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T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 8, 2005


T K ! V fl I L E Y t N P H ? i t! 2 H T

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By: S. Huflbiii, Media Servicra specialist with over 27 years The finest technological experience treating Repetitive device available for the relief of Stress Injuries (RSI). So the knee pain is now being released KNEEDIT was designed with real case life studies, not in to the general public. Known as The KNEEDIT some laboratory with artificial Pain Relieving Knee Band, this knees or plastic model types, but with real life people with device is the first of its kind. This amazing new pain real life knee problems. Secondly, the KNEEDIT relieving band was designed by the world-renowned orthopedic Pain Relieving Knee Band surgeon and sports medicine functions as an interactive pump and strategic shock specialist, Donald Farced, M.D. As a long-time consultant absorber rather than a tournito famous athletes, members of quet like other knee bands that the Davis Cup and other profes- actually may cause swelling and constrict blood flow. sional sports teams, Dr. Farced The KNEEDIT was successfully designed KNEEDIT based on 20 years of clinical designed with such precision observation and treatment of that your muscles will actually relax rather than constrict durRepetitive Stress Injuries (RSI.) Now Dr. Farced is bringing ing physical exertion. This welcome pain relief where so reduces stress on your tendons many people need it, in the and muscles, which in turn aids most delicate area of your leg, in the relief of your pain and assists in the prevention of your knee. Hie KNEEDIT Pain Reliev- further injury. Third, the KNEEDIT Pain ing Knee Band is an innovative Relieving Knee Band can be and unique device scientifically designed to assist in the relief of worn on the right or left knee by knee pain commonly associated either male or female. Its component pieces are durable and with Arthritis, Tcndonitis and hypo allergenic and it is made Chondromatacia. It provides this break- in the U.S.A. It also retains its through pain relief by gently shape and is still comfortable absorbing force at the knee and Fourth, the KNEEDIT by exerting concentrated compression and warmth across the Pain Relieving Knee Band was soft tissue in the front part of designed to assist not only in the treatment of knee injuries, your knee. Its patented, revolutionary but also in the prevention of technology is a superior therapy knee injuries. Q. How does it work with featuring a unique, non-constrictive design of cushioned the anatomy of each person's neoprenc curved to the shape knee as an individual? A. KNEEDIT's anatomic of your knee. The KNEEDIT Pain design works in conjunction Relieving Knee Band is a treat- with the motion of each person's knee as an individual. As ment, not a tourniquet. The product is one of the you move, it gently applies only specially designed devices pressure to the correct area of which works with (he human your joint liner and patellar tenanatomy to aid in the relief of don assisting in the relief of knee pain without cutting off your knee pain, soreness, stiffcirculation, hampering move- ness and inflammation. By stament or causing uncomfortable bilizing your inferior pole of your patella, KNEEDIT also swelling. The KNEEDIT uses selec- may improve patellar tracking. Q. How long can I wear tive pressure to turn the natural action of your own knee into a the KNEEDIT? A. The KNEEDIT Pain pressure releasing miracle, by Relieving Knee Band enables placing gentle pressure just where it is needed - - along the your muscles to relax, which medial and lateral soft tissues of reduces stress on your tendons and muscles. So you may wear your knee. While other bands can cre- it for a long period of time with ate a tourniquet effect which can complete comfort. Q. How do I know if the cause uncomfortable tissue KNEEDIT will fit me? swelling, the KNEEDIT Pain A. The KNEEDIT Pain Relieving Knee Band allows for normal circulation and blood Relieving Knee Band is specially made so that it can be worn on flow and is simple to apply. It works in a completely the right or left knee and easily new and unique manner and is adjusts to fit the contour of the highly effective in relieving patella and patellar tendon... One size fits most everyone. pain. Q. Is the KNEEDIT like For even more information, here is part of my inter- those big bulky knee braces view with the Product Develop- that everyone can tell you're wearing no matter how hard ment and Specialist for IMS. Q. With all of the other you try to hide it? A. No. The KNEEDIT knee bands and supports out on (he market today, what makes Pain R e l i e v i n g Kneed Band the KNEHD1T Pain Relieving was specially designed so that you gel the absolute maximum Knee Band different? A. The KNEEDIT Pain relief, but no one will know Relieving Knee Hand has unless you want them to. It is so slim and sleek that it can fit several important features and benefits which set it completely under any type of clothing and apart from other devices is absolutely discreet. Q. How can you offer that can lie found in the marketsuch an advanced knee relief place today. first, the KNIiEDIT Pain product at such a low price for R e l i e v i n g Knee Band was first lime buyers when I've designed by an internationally seen big bulky custom knee known practicing orthopedic braces that cost $450.1X1? A. Our experience in surgeon and sports medicine



Improves Patella tracking.

Stabilizes Patella.

Patented "wings"

decrease stress across

the front and sides of

Patented'Trvingr" pump arthritis swelling cut of the

the joint.

knee 8 magnify pumping [ion S shuck absorbing.

Patented-wings"-- >MA^m"""'^.



allow unimpeded circulation.

No Ankle Swelling!


J_^LL "Tr I

shock absorption.

forces on tibia


The KNEEDIT Pain Relieving Knee Band is a unique, non-constrictivo device that curves to the exact shape of your knee, working with the human anatomy io aid in the relief of uncomfortable swelling and pain

Once the knoe is injured or strained you experience uncomfortable swelling, hampered movement, cut-off circulation, abnormal circulation and blood flow.

without cutting off circulation, hampering movement or causing uncomfortable swelling. The KNEEDIT Pain Relioving Knee Band allows for

normal circulation and blood flow.



Testimonies from just a few of the satisfied KNEEDIT users...
"Is it an exaggeration that KNEEDIT is saving my life? Noi if you con sidcr lhat my cardiologist maintains the only certain way to defeat my heart disease is through intense impossible with my perpetually sore knees. The KNEEDIT lias made the prescribed inlcnsc exercise possible. And yes, my heart disease abated. KNEEDIT works, absolutely." L.W., Mindcu, NV "After 3 months wearing your KNKF.D IT purchased fiom my doctor in Phoenix, Arizona, I noticed the 800 on said article. When I went to my doctor I was on crutches and five treatments did no good, he had me try the KNEED IT. Well I'm 76 years old, work for a freight company, so 1 am in and out of vehicles I2lo 14 hours daily. I have arthritis, but since wearing this, I have no pain. It is wonderful. All truck drivers, carpet layers, sports people, anyone that pounds their legs and aims should have one." Cordially, B.V., I'hocnix, AZ "I normally don't sit down and fire off testimonials, hut in this case I am compelled to do just Uiat. When the KNEEDIT arrived and 1 strapped it to my knee, my wife said 1 there was a look of incredibility on my face lhat prompted her to say, 'WELL. ' When I answered 'Mary I cannot believe what hasjust taken place.' Needless to mention, the pain instantly went away and 1 am slill ama/cd. 1 will elf mally he lhankfill to you. I am 65 and thought thai there was no hope." Thanks a million J.G.. Kingman.AZ over 30 years of solid American business is that when you have a product this extraordinary... word of mouth is more powerful t h a n any other advertising in the world. Once your readers discover how great their overall body feels when w e a r i n g the KNEEDIT, they w i l l want to buy one for all of their friends and family members, plus anyone else they know who may Iw experiencing knee pain. So to get rid of your knee pain right now... to feel more invigorated and alive... to get the relief where you KNI'iHDIT, don't spend more t h a n $400.00 dollars on a custom knee brace, get the same benef i t s right here for only $59. But you must respond today... End of interview. At this amazing low price the l i m i t e d n u m b e r of KNEEDITs arc sure Io go last. Made in U.S.A. U . S . Patents 6077241, 5441058, 5642739,5295951,5152302, 58657X2. Other U.S. & Foreign Patents Pending. Respond now Io receive a $20.00 discount. Special Reader's Discounl Coupon altached.


The price io soothe tired, aching knees is only S79.00 plus $6.95 shipping for a total of $85.95 delivered. Readers of this publication get a $20 discount wilh this coupon and pay only S59 plus FREE Shipping and Handling if you order within 10 days. There is a strict limit of 3 KNEEDITS at the discount price no exceptions please. After 10 days we reserve the right to either accept or reject order requests at the discount price. To order by phone, call TOLL FREE 1-800-585-0915 Ext. KNT201. Place your order by using your credit card. Operators are on duty 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. To order by mail, by check or credit card, fill oul and mail in this coupon. This product carries a complete satisfaction guarantee. If you arc not lolally satisfied, your purchase price will IK refunded. No questions asked.




I ' l l am ordering within 10 days of the dale of this publication, therefore I get a $20 discount and my price is only $59 + FREE Shipping and Handling.^,....> i"] SPECIAL: gel any additional KNEEDITS for only S39. Another $20 savings) FREE Shipping and Handling. Number of additional KNEI-D1TS you want: tin only.S.W.,*-.,. (Limil of 2 additional) I'M am ordering pasl 10 days of the dale of this publication, therefore I pay full price of $79 + $6.95 Shipping and Handling.,^,.,,, Enclosed is $ in: HCash i !Check i 1 Money Older (Make check payable Io II IS) or charge my: I 1 VISA i " ; MasterCard 1.1 Am. ExpVOplima I ; Discover/Novus Account No. Signature. MAIl/PO: Inlernalional Home Shopping Dcpl. KNT20I 7800 Whipplc Ave. NW Canton, OH 44767 Exp. Dale /

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