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LUKA Prema smanjenje emisije staklenikih plinova na internet i telekomunikacije Usred rastue zabrinutosti u iznenaujue velikom koliinom staklenikih

plinova proizvedenih putem Interneta i drugih telekomunikacijskih djelatnosti, izvjeuju istraivai nove modele emisija i potronje energije koja bi mogla pomoi smanjiti emisiju ugljinog dioksida. Njihov se izvjee u asopisu ACS Environmental Science & Technology. Istraivai iz Centra za energetski uinkovit telekomunikacije (CEET) i Bell Labs objasniti da su informacije komunikacija i tehnologije (ICT) industrije, koji isporuuje internet, video, audio i drugih cloud usluge, proizvodi vie od 830 milijuna tona ugljinog dioksida (CO2 ), glavni stakleniki plin, godinje. To je oko 2 posto globalnih emisija CO2 - isti omjer kao zrakoplovnoj industriji proizvodi. Projekcije pokazuju da ICT sektor je udio oekuje se da e udvostruiti do 2020.Tim napominje da kontrolira te emisije zahtijeva preciznije, ali jo uvijek mogue modele koji uzimaju u obzir promet podataka, koritenje energije i emisije CO2 proizvodnja u mreama i drugim elementima u ICT industriji. Postojee procjene modeli su netoni, pa su krenuli razvijati nove pristupe koji bolje rauna za varijacije u opremi i drugih imbenika u ICT industriji. Oni opisuju razvoj i testiranje dva nova modela koji bolje prosuditi potronju energije i emisije CO2 internetskih i telekomunikacijskih usluga. Oni su testirali modele na simulirane mree i na razmjeten mrei koji slui veina kola u Kaliforniji. Oba modela isporuuju bolje procjene od trenutnog "topdown" modele. Istraivai sugeriraju, na temelju svojih modela, da uinkovitije mo koritenje objekata, uinkovitije koritenje energetski uinkovite opreme i obnovljivih izvora energije su tri tipke za smanjenje ICT emisije CO2

Toward reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of the Internet and telecommunications Amid growing concern over the surprisingly large amount of greenhouse gas produced by the Internet and other telecommunications activities, researchers are reporting new models of emissions and energy consumption that could help reduce their carbon footprint. Their report appears in ACS' journal Environmental Science & Technology. Researchers from the Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) and Bell Labs explain that the information communications and technology (ICT) industry, which delivers Internet, video, voice and other cloud services, produces more than 830 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO 2), the main greenhouse gas, annually. That's about 2 percent of global CO 2 emissions -- the same proportion as the aviation industry produces. Projections suggest that ICT sector's share is expected to double by 2020. The team notes that controlling those emissions requires more accurate but still feasible models, which take into account the data traffic, energy use and CO 2 production in networks and other elements of the ICT industry. Existing assessment models are inaccurate, so they set out to develop new approaches that better account for variations in equipment and other factors in the ICT industry. They describe development and testing of two new models that better estimate the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of Internet and telecommunications services. They tested the models on a simulated network and on a deployed network that serves the majority of schools in California. Both models delivered better estimates than the current "top-down" models. The researchers suggest, based on their models, that more efficient power usage of facilities, more efficient use of energyefficient equipment and renewable energy sources are three keys to reducing ICT emissions of CO 2. Source: American Chemical Society elecommunications

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