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Chapter 6: Learning Vocabulary Words: 1. Titillated (adj.) - to stimulate or excite someone. Ex: I was titillated by her gorgeous outfit.

2. Voyeuristic (adj.) - to have sexual interest in or practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors. Ex: He voyeuristically watched from the bush as the two began to kiss. 3. Mannerism (noun) - a unique way of doing something. Ex: He has an annoying mannerism of chewing and speaking at the same time. 4. Polysyllabic (adj.) - a word containing multiple syllables. Ex: Antidote is an example of a polysyllabic word because it consists of three syllables. 5. Primordial (adj.) - constituting a beginning. Ex: Lincolns inauguration was the primordial of the Civil War. 6. Immemorial (adj.) - extending beyond memory. Ex: The last time I read a book is Immemorial. 7. Gregariousness (adj.) - fond of the company of others. Ex: The gregariousness of his speech showed his aspiration to the common man. 8. Sauntered (verb) - to stroll. Ex: As I sauntered through the woods I stumbled upon an ancient rock. 9. Cognitive (adj.) - pertaining to the act or process of knowing, perceiving, remembering ect. Ex: His cognitive search had soon led him to believe that aliens do exist.

10. Argot (noun) a specialized idiomatic vocabulary peculiar to a particular class or group of people especially that of an underworld group, devised for private communication and identification. Ex: In the argot of the port, none of these arguments holds water. Passage: They swappedkings of the school (pg. 73) This passage, along with the rest of the text, is extremely derogatory and taboo even to todays standards. Though profound it portrays the modern suburban school life in the eyes of David Brooks. This passage conveyed how both teachers and classmates were enticed in sex. I honestly cannot believe in school being that addicted to sex especially not during a time where conservatism and religion still socially dominated America. It also disgusts me to read about teachers being aroused by kids talking about sex. Chapter 8: Self-control Vocabulary Words: 1. Conviction (noun) - a fixed belief. Ex: The belief that multiple Gods existed was a popular conviction throughout ancient times. 2. Vindicate (verb) to clear or justify. Ex: The lawyers evidence had vindicated any suspicion towards the accused. 3. Disposition (noun) a characteristic attitude. Ex: Her disposition to the matter was evident when she through a chair at the teacher. 4. Morose (adj.) - gloomily ill-humored person or mood. Ex: The dark and cloudy day created a morose atmosphere throughout the school.

5. Debilitating (verb) - to make weak or feeble. Ex: The debilitated wrestler could barely even get up. 6. Temperament (noun) - the combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person. Ex: His fatigue, stress and anger showed a unique temperament. 7. Oscillate (verb) to swing back and forth. The pendulum oscillated in a peculiar matter. 8. Orchid (noun) a type of plant or a bluish to reddish purple. Ex: The Orchid plant looked beautiful in the sun. 9. Pervasive (adj.) spread throughout. Ex: The corruption is so pervasive that it is accepted as the way to do business. 10. Hippocampus (noun) - a mythical sea horse with two forefeet, and a body ending in the tail of a dolphin or fish. The hippocampus appeared to be a hybrid horse-sea creature. Passage: Erica becamelittle yellow ball. (pg 118) This passage describes Erikas seemingly aggressive and nearly violent tennis obsession. Her engagement to the sport is said to have been the center of her life. This addiction to a personal sport or hobby is not uncommon. There are many peoples lives which revolve around things such as tennis or music ect. I myself am addicted to many sports in a similar aggressive fashion such as football, wrestling, lacrosse and even shotput.

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