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Radicalism Radicalism is a response to ongoing conditions. This response may include evaluation, rejection or resistance. Radicalism is usually not just a rejection but continue in an effort to change arrangement to the others. Radicalism found in all religions, even though there was not a single religion that teaches violence, hatred against creatures Islam is a true religion that provides security, comfort, tranquility and peace for all creatures, even if there is violence that is a small part of one of the problem-solving efforts made by his people not because of his teachings. Conviction can sometimes give birth the way to satisfy yourself and even martyrdom though.

Factors affecting the growth of radicalism in Indonesia History At first the development of Islam in Indonesia is smooth and there is no confrontation with earlier religions, this is due to the expertise of the mubalig. Approach in selecting propagation through social, cultural, economic and political symptoms of violence through radical movements began to emerge after the arrival of the young Arabs from Hadramaut Yaman who brought new ideologies that changed constellation of Muslims in Indonesia. The new ideology harder and do not know the tolerances are many schools that eventually gave birth to the likes of ABB, Ja'far Umar Talib, Habib Rizieq Shihab. Islamic radicalism more greater in post-independence to post-Reformation, since Kartosuwiryo led Operation 1950s under the banner of Darul Islam (DI) but can be thwarted.

Having thwarted it comes back on as Orde Baru (Komando Jihad, the Islamic Liberation Front). In Reforms Era appear more visible, more vocal and militant longer supported by the mass media coverage makes this movement more visible (Movement led by Azhari, Nordin M Top) and other radical movements such as Poso, Ambon.

Trans National In the international context, the tragedy of the WTC 11 September 2001 in the United States (U.S.) people accuse Islam as the culprit and has likened the Islamist militants as terrorists like Al Qaeda and the Afghan Taliban regime that became his patron, and Terrorism crackdown operation that extends to several countries Islam. International Politics Reality is felt cornered Islam, prompting Pok Fundamentalist Islam to react that present themselves as Radikais (non U.S. and its allies). This condition causes some Muslims react less proportionately, they insisted on Islamic values by providing its anarchic resistance (eg the Bali bombings and several places in Indonesia).

National In the Muslims, often revealing the violent face of Islam, intolerant due to political pressure from the government, because if the problem religion is controlled by political interests and power that religion is not a sacred thing. Religion is often used as an excuse for violence truth. During the Era Orba, the majority of Muslims in Indonesia have not been able to find enough space to participate in the political arena. So that made the event spewing Reform moment reaction is not uncommon even anarchic and violent.

Strong belief in the truth of the radical ideology that they believe in, so denying the truth of the other systems, so it can bring emotional attitudes among radical.

Law enforcement CONSIDERED UNFAIR Certain aspects relating to the political and social life of law enforcement, which is considered to be non-partisan to the group, or even assume that all man-made laws are unnecessary and they only adhered to subject to the Law of God. Movement radicalism appears set of dissatisfaction and the desire to implement Islamic law in Indonesia, for their injustice, corruption, protracted crises, and social inequality make their reasons for doing social deviation.

Constraints De Radicalization Against Radicalism Actors Patterned Religion Inner Attitude Actors Radicalism 1. Spiritual and physical health 2. Feeling guilty or innocent 3. Regard his actions as a holy war is not terrorism 4. Death is not a scary thing, even desirable because it will be seen martyrs. 5. Among perpetrators and their sympathizers, became martyrs is the pride that the horrors of suicide bombings changed to something dazzling (seduction of crime).

Efforts to inhibit the development of radicalization

Radicalism in Indonesia was born from a crossing of Egypt & Pakistan, Hassan al Bannas thought, Sayyid Qutb and al-Mawdudi has pervaded Indonesian students and has awakened a way of understanding Islam ala Hard Line. Radicalism will not be able to finish with only law enforcement, but it needs to be done the hard work of all of society, especially religious leaders to:

More brave, more militant, and increase the intensity of voice that radicalism is not in accordance with Indonesian culture and understanding of the religion that caused less proportionately .

Keep the apparent compliance, build awareness that religion is not dogmatic, but the doctrine should be applied in everyday life in the society, nation and state.

Do the program activities: 1. Expand discussion and inter-religious dialogue Held to discuss concrete actions that are packed in cultural action and learn the truth gained from others, which can enrich our spiritual self. 2. Perform acts of social solidarity together On the basis of concerns over the economic situation, the political situation, so that the main factor is human values advocated by all religions. 3. Peaceful protest and prayer Is a form of peace education to the people that all forms of violence in the name of anything will never solve the problem, it will grow a new problem. 4. Perform acts of un-violence Develop an egalitarian attitude, openness and honesty in building peace, tolerance, mutual understanding and harmonious life.

Empowerment BHABINKAMTIBNAS and FKPM (TOGA, TOMAS, TODAT, TODA) 1. Make early detection and early prevention against any embryonic development of radicalism, so it does not develop into communal conflicts / horizontal. 2. Report in stages, to immediately receive proper treatment, prompt and proportionate.

3. Built so that the whole community to better care and less permissive to symptons the existing environment.

Religion not far from humanity Abdurrahman Wahid

Peace and tolerance for those who believe in the existence of god Abdurrahman Wahid

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