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1. Exodo Salida a. Y estos son los nombres El nombre hebreo de xodo. La iglesia catlica le puso ese nombre de Exodo.

o. b. Hebreos 11:22 Jose dio mandamiento hacerca del exodo y hacerca de sus huesos. i. Gocen: La parte que perteneca a Israel cuando estaba en egypto. ii. Las plagas no entraban a esa rea, protegida por Dios. iii. Al acercarse su muerte tuvo fe en Dios y demostr su confianza al comprometer a sus hermanos a llevar sus huesos a la tierra prometida. Moiss en xodo 13:19 llevo los huesos de Jose consigo mismo. Estos hombres de Dios tenan seriedad con todas las cosas. iv. Romanos 8:23 La redencin es completa. Esperamos la adopcin y redencin de nuestro cuerpo. c. Dios no quiere que nada de su pueblo se quede en Egipto. i. Estoy atento limpiando el templo de Dios con su palabra? Es un deber diario. Constante. ii. El espritu San to deposita la semilla dentro de nosotros, y esa semilla necesita mojada y ser partida para que agarre raz y baje hacia abajo para que agarre nutrientes y crezca a ser un rbol para dar fruto. d. Nada de nosotros va a quedar en el mundo. Este cuerpo va a ser cambiado i. Oseas 2:1 /Isaiah 5:13 It is wrongful for a man to be burned into lime. His body ought to be preserved whole and buried. 1. Joseph asked to be preserved. 2. Exodo 7: 14-25 a. In revelations we see the same plagues.1/3 of the peoples will die at once. The people will not repent; they will remain in their witchcraft and their idolatry. b. The nile river turns in to blood. i. It was a sacred river, a god.

ii. The plagues were never a last recourse case for God to take his people. God knew what would happen. God knows it before the ages began. He is. He created time for man. Jesus stepped into time to live a life that would redeem His people. iii. Exodus 3:1-9 Moses knew all that would occur. God told him in the mount. God never offered an easy path, he said it would be difficult. iv. Moses did not go of his own accord, he went because he was sent. This places man in a conflict that will sanctify him. I must ask daily how I stand before God, so that I may not be led astray. 1. Pharaoh even asked Moses to intercede for him before God because he had sinned. The same occurs with us, when we need something its easy for us to come before him for long periods of time but when he changes circumstances we go back to the life we used to live. v. Exodo 5:2 An insolent and arrogant answer from pharaoh regarding repentance. It reflects the common answer from most people who choose not to know what God has said. c. Exodous 6: 10-12 . This is not the way to talk to the Lord. When he has commanded me to do something I must prepare to obey. If I do not obey, then the plagues will come to my home so that I may repent. i. Surrender everything before the Lord. I cannot change anything about me, I have to bring it before the Lord. ii. I have not understood the judgement of the Lord upon sin, neither have I understood the reality of heaven. d. Everyone in the nation of Egypt suffered for the sins of pharaoh. The hardening of the heart continues to damage those around me. i. What am I doing to lead in prayer where I have been placed. ii. The bible is not OLD, they are contemporary and present, they are the thoughts of the eternal God.

iii. If there is no obedience, there will be consequences. God speaks of my role as a husband. I must do all that God has called me to do. iv. As a father I have to begin to pray for my children and my wife. v. God has given children to instruct in His ways. vi.

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