoghurt (made from cow's, goat's or ewe's milk) Bad: butter, cow's milk, all other cheese made from cow's milk > Eggs Tip: By all means eat eggs, but no more than three a week!

Good and bad foods for blood group A

> Oil Good: flaxseed, olive, rapeseed, sesame, walnut, sunflower, wheatgerm. Bad: corn, peanut. > Nuts and seeds Good: Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, pistachio nuts. Tip: Make sure you incorporate nuts and seeds into your diet regularly, peanuts, walnuts and ground flaxseed. > Pulses and legumes Good: chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, butter beans, pinto beans. > Grains and cereals Good: wheat, wheat bran. > Vegetables Bad: aubergines, cabbage, capers, black olives, peppers, chilli, potatoes, rhubarb, sweet

potatoes, tomatoes. > Fruit Bad: bananas, coconut, melons, mangoes, papayas, clementines, oranges.

Blood group B

> Your profile Your blood group is fairly rare: 10% of the UK population have B blood. Like group A, stress can make you lose or gain weight. > Nutrition You're lucky because, unlike most other blood groups, you tolerate lactose well, so you don't have to worry about your dairy intake. Still, don't have too much over rich cheese or you could put on weight. Your metabolism breaks down all foods easily: meat, fish, dairy produce, pulses, nuts, cereals and veg. However, cut down on chicken, which you don't tolerate well. > Tips for quick weight loss Make sure you get good sources of protein, lots of veg and a small portion of carbs at every meal. Don't mix pulses and carbs at the same meal.

Good and bad foods for blood group B

> Meat Good: beef, lamb, veal, mutton, ostrich, pheasant, turkey and game Bad: chicken, duck, guineau fowl, goose, partridge, pork, quail Our tip: Like O, you can eat lots of meat, but you have a more limited choice. The best meats are lamb, mutton and game.

> Fish Good: cod, plaice, halibut, mackerel, salmon, sole and sturgeon Bad: anchovy, bream, eel, octopus, pollock, salmon roe, clams, crab, lobster, molluscs and prawns

> Dairy produce Good: goat's cheese and milk, mozzarella, fromage frais, feta, yoghurt and cow's milk. Bad: blue cheese. > Eggs Only hen's eggs are recommended.

Good and bad foods for blood group B

> Oil Good: flaxseed, olive, wheatgerm, walnut Bad: all others > Nuts and seeds Good: almonds, Brazil nuts, chestnuts, flaxseed, macadamia nuts, pecans, walnuts Bad: cashew nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, poppy, sesame and sunflower seeds Tip: Include nuts and seeds regularly in your diet, especially walnuts and flaxseed. > Pulses/legumes Good: black beans, chickpeas, lentils, soya > Cereals Good: wheat (semolina and white flour based products), sprouted grain bread, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, spelt Bad: buckwheat, corn, tapioca, whole wheat, rye Tip: Strange though it may seem, choose white over wholewheat flour: it suits you better. Don't have big portions of cereal-type carbs. > Vegetables Bad: artichokes, olives, sweetcorn, pumpkin, radishes, rhubarb, tomatoes > Fruit Bad: avocadoes, coconut, persimmon (sharon fruit), pomegranate, Indian figs (Opuntia) and starfruit

Blood group AB

> Your profile Only 4% of the UK population is AB and it could be said you're one of the lucky few. You enjoy all the benefits of groups A and B, and you can eat pretty much what you want - as long as you listen to your body, because you also have to cope with certain diet restrictions from both groups. > Nutrition Get plenty of easily digestible protein: legumes, soya and fish. Limit your intake of fatty meat. Keep your dairy intake down (or go for fermented dairy products) and make sure you get lots of veg. > Want to lose weight fast? If you want to drop pounds fast, cut wheat out of your diet and replace it with other cereals. Eat more smaller meals to spread your calorie intake out, but keep your mealtimes regular. It's better to eat little and often. Another tip: eat lots of fruit and kelp algae, which is high in iodine and aids weight loss.

Good and bad foods for blood group AB

> Meat Good: turkey, lamb, veal liver, mutton, ostrich, pheasant Bad: beef, chicken, duck, goose, guineau fowl, partridge, veal, game > Fish Good: cod, mackerel, monkfish, pike, salmon, sardines, tuna Bad: anchovy, bream, eel, plaice, haddock, coley, halibut, octopus, salmon roe, sole, trout, whiting, clams, crab, lobster, oysters, prawns > Dairy products Good: fermented dairy products, feta cheese and goat's milk. Bad: blue cheese, brie, butter, camembert, cow's milk and parmesan. > Eggs Good: goose, hen and quail eggs Bad: duck eggs

Good and bad foods for blood group AB

> Oil Good: flaxseed, olive, rapseed, peanut, soy, walnut, wheatgerm Bad: corn, sesame, sunflower > Nuts and seeds Good: almonds, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, chestnuts, flaxseed, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts Bad: hazelnuts, poppy, sesame and sunflower seeds > Pulses/legumes Good: soya Bad: black beans, kidney beans, broad beans and chickpeas > Cereals Good: sprotuted grain bread, barley, millet, oats, rice, rye, spelt, quinoa, wheat, wild rice Bad: buckwheat, corn, tapioca > Vegetables Good: artichokes, capers, chilli, black olives, peppers, ghurkins, radishes, rhubarb > Fruit Bad: avocadoes, bananas, coconut, blackberries, guava, mango, oranges, persimmon (sharon fruit), pomegranates, figs, quinces, starfruit

Q&A with nutritionist Karen Vago

> How can our blood type influence the way we eat? It's very simple. The work of nutritionist Dr Peter D'Adamo has shown that certain lectins (proteins contained in foods) are broken down by our bodies in different ways according to blood type. For example, people who have O type blood digest red meat well, but people who have A type blood struggle with it. After years of medical research and research with his patients, Dr D'Adamo came up with a plan for each of the four blood groups, to help people find what type of foods are best for them. > Are some blood types more predisposed to weight gain than others? In theory, no. People with type O blood may find it harder to lose weight than others because today's processed food contains a lot of wheat and dairy, but I want to stress that this is only down to the processed nature of a lot of the ready-prepared food we eat. Your blood group isn't linked to difficulty losing weight. > How should the blood type diet be used for weight loss, in a nutshell? The blood type diet isn't a slimming diet in the strict sense of the word. It's about a healthy lifestyle. It's not a temporary measure: it's a long-term plan. It's logical that when we eat foods that suit us, we'll feel better and maintain a healthy weight. Many of my patients have achieved dazzling results in very little time, and the results last.

Michael Lam, MD, MPH Characteristics of Type O - Best on High Protein Diet
1. 2. 3. 4. Thrive on intense physical exercise and animal proteins Do not do well with dairy and grain products Hardy digestive tract The leading factor in weight gain for Type Os is the gluten found in wheat germ and whole wheat products.

5. Type O have a tendency to have low levels of thyroid hormone and unstable thyroid functions, which cause metabolic problems and weight gain. 6. Type O have high stomach-acid content, can digest meat easily. Comments Most Beneficial Food allowed Food not allowed

The more stressful your job or demanding Beef, Lam, your exercise program, Mutton, Veal, the higher the grade of Venison protein you should eat Type Os can efficiently digest and metabolize meats Cold-water fish are excellent for Type Os. Many seafoods are also excellent sources of iodine, which regulates the thyroid function. Type Os need to severely restrict the use of dairy products and eggs Type Os respond well to oils These foods should in no way take the place of high-protein meats, and they are high in fat especially if you are overweight. Type Os don't utilize beans particularly well. They tend to make muscle tissue slightly less acidic and inhibit the metabolism of other nutrients. Type Os do not tolerate whole wheat products at all. Olive Oil, Flaxseed oil Any meat except for those listed not allowed Any fish or seafood except for those listed not allowed Bacon, Ham, Goose, Pork


Cod, herring, Mackerel

Barracuda, Pickled herring, Catfish, Smoked salmon, Caviar, Octopus, Conch


Butter, Farmer, Feta, All other dairy Mozzarella, products and yogurts Goat cheese, Soy Milk Canola oil, Sesame Oil Corn oil, Peanut oil, Cottonseed oil, Safflower oil



Pumpkin seeds, Walnuts

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Brazil, Cashew, Peanut, Pistachios, Poppy Seeds


Aduke beans, Azuki beans, Pinto beans, Black-eyed peas

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Beans - copper, kidney, navy, tamarine. Lentils domestic, green, red.


Essene Bread, Ezekiel Bread

Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat,

Corn, Gluten, Graham, Wheat (Bulgur, Durum,

Rice, Kamut, Kasha, Millet, Rye, Spelt

Sprouted, white and whole, Germ and Bran) farina, Oat, Seven-grains, or any products such as flour, bread and noodles made with these grain products Brassica family: Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens

These vegetables inhibit the thyroid function for Type Os These vegetables help blood clot, Type Os lack several clotting fractors and need vitamin K to assist in the process These vegetables irritate the digestive tract and the high mold count can aggravate Type O hypersensitivity problems. Vegetables These vegetables can cause arthritic conditions in Type Os This vegetable affect the production of insulin, often lead to obesity and diabetes for the Type Os. This fruit agglutinate all blood types but Type Os. Artichoke, Chicory, Dandelion, Garlic, Horseradish, Kale, Leek, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Parsnips, Red Peppers, Sweet potatoes, Pumpkin, seaweed, turnips Fruits Dark red, blue and Plums, prunes, Tomatoes

Kale, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, spinach

Alfalfa sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, fermented olives

Nightshades: eggplant, potatoes


All kinds except those listed not allowed


purple fruits tend to cause an alkaline reaction the digestive tract, and therefore balance the high acidity of the Type Os digestive tract to reduce ulcers and irritations of the stomach lining. These fruits contain high mold counts which can aggravate Type Os hypersensitivity problems (allergies) These fruits are high in acid content which may irritate the acidic stomach of Type Os Fruits are not only an important source of fiber, minerals and vitamins, but they can be an excellent alternative to bread and pasta for Type Os Type Os are extremely sensitive to this fruit. Rich source of Iodine to regulate the thyroid gland


Melons, cantaloupe, honeydew

Grapefruit, most berries

Oranges, tangerines and strawberries, blackberries, Rhubarb

All kinds except those listed not allowed

coconut and coconut-containing products Kelp-based seasonings, iodized salt


Soothing to the Parsley, curry, digestive tracts of Type cayenne pepper Os White and black pepper, vinegar, capers, cinnamon, Cornstarch, Corn syrup, Nutmeg, Vanilla chocolate, honey, cocao Seltzer water, Club soda and tea Wine Ketchup, pickles, mayonnaise, relish Beer, Coffee, Distilled liquor, Black Tea

Irritants to the Type O stomach



Food Choice Table

Good Choice Reasons Bad Choice Reasons Vegetables - green Vitamins, Minerals, leafy Antioxidants, fiber Onions, Green Onions, Chives, Garlic Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower Antibacterial, antiviral, anticarcinogenic Prevents estrogen dominance (which causes cancer) Most Tuber High glycemic vegetables index (potatoes, tapioca)

High Vitamin C and Tomatoes (both raw lycopene for CA and cooked) prevention Tubor vegetables in moderation Beta Carotene (carrots, beets, good antioxidant sweet potatoes) Carbohydrates Whole Fruits Lemon, Lime Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, fiber Keeps the body alkaline Fruits (banana, Watermelon) Fruit Juices High glycemic index High sugar content, low fiber

Soybean Products in Cancer prevention moderation Pineapples Blueberry, grapes Whole Grains Oats, Barley Pasta made with duram wheat Basmati Rice Protein Good Choice Legumes Nuts Bromelain Protects the Heart B-Vitamins, Insoluble fiber Soluble fiber, Lower White Rice Cholesterol Low to medium glycemic index Low glycemic index Reasons Soluble fiber High in Monounsaturated fats Bad Choice Peanuts Reasons Aflatoxin (carcinogen) White Flour High glycemic index High glycemic index

Deep water fish

High in Omega 3 Fatty Acid

Coastal Fish

Toxic Metals Acid forming, Carcinogenic, Increase Hormone Allegen, Hormone Increase Carcinogenic Reasons Hydrogenated Oil - carcinogenic Hydrogenated Oil - carcinogenic Hydrogenated Oil - carcinogenic Increase Chol Hydrogenated Oil - carcinogenic Acidic, high sugar High in sugar, high in hydrogenated fats Empty calories, Increase TG, Inc Chol, Dental Caries

Organic Eggs

Best Biological Value Red Meats Protein for Human Monounsaturated fatty acid (lower chol), fibers Reasons


Dairy Shellfish

Good Choice Avocado Olive Oil

Bad Choice

Monounsaturated Margarine fatty acid (lower chol) Monounsaturated Deep Fried Food fatty acid (lower chol) Chips Saturated FatsPalm

Polyunsaturated Oil High in Omega 6 (when not heated) fatty acid


Polyunsaturated Oil when Heated Soft Drinks Desserts


Download this table in printable Microsoft Word format:

The Blood Group Diet

The Blood Type Diet or Blood Group Diet, devised by Dr Peter D'Adamo, requires you to follow a specific food plan suitable for your blood type. The basic premise for this diet is that the four main blood groups (A, B, AB and O the universal blood donor) each react in different ways to different foods. We all vary in many ways in hair colour, eyes, body types and skin colour as well as blood types. Depending on your blood type, it could well be that you may have been using the wrong diets all along. Dr D'Adamo's book, "Eat Right for your Type", a book explaining the basis of the diet, lists down the types of food appropriate for

each blood type. The book, first released in 1996, has since become a New York Times best seller.

One of the reasons the body has different reactions to food is that, according to the doctor, the secretion of gastric juices varies for every blood type. Dr DAdamo also theorizes that lentins, a protein found on the surface of some foods, can cause serious kidney problems for people with certain blood types. All foods fall into three categories:
1. 2. 3. Highly beneficial Neutral Avoid

Beneficial foods for your blood type act like medicine, neutral foods like food, while avoid foods "act like a poison," says D'Adamo. For example, type Os should steer clear of whole wheat and wheat germ because "eating gluten is like putting the wrong kind of octane in your car ... it clogs the works," D'Adamo says. The program categorises each blood type under the following diet profiles- Type O: Meat eaters, Type A: Vegetarians, Type B: Omnivores, and Type AB: Mixed diet eaters. Most of the population has blood type O ("for old," as in humanity's oldest blood line). For those who own this blood type, your digestive tract retains the memory of ancient times, says D'Adamo. Here the prescribed diet is lowcarbohydrate, high in proteins (such as meat and fish), and low in dairy products. They should limit the intake of wheat germ, whole wheat products and corn. The author suggests specific foods to avoid; such as avocados, brazil nuts and oranges. Type O types are commonly affected with hypothyroidism, high stomach acid (leading to ulcers), and thinner blood with greater resistance to blood clotting. Type O should also engage in vigorous exercise. Blood Type A ("for agrarian") should avoid red meat, eat plenty of fish and vegetables, with a low dairy intake: "the inheritance of their more settled and

less warlike farmer ancestors," says D'Adamo. Only light exercise is encouraged. This group carries a risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. They also have a sensitive immune system. Blood Type B is the nomadic blood type with a tolerant digestive system. They should consume a balanced diet and avoid chicken and bacon, eat plenty of meat and dairy, some fish, and plenty of fruit and vegetables but, among other things, should avoid wheat, corn, and lentils, D'Adamo says. They have the best chance of bypassing or overcoming everyday types of diseases, including heart disease and cancer. If you're type B, it's recommended you exercise moderately. Blood Type AB is the "modern" blood type combining the A and B diets. AB has a sensitive digestive tract and should consume a vegetarian diet, avoiding chicken, beef, and pork but enjoy seafood, tofu and dairy produce. The fitness regimen for ABs is calming exercises. The complete list of foods allowed for each blood type is included in Dr. DAdamos book. The author encourages people to cut down on processed and refined foods. This is of course good advice for anyone, regardless of blood type. It goes without saying that following a diet that caters to your blood group is not only important but also a very intricate and detailed process. You should undertake such a diet only when professional help and expertise is at hand, otherwise you will end up not eating some foods that are actually good for your health, diet and weight loss. People follow this diet for the following reasons:
1. 2. 3. It promotes overall health. Weight-loss is not the programs main thrust but it does come as one of the end results. Its easier to follow than some diets. Once you know under which diet profile you fall, you can eat any of the foods listed under that category. Most of the foods recommended in the diet are unprocessed, natural food.

Critics cite the following reasons why people should not jump to this diet:
1. 2. The diet increases the risk of heart disease for people with Type O blood. Restrictions of certain types of foods also restrict the intake of particular nutrients. The dieter must find other sources of these nutrients other than the foods not allowed in the specific diet plan.

Overall, the theories of the Blood Type Diet would have to be supported by a significant number of scientific studies before they could be taken seriously. While it is certainly possible that individuals may have allergies to individual foods including such common staples as wheat and milk products, there is currently no evidence to support that these allergies are down to blood type.

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