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Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Equation of a Straight Line Graph Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All students should be able to derive the equation of a positive straight line graph in the form y = mx + c Most students should be able to derive the equation of a straight line graph in the form y = mx + c Some students should be able to derive the equation of a straight line graph using two pairs of coordinates. Keywords: Linear, Gradient, Intercept, Graph, Function Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Students calculate the mid-point of line segments with positive and negative gradients. To extend on this the students could determine the quarter point of each line segment by considering the difference between each of the x and y coordinates. Have solutions presented on mini-whiteboards for assessment and feedback. Development Before deriving the equation of a straight line graph students should be able to plot a linear function graphically. Discuss how a linear function is represented by an intercept (c), which is the value of y when the x value equals zero and a gradient (M) which is a measure of its steepness. For the first function on the second slide the graph intercepts the y axis when x = 0 at 4, therefore c = 4. The gradient is calculate using from the graph it is suitable to choose the coordinates (0,4) and (-2,0) therefore the function is approach.

Resources: Mini-whiteboards Calculators Autograph V3.3 files.

The equation of

Work through the next two examples using a similar

When a function does not extend to the y axis the intercept needs to be calculated by solving for c using a x and y from a coordinate pair. For example the equation between the two points (1,8) and (5,0). when y = 0 x = 5 ( ) therefore Students should be able to derive the equation of each line segment on the third slide independently. The Autograph V3.3 files could be used to share solutions. Plenary The plenary is intended to challenge the students to derive the equation of a straight line without the graph being provided. The class could work in small groups or pairs to attempt this. Encourage the students to sketch the line segment on axes and use algebra to determine the intercept. Have the solutions presented on mini-whiteboards for assessment and feedback. Differentiation More able: Students could present the equation of the functions in the form ax+by-c=0 since this notation is required at a level. Students could derive the equation of a linear function using the gradient equation. Less Able Students may need additional time deriving the equation using integer values for the gradient and intercepts.

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