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ENTP THEME The theme of the ENTP is invention, not just of concrete objects, but also of new ways

of doing things as a means to an end. ENTPs are interested in the patterns of nearly everything and frequently go from one thing to the next, inventing prototypes and having faith in their ability to improvise rather than extensively prepare. WORK LABEL Inventor BASIC CHARACTERISTICS A creative thinker Stimulating company Alert and outspoken Argues on both sides of an issue Confident of abilities STRENGTHS Ingenious Conceptual Resourceful Enthusiastic Analytical OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH Pay attention to details Recognize the value in other styles Complete old projects before new Don't take on too much at once TO FUNCTION AT THEIR BEST A working environment where they can go from one project to another, solving major problems and leaving details to others. Recognition and support for ideas. MAY BE FRUSTRATED BY Dull routine, boring details, emotional responses to rational issues. Redundancy and restrictions. Being told how to do things. MAY INFURIATE OTHERS BY Appearing arrogant and knowing it all. Moving fast, becoming impatient. Lack of execution. Hurting others' feelings. Questioning authority. THEY VALUE Ideas, energy and ingenuity. ON A TEAM They offer solutions and identify opportunities.

MANAGEMENT STYLE The management style of ENTP is likely to be one of a visionary who communicates the general outline of the vision, yet lets everyone do his or her own thing. Preferring to be allowed to operate autonomously, ENTPs assume that others do, too. IDEAL WORK ENVIRONMENT The ideal corporate structure is one in which ENTPs have opportunities to invent and improvise solutions to complex problems. They thrive on challenges and the non-routine. Also, they are great copycats and adapters and enjoy improving on everything. VALUES ENTPs value the theoretical, wanting insight, understanding, comprehension and knowledge. They admire genius, precision, efficiency and effectiveness and seek these characteristics in all that they do. ATTITUDE The basic attitude of ENTPs is one of skepticism. While they are open to new ideas, they are skeptical of their validity, until logically proven otherwise. They find the ambiguous fascinating and also may be driven to seek clarity. GENERAL SKILLS ENTPs are skilled at analysis, seeing differences and creating categories. They are keep several issues in their mind at the same time. Also, they are adept conversationalists and speak with wit and plays on words. DRIVING FORCE ENTPs have a very high need for achievement. However, the achievement is most often measured by standards set by the ENTP, not by society or the organization. Also, they are highly energetic in their never-ending quest for new insights and improving on what exists. ENERGY DIRECTION ENTPs direct their energy toward acquisition of knowledge and competencies. Not only are they devoted to accuracy and seek precision, they often split hairs if need be. More often than not, ENTPs seem to believe that there is nothing they cannot do. AUTHORITY ORIENTATION ENTPs want the person in charge to be knowledgeable and competent. Individuals they respect tend to be doers, movers and shakers; and to the ENTP, past recognition is just that. It is what one can do that counts. ROLE PERCEPTION ENTPs tend to be assertive in relationships, that is, they readily make the first move in defining the nature of a relationship. Indeed, they relish maintaining the one up position they can gain that way.

CONFLICT RESOLUTION ENTPs have a great gift for arguing multiple sides of an argument at the same time. For them that is "shedding light" on a situation, while for others it spells confusion. Conflicts are to be resolved rationally and emotionalism avoided. MODES OF LEARNING ENTPs learn by conceptualizing, abstracting common properties and developing categories. They are adept at learning abstract ideas and less adept at learning by association and rote. BLIND SPOTS AND PITFALLS ENTPs may overlook the human element in their quest for objective truth and understanding. They may prefer theory to reality and design to implementation. ENTPs may be oblivious to conventions and protocol. IN THE GRIP Energizers Variety and challenge Autonomy in accomplishing tasks Being taken seriously valued for competence and special skills Freedom to create innovative and effective solutions to problems Permission to delegate implementation of solutions to others Adequate unstructured time Stressors Having to reach closure too soon Being disrespected, competence doubted Overloaded with details Grip Reactions Passiveaggressiveness Work harder, longer, less effectively Worry, chronic anxiety Remedies Rest, attention to physical needs Physical exercise

Setting boundaries, saying no selectively Prioritizing tasks and delegating to others Engaging in relaxing sensing activities Planning, list making to avoid unwelcome surprises

Supervision that is too close and communicates distrust and doubt Too little outside stimulation, too little excitement about projects Rules that inhibit the creative process and drain energy

Withdraw, shut down, avoid people Generate possibilities with no data and no follow-through Extremes of both emotion and activity level Obsessiveness Focus on the body

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