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Krystalyn LeBarron Mrs.

Krishnan English 11 8 February 2013 Marine Ecosystems Versus Rising Temperatures Growing research has confirmed that many species in the marine ecosystem are being affected by the rising temperatures of Earth. The department that is studying this is known as Marine Biology. Marine biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine or brackish bodies of water. Marine Biologists also study the different occurrences in which the ocean is changing every day. It is has been noted that greenhouse gases are causing the global temperatures on Earth to rise which is affecting all marine life and their ecosystems. Global warming is naturally caused by gases in the atmosphere that trap heat from the sun and keep the earth warm. This is also caused by human activities that emit or release many types of heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2). Which has raisen over the past century to an average global temperature by about 1F (0.6C). The purpose of this literature review is to provide an overview of the radical and factual references that many marine ecosystems are in fact being affected by the rise in temperature. Scientific research is finding that marine ecosystems can be far more sensitive to even the most modest temperature change. Scientists must find an ecofriendly way to help restore marine ecosystems.

The research and data that has been collected by Marine Biologist with in labs show that the marine ecosystems are infact collapsing and being affected the most. With that in mind, ecological extinction of any kind or type is caused by overfishing by fishermans are regular fishers. Pervasive human disturbance to coastal ecosystems exceeds with examples of pollution in the atmosphere, degrading of the water qualit and also anthropogenic climate change ( Historical). The marine ecosystem(s) that are being targeted the most are the Coral Reefs. The main focus to solve this problem is to find out why Coral bleaching and other actions are affecting the why Coral Reefs live and grow. The first and most likely cause of mass bleaching are the high spikes of the high water temperature. With that said, the weakening of the corals, ma cause the making of isolated bleaching with death eventualy and possiblely can make stressors. Stressors can eventualy have a cumulative impact on how marine life is sustained. Some sources of stress may include: Elevated water temperatures and bright sunlight(directly to or slightly directed to the ecosystem) Disease Urban and agricultural runoff pollution, from human or factory waste Salinity shock from heavy rains or floods, and many more.

To achieve resilience, managers usually like to mostly focus on the most outstanding and dangerous threats to coral reefs and their ecosystems. Which this can include land-based or off land-based sources of pollution, overfishing from any type of fishing, and climate change within or outside of Earth. By showing support in the coral community health and ecosystem function, many can deplete the effect of coral reefs being endangered. By

doing this, this will insenigrate the impacts of these dangerous threats and possibly other threats as well (105). Another main focus to solving the issue is on infectious to possibl toxic biotic diseases. Which are caused by a microbial agent. In which some could be examples such as a bacterium, fungus, virus, or protist. These may be spread between host organisms and possibly negativily slow down the host's health. These infectious biotic diseases are affecting the health of Coral Reefs worldwide. Another issue is the effects on the Flounder population. Due to the temperature rises in the ocean due to greenhouse gasses(CO2), Flounders have migrated from their home and travel northward once more. With continued management, all of the fishermens can outwit the first cold front of winter and catch a nicer of the flounder. Research has indicated that not only is the marine ecosystems endangered but also are the animals. Coral Reefs are the most fascinated living organisms in the marine

ecosystem. They come in a variety of color, size, and also range in different climate and water temperature. Each day the lab analysis come back and are updated to present speed of which reefs are being mostly affected and which ones to need more attention. Some of these may include all of the following and more: Agatti, India, Aldabra, Seychelles, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Florida Keys, Great Barrier Reef, Kimbe Bay, PNG, Kiunga, Kenya, Lesser Sunda Ecoregion and more are included in this research (Deep). As you can see there temperature vary due to each reefs being at vary locations on Earth. When water of any source o n Earth heats up, it will most likely expand. Thus, the most readily apparent consequence (for many Marine Biologists)are of higher sea temperatures means a rapid rise in sea

levels( Sea). Most Coral Reefs have a liking to a certain level of water and its temperature. So, arise in temperature and water level will fluctuate how the plants/ organisms live. There are other consequences that are affecting marine ecosystems due to global warming and greenhouse gasses. One of the well known talks are of the polar ice caps melting due to temperature rise all over the world. Which this activity is affecting their structural integrity and will most likey be leading to many shelfs collapseing. Scientists also are in confusion since the oceans are becoming warmer which could interrupt the so-called ocean conveyor belt, and the scientists are not too happy about that. Which the system of global currents that is largely responsible for regulating Earth's temperature may be too high of a risk each year. The destruction of the so-called ocean conveyor belt could trigger catastrophically high and slao rapid climate changes everywhere (Sea). Thus, due to Polar ice melting the Coral Reefs may end up drowning in their own ecosystem that supports them due to human activity and global activity. With technology developing more and more, developers are making any possible ways to make sure that their product is green. The range of research on this world wide developing topic is widespread

throughout the world. The main purpose of these research is to provide an overview of the radical and factual references that many marine ecosystems are in fact being affected by the rise in temperature. This over review is being updated daily due to fluctuations on Earth, therefore research is becoming more and more factual each day. There may be critics out there that say there is no such thing as global warming that causes such fluctuations on Earth says varies critics. Scientific research has found and is still researching that many of Earths marine ecosystems can be and are far more sensitive to

even the slightest and most modest temperature change. Scientists must find an ecofriendly way to help restore marine ecosystems. There may be gaps in research that can show or may not show that there are other causes for the rise in temperature and sea level, but scientific research is valid that global warming is a main cause.

Works Cited "Coral Reefs." Coral Reefs. reef, 2007. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <>. "Deep Sea Treasure." Natural Resources Defense Council. NRDC, 7 June 2011.

Web. 31 Jan. 2013. <>. "Flounder Fishing in Texas." Flounder Fishing in Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 2012. Web. 4 Feb. 2013. <>. Jackson, Jeremy B.C, et al. "Historical Overfishing and the Recent Collapse of Coastal Ecosystems." Science AAAS 2013: 629-37. Print. "NOAAs Coral Reef Conservation." Us Department of Commerance. N.p.: n.p., 2013. N. pag. Print. "Sea Temperature Rise." National Geographic 11 Aug. 1996: n. pag. Print.

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