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NOW THE END BEGINS: Similiarities Between Obama And Hitler

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I believe the children are our future

"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." Adolph Hitler

Similiarities Between Obama And Hitler

A Factual Comparision

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The similarities are terrifying, the conclusion inevitable. On March 23, 1933, the German Parliment met to consider passing a bill that Adolf Hitler had created called the Enabling Act. It was officially called the 'Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich.' Why were the German people in such distress? Because their government was in utter chaos, and the German leaders wanted to reassure the people that everything would be ok. The only fly in the ointment was that the Nazis had, behind the scenes, caused the distress themselves by creating the crisis, so that they could step in and solve it. Sound familiar?

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"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Barack Obama A remarkable aspect of both the personalities of Hitler and Obama is that they both put heavy emphasis on getting the children and young people on board. If a regime is to be successfull, it is imperative that the leaders have the next generation waiting in the wings to carry on the work as the people at the top either step down, or are "forcibly retired."
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Hitler promised the German people that the government would "make use of these powers only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures...The number of cases in which an internal necessity exists for having recourse to such a law is in itself a limited one." So the German congress voted on the bill, with the end result being the legal destruction of the German Democratic Republic. The bill gave Hitler enormous, unprecedented powers to do as he saw fit for the government of the German people. It was the act that offically created a legal dictator who was answerable to no one. The people cheered, and National Socialism became the law of the land from that day forward. source - The History Place


NOW THE END BEGINS: Similiarities Between Obama And Hitler

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On the official web page for Obama's "Organizing For America", we read the following: "Generation Obama/GO is a locallybased but nationally coordinated grassroots movement led by young activists with a simple goal: electing Barack Obama the next President of the United States of America through field work, political organizing and fundraising. With a few committed activists and the savvy to reach thousands of people in your community, your GO chapter can play a powerful role for the Obama campaign. As a member of your local GO chapter, you and other members can utilize the many talents of our country's next great generation in support of the campaign in a variety of meaningful ways."

Powerful speeches to hypnotize and control the eager masses who came to hear them speak

Praise and worship for their leader

In Hitler's Germany, children sang songs as a tribute and as a token of their faith in him. German children were not taught to be patriotic towards their country, they were taught to be patriotic towards their leader. In Obama's America, history is repeating itself as teachers from all over the US compose songs of adoration, not for America but for Obama, that they then teach to the impressionable young children in their charge. In some cases, the children themselves are encouraged to write songs of adoration to Obama (see below)

Today, Barack Obama is changing times and laws in America, giving himself unprecedented power never before seen. His ObamaCare bill. now the law of the land, empowers him to create his own private army, forces citizens to abide by unconstitutional laws, and will use the IRS in much the same way that Hitler used his brown shirts to make people get in line behind his policies. Many Americans will awake to late to the fact that Obama has subverted the United States Constitution, and stolen our precious liberties and freedoms. That's why Obama's followers are encouraged and taught to follow and have faith in Obama the man, and not in our God or in our country. This is exactly the ploy that Hitler used to great and terrible effect in Nazi Germany.


Music and lyrics by Lily Campbell, age 9 We're gonna spread happiness We're gonna spread freedom Obama's gonna change it Obama's gonna lead 'em We're gonna change it And rearrange it We're gonna change the world.

Music and lyrics by Charisse CarneyNunes Mm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama He said that all must lend a hand To make this country strong again Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama He said we must be fair today Equal work means equal pay Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama He said that we must take a stand To make sure everyone gets a chance Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama He said red, yellow, black or white All are equal in his sight Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama Yes! Mmm, mmm, mm Barack Hussein Obama Funny thing about this song is the lyric where it says "red, yellow, black or white All are equal in his sight." Last time I checked that was a line from a song about Jesus and the little children from the 60's.
Rep. Dingell admits that the goal of ObamaCare is to 'control the people'.

Some people would balk at the comparison between Hitler and Obama, saying it was unfair. After all, Hitler started WWII and killed 11,000,000 Jews and Gentiles in death camps, and Obama has done nothing like that. Well, it's only unfair if you compare Hitler at the end of his rule to the beginning of Obama's. But if you compare Hitler and Obama at the beginning of their rise to power, it's extremely fair. Similiarities between Adolf Hitler & Barack Hussein Obama Both Hitler and Obama held rallies in outdoor stadiums to excite and inflame the people's passions. Frequently women would faint or break into tears. Both Hitler and Obama wrote ghost-written autobiographies prior to the start of theri run for political office. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle), and Obama wrote Dreams Of My Father. Both men then wrote a second book talking about their goals for German and America. Hitler wrote A New World Order, and Obama wrote The Audacity of Hope. Both Hitler and Obama originally had last names that were changed later in life. Hitler used to be Schickelbruber, and Obama's last name was Soetoro. Both Hitler and Obama hid their real identies. Hiter had a Jewish ancestry, and Obama a Muslim one. But unlike Hitler, Obama flaunted his Muslim roots in his start as a politician in order to defuse the inevitable firestorm. His ploy of "hiding in plain sight" worked very well. Both Hitler and Obama's supporters followed them blindly, and without question Both Hitler and Obama used political power and coercion to conceal and hide their birth certificates from coming to public view. Hitler made his disappear, and Obama is unwilling and unable to produce his long-form birth certificate. Both Hitler and Obama advocate using young people as a driving force to create an "army" of youth dedicated to their Ideals. Hitler had his Hitler Youth, and Obama his Obama Youth Brigade. Both Hitler and Obama were known for their tremendous oratorical skills Both Hitler and Obama received Messianic comparisons, and both men had songs of


NOW THE END BEGINS: Similiarities Between Obama And Hitler

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adoration written about them and for them. Like Hitler, Obama rules in direct disregard to the will and wishes of the people. Like Hitler, Obama has an obvious distaste for the Jews, and sides with the Muslims every chance he gets. Both Hitler and Obama were able to mezmerize the people even when it was obvious that what they were saying was not true. Both Hitler and Obama used domestic terrorists to launch their careers. Hitler had his Brown Shirts from his beer hall days, and Obama had people like Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Rashid Khalidi. Like Hitler, Obama advocates using murder as a means of population control. Still think it's an unfair comparison? You won't after watching this Obama as messiah - 2009 These songs that are being written about Obama are not campaign songs. They are songs of adoration and worship, in exactly the same way that the German children were taught to adore and revere their "messiah" Adolph Hitler

Hitler as messiah - 1939 "What good fortune for governments that the people do not think." Adolph Hitler "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Hussein Obama

Obama youth pledging allegiance to Obama and promoting his agenda

2010 NOW THE END BEGINS. All rights reserved


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