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(6:04:59 PM) Chris Antenucci: http://www.theblaze.

com/stories/2013/05/21/reportmore-benghazi-whistleblowers-to-reveal-devastating-details-on-terror-attack-incl uding-why-chris-stevens-was-in-libya/ (6:05:03 PM) Chris Antenucci: this could be huge (6:29:27 PM) Chris Antenucci: this is shocking even to me (6:29:39 PM) Chris Antenucci: Stevens mission in Benghazi, they will say, was to buy back Stinger missiles from al-Qaeda groups issued to them by the State Depar tment, not by the CIA. Such a mission would usually be a CIA effort, but the int elligence agency had opposed the idea because of the high risk involved in armin g insurgents with powerful weapons that endanger civilian aircraft.Hillary Clinton still wanted to proceed because, in part, as one of the diplomats said, she wan ted to overthrow Gaddafi on the cheap. (6:30:01 PM) Chris Antenucci: glenn beck was right all along (6:30:13 PM) Chris Antenucci: this is wayyyy bigger than anything we imagined (6:31:01 PM) Chris Antenucci: this is huge (6:31:11 PM) Chris Antenucci: here it is, the reason for the entire cover up (6:32:13 PM) Chris Antenucci: if what they're saying is true, the actual reason for the cover up is wayyyy bigger than the cover up itself (6:32:27 PM) Chris Antenucci: this is worse than the Iran Contra scandal (6:33:02 PM) Chris Antenucci: our own state dept selling stinger missiles to al qaeda groups that were then used on our own people in the benghazi attack (6:34:06 PM) Chris Antenucci: wow (6:34:13 PM) Chris Antenucci: i can't get over this (6:34:27 PM) Chris Antenucci: we have a bona fide scandal on our hands, bigger t han watergate (6:34:44 PM) Chris Antenucci: and this explains why hillary was so passionate at the hearing and saying nothing mattered (6:35:06 PM) Chris Antenucci: she was desperate to cover up the bigger secret, t hat she was in charge of arming the terrorists that eventually backfired on us (6:35:48 PM) Chris Antenucci: this is the missing piece of the puzzle that ties it all together (6:36:11 PM) Chris Antenucci: i told you this would break out into the open if m ore whistleblowers came forward to reveal the whole truth (6:36:26 PM) Chris Antenucci: no way the media can ignore this, this is gonna hu rt hillary big time (6:36:58 PM) Chris Antenucci: i can't wait to see how she reacts to this, cause if it's true it means she lied to congress by omission since she didn't tell the m about any of this (6:38:14 PM) Chris Antenucci: this wasn't about obama at all, looks like he has been unaware of a lot of what's going on in his admin (6:38:50 PM) Chris Antenucci: it looks like this was hillary's plan and idea fro m the start because she wanted to create a legacy for herself so people would re member her as a successful sec of state (6:41:04 PM) Chris Antenucci: this is the true scandal (6:42:01 PM) Chris Antenucci: they didn't even bother to check and see if the "i nsurgents" in Libya that were trying to overthrow gaddafi were actually freedom fighters or members of a terrorist group before they supplied them with stinger missiles (6:42:31 PM) Chris Antenucci: this effectively puts a nail in the coffin of hill ary's legacy as sec of state and in her potential run for pres in 2016 (6:42:37 PM) Chris Antenucci: her career in politics is over (6:42:48 PM) Chris Antenucci: cause she can't escape responsibility for this one (6:43:21 PM) Chris Antenucci: this also explains why the whistleblowers were thr eatened and silenced up til now, so they wouldn't reveal the truth (6:44:05 PM) Chris Antenucci: the fact that several have risked their careers an d reputations in order to do so means they knew this would do serious damage to the admin and hillary but that the lie was too big to cover up and americans des erved to know the truth

(6:48:39 PM) Chris Antenucci: /rand_paul_my_colleagues_just_voted_to_arm_the_allies_of_al_qaeda (6:48:45 PM) Chris Antenucci: kinda along the same lines (6:51:32 PM) Chris Antenucci: According toPJ Media s report, Clinton s plan to reaqui re the stinger missiles left Stevens with the responsibility to handle the after math of the alleged gun-running operation after it was clear that the insurgents i n Libya were really radical Islamists aligned with al-Qaeda. (6:53:01 PM) Chris Antenucci: that's what the cia annex was for, and why they di dn't send in troops to rescue anyone, and why obama told everyone in his admin t o lie to the media and the american people about what happened (6:53:45 PM) Chris Antenucci: cause if they admitted they knew it was a terroris t attack right away then they would've had to explain why they didn't send any f orces to rescue the men on the ground during the attack (6:54:33 PM) Chris Antenucci: and the real answer to that is because they couldn 't let anyone, even our own military, discover the top secret gun running operat ion that was being run by the state dept through ambassador stevens in libya (7:07:06 PM) Chris Antenucci: man i bet the white house is huddled together righ t now trying to think of a way to spin this one, i can't wait to hear the insane spin carney will use tomorrow (7:07:12 PM) Chris Antenucci: cause it's gonna have to be a whopper this time (7:10:44 PM) Chris Antenucci: the real scandal is what did the state dept do whe n they found out they just armed an al-qaeda group? (7:10:59 PM) Chris Antenucci: the answer is prob nothing and make sure no one el se knows about it (7:11:27 PM) Chris Antenucci: cause they probably never got any of the stinger m issiles back lol (7:12:13 PM) Chris Antenucci: it's not like a terrorist group who gets free stin ger missiles from the US gov't will use them to take down gadaffi and then be li ke "ok, we're done with them, we'll give them back to you guys now" (7:13:05 PM) Chris Antenucci: it's actually a lot like fast and furious (7:14:15 PM) Chris Antenucci: some higher up official had the brilliant idea of letting mexican drug cartels get guns in order to find out where they were going , except they couldn't trace them and never found out until the guns were used t o kill americans across the border (7:14:57 PM) Chris Antenucci: and then they had to hide the fact that the progra m even existed cause they knew once the truth came out there'd be some huge blow back (7:18:39 PM) Chris Antenucci: ts-irs-director-over-pro-life-group-told-to-promote-abortion/ (7:20:19 PM) Chris Antenucci: The former diplomat who reportedly talked exclusiv ely with PJ Media, likened the Obama administration s plan in Libya to the amateur ish covert war depicted in the Mike Nochols film, Charlie Wilson s War. The movie te lls the story of an arrogant Texas congressman, Charlie Wilson, who supplies Sti nger missiles to the Afghan guerillas to help them fight the Soviets. It s as if Hil lary and the others just watched that movie and said Hey, let s do that! the diplomat reportedly said. (7:20:57 PM) Chris Antenucci: its just like that movie actually, only worse, cau se in this case the rebels went after us after they were done with gaddafi (7:21:34 PM) Chris Antenucci: He added that he and his colleagues think the leaki ng of General David Petraeus affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell was timed to silence the former CIA chief on these matters, PJ Media reports. (7:21:41 PM) Chris Antenucci: i knew that was fishy too (7:22:11 PM) Chris Antenucci: PJ Media recognizes this is largely hearsay, but th e two diplomats sounded quite credible. One of them was in a position of respons ibility in a dangerous area of Iraq in 2004, PJM s report concludes. (7:22:26 PM) Chris Antenucci: i hope they're telling the truth, and i hope there 's at least a little evidence to back them up (7:22:51 PM) Chris Antenucci: cause this would undo all of obama's attempts up t il now to say republicans are politicizing this and there's no "there" there (7:36:50 PM) Chris Antenucci: Regarding General Ham, military contacts of the di

plomats tell them that AFRICOM had Special Ops assets in place that could have co me to the aid of the Benghazi consulate immediately (not in six hours). (7:37:57 PM) Chris Antenucci: wow (7:37:59 PM) Chris Antenucci: Ham was told by the White House not to send the ai d to the trapped men, but Ham decided to disobey and did so anyway, whereupon th e White House called his deputy and had the deputy threaten to relieve Ham of his command. The White House motivation in all this is as yet unclear, but it is know n that Ham retired quietly in April 2013 as head of AFRICOM. (7:38:19 PM) Chris Antenucci: i dunno how they knew it was the White House, but if this is true, this is def grounds for impeaching obama (7:39:04 PM) Chris Antenucci: he not only lied about giving the command to send troops, he apparently gave the order directly to stand down and let an ambassado r and 3 of our men to die there just to keep the gun running a secret (7:39:55 PM) Chris Antenucci: Hillary Clinton still wanted to proceed because, i n part, as one of the diplomats said, she wanted to overthrow Gaddafi on the chea p. This left Stevens in the position of having to clean up the scandalous enterpri se when it became clear that the insurgents actually were al-Qaeda indeed, in the view of one of the diplomats, the same group that attacked the consulate and end ed up killing Stevens. (7:41:52 PM) Chris Antenucci: so hillary was running guns to terrorists and then covering it up, and then after those same terrorists killed our guys in benghaz i, the president prevented any military personnel from saving them by giving the order to stand down, and then lied about it to protect hillary and also to cove r himself from the consequent blowback that would come to him from her reckless and stupid actions (7:41:55 PM) Chris Antenucci: unreal

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