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Proceedings of the CSEE 0258-8013 (2003) 07-0123-06 + TM301.3 M^vR53: A

Vol.23 No.7 Jul. 2003 2003 470-4024 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.

# ff.MS

LI Hui, YANG Shun-chang (College of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China) ABSTRACT: Although some papers that presented the analysis of
the steady state performances for a Doubly-Fed Synchronous Machine (DFSM) have already been reported, few papers of them analyzed the performances considering harmonic currents in excitation source. In this paper, firstly, based on the analysis of the basic electromagnetic relation for the DFSM, the fundamental and harmonic equivalent circuits are presented and parameters calculating methods in the harmonic equivalent circuit are given. Then, the calculation formulas of the fundamental and steady harmonic as well as pulse harmonic electromagnetic powers are derived. Finally, as an example the steady and pulse harmonic electromagnetic powers as well as total electromagnetic power for the doubly fed machine consisting of an induction machine with wound rotor and a AC-DC-AC voltage type inverter are analysed.

storage station and hydro power plant as well as to wind power generation. The steady state performances and power flow of DFSM were presented in [1-2]. The state variable model and dynamic response were studied in [3]. The steady state analysis of a doubly fed asynchronous machine powered by a current-controlled cycloconvertor on the rotor was made out in [4]. The steady state operation of DFSM can be accomplished when the rotor powered in changing the magnitude, frequency and phase of the voltage or current. Thus, although the generator rotates with variable speed, a constant stator frequency is maintained over a wide operating speed range. The adjustable magnitude, frequency and phase of the excitation source of the rotor of DFSM can be obtained by means of an inverter or a cycloconvertor. However, there are a lot of harmonic components in the excitation current produced by a frequency converter on the rotor. The steady state performance of DFSM must be infected by the harmonic currents in the excitation source on the rotor. The transmitting characteristics of harmonic currents from the rotor windings to the stator windings

KEY WORDS: Doubly-fed synchronous machine (DFSM);

Electromagnetic power; Harmonic



Some research on the Doubly Fed Synchronous

Machines (DFSM) has already been reported in [1-5]. Since the DFSM is a kind of variable-speed constant-frequency synchronous machine, proposed applica-tions have been presented in many fields. For example, application to pump

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124 have been analyzed in [5]. Unfortunately, there are few papers that analyze characteristic of the electromagnetic power in conside-ration of harmonic currents fed to the rotor windings. The authers have solved this problem by using superposition principle in this paper.

+ H * ft i m excitation voltage V2 . E1 and E2 denote the stator

m 23 m

and the rotor internally induced voltages, respectively. Under the case of the iron loss is neglected, on the basis of eq. (1) and Fig.l, the following equations can be derived J(A - I2 )Xm + I(Rs + JXss ) = V (2)


2.1 Equivalent circuit and voltage equation
The DFSM consists of a symmetrical three phase wound rotor connected to a frequency converter through the slip rings on the rotor and a symmetrical three phase winding distributed around a uniform air gap on the stator. The generator is doubly fed as follows: voltage at synchronous frequency is supplied to the stator winding from the utility power network. At the rotor winding the voltage applied by means of the frequency converter has such a frequency that if superimposed on the rotor speed, a synchronously rotating field will result when the fundamental components the voltages and currents at both stator and rotor are considered. Also only the fundamental frequency space MMF waves are considered for stator and rotor. According to the analysis above the fundamental frequency equivalent circuit for DFSM can be expressed as I'2 R'r /S *-

1 - I2 ) Xm - i'2( + JXrs ) = (cosa + J sin a)



The stator and rotor currents are as follows R'r V2 X . VI - + Xm sina ss




XS)] - ^ Xm cosa j> + s (4) V1(Xm + Xra) -^Xm cosa s

V R'r V2 X . VI 1 +Xm sina ss

+ C [V1(Xm +

2 =-^ [Rs cosa - (Xm + X ss )sin a]-


C JV- [Rs sin a + (Xm + Xss )cosa ]- Xm^l-


[Rs sin a + (Xm + X sa) cosa] - XmV11 s I l (5)

Fig.1. v&2 / s = - E 2 - i'2 (R'r / s + JX ;a) V'2 /s

BV -- [Rs cosa - (X m + Xss )sin a]f Cs


2 = -E1 = 1 m (Rm + JXm )

h = I'l+ L Fig.l Fundamental equivalent circuit for DFSM

f Where C = A2 + B2 R A = Rs - Xss (Xm + X's ) - Xm X's

From this equivalent circuit the voltage equation has been established as follows Vx = - Ei + Ii(Rs + jXsa) In above equation the rotor quantities have been referred to the stator. B = Rs (Xm + X^


R s

s (Xss + Xm )

2.2 Fundamental frequency electromagnetic power

Assuming the stator voltage supplied from system is V1 = V1Z0 and the rotor voltage applied from the frequency converter is V, = V2Za for both equivalent circuit and voltage equations. The a is a phase angle between stator voltage V1 and rotor

E1 can be obtained from I1 and 12 . The fundamental frequency electromagnetic power per phase for the DFSM can be expressed as follows Pem = Re [E Where * signifies a complex conjugate


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The parameter equation of the fundamental electromagnetic power for the DFSM can be obtained as follows xm _ Rr V22X2m _ R_ VV2 _

xk _ 1 + 0.107m

nbfk_ bs 50

125 a e x 10



Cs cosa +

R'rXm (Xm + Xs* ) s RsKXm s


Rrk jksoLrka jksaiL ^W\ l T ''s\k U r Irk j, j jksasMk

_ RsXm (Xm + X'* )

+ XKX'ra + Xss )+XmXss X'ra

sin a (7)

m2 Fig.2 Harmonic equivalent circuit for DFSM

Every symbol meaning in the equation (10) can be referenced to literature [6]. Xsk , X;k can be obtained by replacing quantities of equation (10) with quantities for the stator and the rotor respectively. M k _ Xm /w s means the fundamental mutual inductance. sk is the harmonic slip and it can be derived as follows

As equation (7) shown that the fundamental electromagnetic power consists of three parts, the first term can be considered as the electromagnetic power produced by the stator voltage when the rotor windings are shorted. It is a function of the slip when the stator voltage supplied from the system is constant. Thus, the first part is naturally an asynchronous power. The second term can be considered as the electromagnetic power produced by the rotor voltage when the stator windings are shorted at the terminal. So, it is also an asynchronous power. The third term comes into existence only when both stator voltage and rotor voltage are not zero. This term is called synchronous power and it is an essential part of the electromagnetic power for DFSM.

1 +1( ks

sk _



Where wr _ (1 _ s)ws s steady state operation slip for DFSM k harmonic order of excitation voltage k=6n+1 take it positive k=6n-1 take it negative, n _ 1,2,3, .....................

3.2 Steady harmonic powers


3.1 Harmonic equivalent circuit
The harmonic electromagnetic powers for DFSM are caused by the harmonic currents in the rotor windings. The harmonic currents can be calculated from harmonic equivalent circuit and harmonic parameters. Assuming the stator voltage supplied from the system is sinusoidal. Thus the stator quantities are referred to the rotor, the harmonic equivalent circuit neglecting iron loss may be expressed as Fig. 2. The harmonic parameters can be calculated as follows [6]. R sk _ Rs Xsk R;k _ R; Xrk Lsks _ 1.54* /Xk L;ka _ 1.5L;a /X;k (9)

The stator harmonic currents are caused by the harmonic MMF in air gap produced by the rotor harmonic currents. The interaction between the harmonic field in air gap and the stator harmonic currents caused by the same harmonic field produces the steady electromagnetic torques. If there are M kinds of the harmonic voltages in the excitation source, there will be (M-1) kinds of the steady harmonic electromagnetic torques in DFSM. The harmonic electromagnetic torque can be calculated by means of the harmonic equivalent circuit. The general formula of the harmonic electromagnetic torque has been derived as follows

(12) ksm.
R;X;k + ^ Xsk sk

emk _

+ |Xr*L X + X* X
;k sk

2 (1.5ks)2

Where p is the number of pole pair for DFSM Notation +or - of the torque formula depends on

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126 the values of slip(s) and harmonic order (k). For example, when DFSM rotates in the counterclockwise direction, MMF produced by the 5th harmonic current in the rotor winding rotates in the same direction as clockwise along the rotor and its speed is n5Ws _ 5 x 60sfs / p , the rotor speed in the counter-clockwise direction is n _ 60 fs (1 _ s)/ p . When n5 < n , then MMF produced by the 5th harmonic current and MMF produced by the fundamental current rotate in the same direction, therefore the steady harmonic electromagnetic torque should take positive. When n5 > n , the steady harmonic electromagnetic torque should take negative. Thus, the notation of all harmonic torque can be decided by same way above. The all steady harmonic powers may be calculated as follows Pem^k _Y.Temk W /(1 _ sk ) Where W mechanical angular velocity. (13)

+ H t tt i m

m 23 m

same, 6 multiple angular frequency of the rotor fundamental current. In same way, the pulse frequencies for harmonic torque caused by the interaction between the fundamental field and
11th as well as 13th harmonic fields are also the same, 12

multiple angular frequency of the rotor fundamental current. The pulse frequencies for all pulse harmonic torques can be decided by the same method mentioned above.


Calculation of pulse harmonic powers

The pulse harmonic electromagnetic torques can be

calculated by means of the virtual displacement principle, which can be expressed as follows T_

8W 80


Where, p the number of pole pair Wm magnetic energy stored in air gap 0 phase difference between two interacting magnetic fields Assuming the fundamental and kth harmonic flux density
b b


Analysis of pulse harmonic torques

distributed waves in air gap are respectively. (18) g1 _ Bg1cosP0ml


The interaction between all magnetic fields in air gap produces the pulse harmonic torques. As mentioned above, if there are M kinds of the magnetic field in air gap, there will be M (M-1) kinds of the pulse harmonic torques which can be calculated by later mentioned method in this section. Since the rotations of relative to the rotor for all magnetic fields in air gap not only speed but also direction are different. Thus, there is a problem of the pulse frequency for the harmonic torque to need discussion. As an example, the pulse frequencies of the harmonic torque caused by the interaction between the fundamental field and 5th as well as 7th harmonic fields are discussed. As we known, the slip cf DFSM can be expressed s _ (ws _ mr)/ a>s (14) The rotational angular frequency of relative to the rotor for 5th harmonic field caused by 5th harmonic current in the rotor winding is (-5sfts)and the rotational angular frequency of relative to the fundamental field for 5th harmonic field should be (w; _5sws)_a>s __6sws (15) The rotational angular frequency of relative to the rotor for 7th harmonic field caused by 7th harmonic current in the rotor winding is (7sws)and the rotational angular frequency of relative to the fundamental field for 7th harmonic field should be (w; + 7sws) _ a>s _ 6sws (16) Above analysis shown that the pulse frequencies for harmonic torque caused by the interaction between the fundamental field and 5th as well as 7th harmonic fields are the

gk _ Bgk cos(p0m1 + 01k)

Where Bg1 , Bgk fundamental and kth harmonic field amplitude respectively 0m1 mechanical angle from some point on the stator to the point of maximum value of fundamental flux density 0 1k phase difference between fundamental and kth harmonic fields Thus, the resultant magnetic field of the fundamental and kth harmonic fields can be obtained b _ bg1 + bgk _ Bg1 cos P0m1 + Bgk cos(p0m1 + 01k ) (20) The magnetic energy stored in air gap of the funda-mental and the kth harmonic fields can be expressed as follows

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Wm = - dV = 2 m 2m V 7 Where jU = 4p x 1 H/m


z 1 b dv


ak initial phase difference between 5th harmonic current and kth harmonic current can be calculated by means of the harmonic equivalent circuits. In above analysis, the pulse torques produced by the interaction between the arbitrary two kinds of harmonic fields are neglected, because the amplitudes of the arbitrary harmonic fields are smaller than that of the fundamental field. Thus, the sum of the pulse harmonic powers caused by the above harmonic torques can be obtained


m1 = ^g



l effective length of the stator core g effective length of air gap D stator internal diameter Therefore the magnetic energy stored in air gap can be further obtained Wm = Dlg 4U 12p

em1-k = Tem1-k W /(1 - s)


b d0m1 =

(Bg 1 + B


+ 2Bg1Bgk cos^)


4.1 Calculation conditions

The DFSM consists of a wound rotor induction machine connected to AC-DC-AC voltage type frequency converter on the slip rings of the rotor. The machine has a symmetrical three phase

By using the virtual displacement principle the electro-magnetic torque produced by the fundamental and the kth harmonic fields

em1k = P

SW pDl g m g = P --------Bg1Bgk sin01k (23) 2u dQ 1k

windings distributed around a uniform air gap both stator and rotor. The machine is doubly fed as follows voltage at synchronous frequency is supplied to the stator from system, the rotor voltage supplied by means of the above frequency converter. The data of a wound rotor induction machine are as follows Rated power PN = 16GGkW Stator rated voltage VN = 6 kV Number of pole pair p = 3 Stator internal diameter D = 982 mm Stator core effective length l = 384.8 mm Air gap effective length g = 2.982 mm Rated speed nN = 989 r/min Stator winding resistance per phase Rs = .26 Rotor winding resistance per phase Rr = .293 Stator leakage reactance per phase Xss = 0.1180 Rotor leakage reactance per phase Xrs = . 139 Stator and rotor mutual reactance Xm = 3.782 The output phase voltage of AC-DC-AC voltage type frequency converter can be expressed by Fourier series as follows (25)

Where, D, l, g, Bg1, Bgk are constant for steady state operation of DFSM and can be obtained from machine electromagnetic design data. Since the rotational angular frequencies of the fundamental and all harmonic fields are different, Q1k in equation (23) is not constant. Thus, this kind of torque is unstable. According to the analysis of the pulse frequencies of the harmonic torque caused by the interaction between the fundamental field and 5th as well as 7th harmonic fields, the general formula of Q1k in equation (23) can be obtained as follows

1k = m(k 1) sWst


Where, for k = 6n +1, the outside notation of brackets takes + and the inside notation of brackets takes - for k = 6n -1, the outside notation of brackets takes - and the inside notation of brackets takes +, n = 1,2,3, .......... The sum of the harmonic torques produced by the interaction between the fundamental field and all harmonic fields can be expressed as follows T emS1k = Tem1.5 + Tem1.7 + Tem1.k = C5 sin(-6sWsO + C7 sin(6swst + a7) + - + Ck sin(+(k 1)swst + ak) pDl g Where Ck = ^^Bg1Bgk 2U

sin sw st +

+sin ksw st ks


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128 Where Vd DC side voltage k _ 6n +1 positive sequence harmonic voltage k _ 6n _ 1 negative sequence harmonic voltage

+ H t tt i m ft

m 23 m

In this paper the features of electromagnetic power of the DFSM under the steady state operation have been investigated and calculated. The analysis in this paper is very helpful at the systematic design of the DFSM and the excitation system. Although the calculation in this paper was finished on the rotors side powered by AC-DC-AC voltage type frequency converter, the formulas of all harmonic powers, including the steady and pulse harmonic powers, are available for any type of the frequency converter.


Calculation results
By the above conditions the fundamental and the

steady harmonic as well as the pulse harmonic powers have been calculated and plotted on Fig.3 to Fig.7 Pm /kW 1639.3 -------- > ------ 1 -------1 ------- 1 ------1639.2 1639.1 -

[1] Tamura J. Analysis of the steady state characteristics of doubly fed synchronous machines[J]. IEEE Trans on Energy Conversion, 1989, 4(2): 250-255. [2] Vicatos M S. Steady state analysis of a doubly fed induction generator under synchronous operation[J]. IEEE Trans. on Energy conversion, 1989, 4(3): 495-501. [3] Ioannides M G, Doubly fed induction machine state variables model and dynamic response[J]. IEEE Trans. on Energy conversion, 1991, 6(1): 55-61. [4] Machmoum M. Steady state analysis of a doubly fed asynchronous machine supplied by a current-controlled cycloconvertor in the rotor[J]. IEE PROCEEDINGS-B, 1992, 139(2): 114-121. [5] Mitsutoshi Yamamoto, Osamu Motoyoshi. Active and reactive power control for doubly-fed wound rotor induction generator[J]. IEEE Trans. On Power Electronic, 1991, 6(4): 624-629. [6] Chen Shikun. Design of electric machines[M]. Beijing: China Machine Press, 1990. ^0W: 2002-11-14. m m(1974-)^,tWm,W#,SW^*fr.fM*tt

1639.0 -------- 1------- 1 -------1 ------- 1 ------0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 t/s m3 900r/min Fig.3 Fundamental electromagnetic power with =900r/min Pm /kW -0.5 -------- 1 ------- 1 ------- 1 ------- 1--------0.6 - -0.7 -0.8 -------- 1 ------- 1 ------- 1 ------- ------0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 t/s m4 900r/min Fig.4 Total steady harmonic electromagnetic powers with =900r/min Pm /kW


900r/min B}W 5, 7, 11, 13

Fig.5 Pulse harmonic electromagnetic powers produced by 5th. 7th, 11th, 13th harmonic currents with =900r/min Pm /kW

(M^$i Ti4 ?X/^)

m6 900r/min Fig.6 Sum of all electromagnetic powers with =900r/min

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