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Biggest challenge for a Company It is hard to believe that India has a man power problem where more than half of its 1.25 billion citizens are less than 25 years old, the numbers add up but their employability and training do not. Estimates say only a quarter of the applicants are skilled enough to be profitable employed by industry. Huge shortage of skilled hands gives sleepless nights to managers, especially those responsible for recruitment and training. This problem exists across industries manufacturing, engineering, construction, etc. Consequently, companies have been forced to recruit from outside the area of specialization and spend enormous time and money on training, not knowing how long the employees will stay on in the job. There is a gap between the job requirement and the skills of employees that gap will be filled by only giving training. The training plays a vital role for the organization to show a proper growth. Before the training given they must identify training needs. Most of the companies face a problem when the training needs are identified. BGR Energy System was also facing the problem in identifying the training needs for employees. A study has been taken on the topic, A Study on Training need identification process at BGR Energy system limited which helps BGR Energy System on Training Need Identification and to measure the effectiveness of the Training Programme provided to the employees, thereby provides a scope to improve the current process.

To study the existing training process in BGR Energy systems.

To Evaluate the Existing Training Need Identification process at BGR Energy systems.

To Identify the scope to improve the process


The main aim of the study is to assess the views of the training programmes conducted at BGR Energy system.

The study helps in understanding the needs of the executives in attending training programme.

The study helps the organization to frame out highlights needs and necessity for policies and procedures for training and development.

It covers all areas of training identification and also helps to find out the effectiveness of the training programmes and to give the same as suggestive measures to be taken.

A way to systematically solve the research problem along with the logic behind, defines research methodology. It explains why a research study has been undertaken, how the problem has been defined, in what way and why the hypothesis has been formulated, what data have been collected and what particular method has been adopted, why particular technique of analyzing data has been used and a host of similar other questions are usually answered concerning a research problem or study.

Plan for collecting and utilizing data so that desired information can be obtained with sufficient precision or so that an hypothesis can be tested properly. A Research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. According to Kerlinger Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance.

Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present. In social science and business research we quite often use the term Ex post facto research for descriptive research studies. The main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what has happened or what is happening. Most ex post facto research projects are used for descriptive studies in which the researcher seeks to measure such items as, for example frequency of shopping, preferences of people, or similar data.

Market performance research, promotion research, distribution research, pricing research and competition research as based on the descriptive research design. These studies often describe the relationship between two or more variables. The relationship between the variables may be used for prediction purposes. Descriptive design can be a sound basis for making predictions pertaining to specific marketing problems, although it does not explain the nature of the relationship involved.

A definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population i.e., the technique adopted in selecting items for the sample.

Type of universe:
The Employees of BGR Energy systems who are contacted by means of a survey become the universe or population for the study.

Sampling unit:
A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample. Here, the sampling unit includes the employees of Air fin cooler division and Progen systems limited in BGR Energy system (India) Limited whose head office is available at Chennai.

Sample size:
The total sample size of taken up for the study is 100. The samples are taken from the employees of Air fin cooler division and Progen systems limited in BGR Energy system (India) Limited which is located in Teynmpet, Chennai.

Sampling procedure:
Sampling procedure depends upon the research objectives to be accomplished through the investigation, the technique used in selecting the items for the sample.

For this study, a non-probability sampling method is used which does not afford any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the universe or population has of being included in the sample. It is also known by names such as deliberate sampling, purposive, convenience and judgement sampling.

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design/plan chalked out. Before collecting the data I decided to take both primary data and secondary data. So the sources of data are primary and secondary data.

Primary data:
The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be original in character. In the study I collected the primary data with the help of Questionnaires and Interview Method.

Secondary data:
The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process. In the study I collected secondary data with the help of the Training Need Form in the Organization.


The methodology adopted to collect the data was through Interview method and Questionnaire method. 1. Interview method: The interview method of collecting data involves presentation of oral-verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal responses. The study conducted through personal interviews.

Personal interview: Personal interview method requires a person known as

the interviewer asking questions generally in a face-to-face contact to the other person or persons. In the study the collection of data is done on unstructured interview with the employees in the organization.

2. Questionnaire method: This method of data collection is quite popular. In this method a questionnaire is given to each employee in the organization concerned with a request to answer the questions and return the questionnaires. The questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed in a definite order on a form. General form Dichotomous Multiple choices Rating Closed Ended

The data, after collection has been processed and analyzed in accordance with the outline laid down for the purpose at the time of developing the research plan. The collected data are tabulated, analyzed by using diagrams, graphs and charts. Bar diagrams and pie charts (with mean score) are used for better interpretation. The statistical tools used for the analysis: Percentage analysis Chi-square Test

Percentage method is used in making comparison between two or more series of data. This method is used to describe the subsisting relationship among the variables.

No. of respondents Percentage of respondents = Total No. of respondents X 100

The chi-square test is an important test amongst the several tests of significance developed. It is a statistical measure used in the context of sampling analysis to determine whether there is any significant difference exists among the groups. Chi-square Test involves comparison of the Expected frequency (E ij) with Observed frequency (Oij).To determine whether the difference between the two is greater than which might occur by chance. The Chi-square Test is given by the formula,

2 = [(Oi Ei )2] / Ei
Where, 2 - Chi-square Oi - Observed frequency Ei - Expected frequency As a non- parametric test, it can be used to determine if categorical data shows dependency or the classifications are independent.


Every study has its own drawbacks or limitations and the same for this study is listed as follows: Time factor period was not enough for a thorough survey with employees. Since the respondents were largely busy during morning section, interviews had to be held in the post-lunch sections or evenings. Sometimes the respondents needed to be contacted again for further clarifications in filling the questionnaire. Omissions of replies to certain questions. Some employees were not interested in filling the questionnaire. Getting appointment with the senior management level for interview became difficult


Division Air Fin Cooler Division Progen Systems Limited Total No. of Respondents 68 32 100 Percentage 68% 32% 100%

Table: 4.1 Division of the Employees

Division chart


Air fin cooler Division Progen Systems Limited


Chart: 4.1 Division of the Employees


It is obviously shows that 68% of Respondents belongs to Air Fin Cooler Division and 32% of Respondents belong to Progen Systems Limited.

Table: 4.2 Age of the Employees

Age Below 20 21 30 31 40 41 50 Above 50 Total No. of Respondents 30 55 15 100 Percentage 30% 55% 15% 100

60 No. of Respondents 50 40 30 20 10 0 Below 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 Age 41 - 50 Above 50 30 15 55

Chart: 4.2 Age of the Employees


30% of employees belong to the age group of 21 30, 55% of employees belong to the age group of 31 40 and 15% of employees belong to the age group of 41 50. The high percentage of respondents belongs to the age group of 31 40.

Table No. 4.3 Levels of the Employees

Levels No. of Respondents Percentage Junior Management 65 65% Middle Management 20 20% Senior Management 15 15% Total 100 100

Management Levels chart


20% 65%

Junior management Middle management Senior management

Chart 4.3 shows levels the respondents belongs

It is obviously shows that 65% of employees belong to Junior Management, 20% of employees belong to Middle Management and 15% of employees belong to Senior Management. High percentage of employees belongs to Junior Management.


Table: 4.4 Experience of Employees

Years of Experience Below 1 year 1 2 years 2 5 years 5 10 years Above 10 years Total No. of Respondents 10 22 22 20 26 100 Percentage 10% 22% 22% 20% 26% 100

Experience Chart
No. of Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Below 1 year 12 years 25 years Years 5 10 years Above 10 years 10 22 22 20 26

Chart: 4.4 Experience of Employees

In the Above chart it clearly shows tat 10% of employees worked below 1 year, 22% of employees worked between 1 2 years, 22% of employees worked between 2 5 years, 20% of employees worked between 5 10 years and 26% of employees worked Above 10 years. So, experienced employees work more in this organization.


Table: 4.5 Employees Conversant With Their Job

Conversant with Job Yes No Total No. of Respondents 76 24 100 Percentage 76% 24% 100%

24% 76% Yes No

Table: 4.5 Employees Conversant With Their Job

In the above chart it is clearly mentioned that 76% of employees are conversant with their job and 24% of employees are not conversant with their jobs.


Table: 4.6 The Training Need Identification Process is Done on The Basis of Organizational Objectives

TNI is Done on Organizational Objectives Yes No Total

No. of Respondent Percentage 76 24 100 76% 24% 100%

No 24%

Yes 76%

Chart: 4.6 The Training Need Identification Process is done on The Basis of Organizational Objectives


76% of Employees are saying Training Need Identification Process is done on the bases of Organizational Objective and 24% of Employees are saying TNI is not done on the bases of Organizational Objectives.

Table: 4.7 The Satisfaction Level of The Employees on Training Need Identification Process
Feeling About TNI Process Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total No. of Respondents 5 65 22 4 4 100 Percentage 5% 65% 22% 4% 4% 100%


Satisfaction level of employees about TNI Process

70 60 Percentage 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Netural Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied 5 22 4 4 65

Chart 4.7 The Satisfaction Level of The Employees on Training Need Identification Process
In the above chart it is clearly stated that the Satisfaction level of employees is good. 5% employees are highly satisfied with TNI Process, 65% of employees are satisfied, 22% of employees are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4% of employees are dissatisfied and 4% of employees are highly dissatisfied.

Table: 4.8 Training Required For Completing Tasks


Options Yes No Total

No. of respondents 74 26 100

Percentage 74% 26% 100%

Training Requirment Chart

No 26%

Yes 74%

Chart: 4.8 Training Required For Completing Tasks

In the above chart it is clearly shown that 74% of employees are required training for completing their tasks effectively and 26% of employees does not require training.


Table: 4.9 The Types of Training given in BGR Energy System

Type of Training Cross- functional training Creativity Training Skills Training Refresher, Cross- functional, Creativity, Skills Training Total No. of Respondents 10 8 54 28 100 Percentage 10% 8% 54% 28% 100%

10% 28% 8%

Cross-functional training Creativity Training Skills Training refresher,crossfunctional,creativity, skill trainings


Chart: 4.9 The Types of Training given in BGR Energy System

It is obviously shown in the chart that 54% employees says skills training is given, 28% of employees says all the three training are given, 10% of employees says cross-functional training is given and 8% of employees says creativity training is given.


Table: 4.10 The Training Received Matches Each Employees Job

Options Yes No Total No. of Respondents 80 20 100 Percentage 80% 20% 100%

Training Received Matches the Job

No 20%

Yes 80%

Table: 4.10 The Training Received Matches Each Employees Job

It is obviously shown in the chart as 80% of employees tell training received matches the job, 20% of employees tells training does not matches the job.


Table: 4.11 The Method of Training Received by the Employees

Training Methods On the Job Training Off the Job Training Total No. of Respondents 65 35 100 Percentage 65% 35% 100%

Method of Training Received


On the Job Training Off the Job Training

Table: 4.11 The Method of Training Received by the Employees

It is obviously shown in the chart as 65% of employees have received on the job training, 35% of employees have received off the job training.


Table: 4.12 Types of On-the-Job Training Received by the Employees

Types of on the job training Job Instruction training Mentoring Job Rotation Apprenticeship training Total No. of Respondent 45 8 9 3 65 Percentage 69% 12% 14% 5% 100%

Types of On-the-job training

12% 14% 69% 5%

Job Instruction training Mentoring Job Rotation Apprenticeship training

Chart: 4.12 Types of On-the-Job Training Received by the Employees

From the above chart it is clearly seen that 69% of employees undergone job instruction training, 12% undergone mentoring, 14% of employees undergone job rotation, 5% of employees undergone apprenticeship training.


Table: 4.13 The Duration from the Training The employee Ask and Training an employee gets
Time Duration Immediate staggered Delayed Total No. of Respondent 68 14 18 100 Percentage 68% 14% 18% 100%

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Immediate staggered Delayed 14 18 68 No. of Respondent

Chart: 4.13 The Duration from the Training The employee Ask and Training an employee gets
From the above chart it is clearly seen that 68% of employees said the action is immediate, 14% of employees said the action is staggered and 18% of employees said the action is delayed.


Table: 4.14 Have the Employees Undergone Any Training on Behavioral or Emotional Training
Options Yes No Total No. of Respondents 16 84 100 Percentage 16% 84% 100%

Yes 16%

No 84%

Chart: 4.14 Have the Employees Undergone Any Training on Behavioral or Emotional Training
From the above chart it is clearly seen that 84% of employees have not undergone any training on behavioral or emotional training and 16% of employees have undergone behavioral or emotional training programme.

Table: 4.15 Training Need Identification Done in the organization


Options Training Need Forms Performance Appraisal Both Total

No. of respondents 50 34 16 100

Percentage 50% 34% 16% 100%

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Training Need Forms Performance Appraisal Both 50 34 16

No. of respondents

Chart: 4.15 Training Need Identification Done in the organization

From the above chart it is clearly seen that 50% of employees said the training need is identified with the training need forms, 34% of employees said it is done with performance appraisal and 16% of employees said it is done with the help of the both the forms.

Table: 4.16 The Training Programs Attended by the Employees

Skills 25 Mean score

Communication skills Technical skills Decision-making skills Leadership skills Interpersonal skills Time management

3.50 4.09 3.08 3.15 3.45 2.01

Skills chart
Leadership skills 3.15

Decision Making skills, 3.08

Technical skills, 4.09

Interpersonal skills 3.45

Time Management, 2.01

communication skills, 3.5

Chart: 4.16 The Training Programs Attended by the Employees

It is obviously shown in the chart that the mean score for technical skill is 4.09, followed by communication skills is 3.5, followed by Interpersonal skills is 3.45, Leadership skills is 3.15, Decision making skills is 3.08 and Time management is 2.01.

Table: 4.17 The Overall Satisfaction Level of the Employees about the Training Programmes
Options Very Good Good No. of Respondents 3 63 Percentage 3% 63%


Average Poor Very Poor Total

29 2 3 100

29% 2% 3% 100%

overall satisfaction level of training programmes

No. of Respondents 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 63

29 3 Very Good Good Average options 2 Poor 3 Very Poor

Chart: 4.17 The Overall Satisfaction Level of the Employees about the Training Programmes
It is obviously shown in the chart that 3% of employees have rated very good for the training programmes, 63% of employees rated good, 29% of employees rated average, 2% of employees rated poor and 3% of employees rated very poor for the training programmes.



Ho: There is no significant different between the satisfaction level of employees amongst the management levels regarding Training Programmes. Table: 4.18 Satisfaction level of Employees about the Training Programme Levels Response Satisfied 57 56.95 Neutral 25 24.65 Dissatisfied 3 2.55 Ci 85 15 2 05 0.75 100 4 4.35 10 3.04 29 67 Junior level Senior Level Ri

2 = 3.45
Degree of freedom (D.F) = (r-1) (s-1) Degree of freedom = (3-1) (2-1) = 2 Table value at 5% level of significance with 2 degrees of freedom= 5.991 Since calculated value < Table value (i.e.) 3.45 < 5.991 Thus Ho is accepted. CHI-SQUARE TEST TO FIND OUT THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TRAINING NEED IDENTIFICATION PROCESS AND SATISFACTION LEVEL OF THE EMPLOYEES Hypotheses Ho: There is no significant different between the satisfaction level of employees amongst the management levels regarding training need identification process. 28

Table 4.19 Satisfaction level of employees about Training need identification process Levels Response Satisfied 61 57.8 Neutral 8 11.90 Dissatisfied 6 6.80 Ci 75 15 2 08 1.20 100 6 2.10 7 10.20 14 68 Junior level Senior Level Ri

2 = 10.3297
Degree of freedom (D.F) = (r-1) (s-1) Degree of freedom = (3-1) (2-1) = 2 Table value at 5% level of significance with 2 degrees of freedom= 5.991 Since calculated value > Table value (i.e.) 3.45 > 5.991 Thus Ho is rejected.

Biggest challenge for a Company


It is hard to believe that India has a man power problem where more than half of its 1.25 billion citizens are less than 25 years old, the numbers add up but their employability and training do not. Estimates say only a quarter of the applicants are skilled enough to be profitable employed by industry. Huge shortage of skilled hands gives sleepless nights to managers, especially those responsible for recruitment and training. This problem exists across industries manufacturing, engineering, construction, etc. Consequently, companies have been forced to recruit from outside the area of specialization and spend enormous time and money on training, not knowing how long the employees will stay on in the job. There is a gap between the job requirement and the skills of employees that gap will be filled by only giving training. The training plays a vital role for the organization to show a proper growth. Before the training given they must identify training needs. Most of the companies face a problem when the training needs are identified. BGR Energy System was also facing the problem in identifying the training needs for employees. A study has been taken on the topic, A Study on Training need identification process at BGR Energy system limited This study helps BGR Energy System on Training Need Identification and to measure the effectiveness of the Training Programme provided to the employees, thereby provides a scope to improve the current process.


To study the existing training process in BGR Energy systems.


To Evaluate the Existing Training Need Identification process at BGR Energy systems.

To Identify the scope to improve the process



The main aim of the study is to assess the views of the training programmes conducted at BGR Energy system.

The study helps in understanding the needs of the executives in attending training programme.

The study helps the organization to frame out highlights needs and necessity for policies and procedures for training and development.

It covers all areas of training identification and also helps to find out the effectiveness of the training programmes and to give the same as suggestive measures to be taken.

76% of employees are conversant with their job and 24% of employees are not conversant with their job. 76% of them said the Training Need identification is done on the bases of Organization Objectives. 32

65% of employees are satisfied with the Training Need identification process done. 74% of employees need training to complete their tasks more effectively. Most of the employees said skill training is done in this organization and other training is also concentrated. 80% of employees agree that training received matches the job. 65% of employees received on-the- Job training, 35% of employees received off-the-job training. The employees attended the on-the-job training were more concentrated on Job instruction method. 68% of employees agree the training is given immediately after the need identification is done. Most of the employees did not undergone behavioral or emotional training. 50% of employees said the training need is identified with the help of Training form, 34% of employees said it is done with performance appraisal and 16% of employees said it is done with the help of the both the forms. Training need is identified for the employees. The employees say that the training programmes are mostly concentrated on technical training and rest of the employees says they have to concentrate on soft skills also. Most of the respondents agree that training helps to improve their technical skills managerial skills and for self motivation. The employees satisfaction level about the training programmes is good and few employees are not satisfied with the training programmes.



The Company can explain the job description for the new employees before the induction process in conducted. Few employees are not familiar with their jobs; they need to be concentrated. The training need identification is done according to the organization objective which is a good sign for the companies growth. Training form can be reworked to know where exactly the employees lack. Different types of on-job-training can be given to get a good end result from the employees. The training team can have a regular interaction with the employees about their training. The discussion between the Training and Development team and Performance appraisal team will help to know exactly where the employee lacks. Some more motivation is expected from the immediate boss for the employees. The technical skills conducted by the company are very effective. They can concentrate on the soft skills. The number of days and hours of the training given for employees need to be increased. Most of the employees feel they lack in the team management, training department need to concentrate on that area. The Junior level and Middle level employees need to be trained in both Technical and behavioral training. The Senior level employees need training on behavioral training like presentation skills, decision-making skills etc. The employees in the factory require training on quality management, safety measure training and about the latest technology etc.


The study is all about the training need identification process. The training need is identified by giving the training need form for the employees and filled by the employees itself which helps to know the training needed by the employees. The training programme given in BGR Energy System Limited is effective. The training need identified is done and training is given immediately for the employees. This helps the employees to give best of their work. The outcome of the research is that the employees feel that they might have given a clear job description before they enter into their work, which will help them to know the exact work they need to do. Employees think that the number of days and hours of training program can be increased. The technical skills training programme given in this organization is more effective. The employees are satisfied with the technical skills training programme and the company can continue the same programmes for the employees. All types of training programmes are given for the employees and employees are also satisfied with the training programmes. The company can concentrate on the soft skills training programme because most of the employees wanted training on communication skills, interpersonal skills, presentation skills, etc. The Training need can be identified separately for the management level and Training programmes can also be conducted separately for the management level helps to improve the training need identification process in BGR Energy System and obtain benefits out of it.



1. Goldstein, I. L. (1974). Training in organizations: Needs assessment, development, and evaluation (2nd ed.). Monterey: CA: Brooks/Cole. 2. Boy dell,t.h., A Guide to the Identifiaction of Training Need, BACIE, 1976. 3. Yin, R. K. (1994). Case study research: Design and methods (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage. 4. Gupta, K. (1999). A practical guide to needs assessment.San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. 5. Prasad, & Jogendra, Human Resources Management 6. Rudrabasavaraj, Human Resources and Personnel Management. 7. Pattanagak , Human Resources Management 2002 8. Jay Kumar, Human Resources Management. 9. Douglas Ready and Jay Conger, Identify a growing trend,

Harvard Business Review, June 2007. 10. C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques, Second Revised Edition, 2006, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.





a. Department b. Division c. Age Below 20 d. Gender e. Level

: :

Air Fin Cooler Division . Power Project Division Progen Systems limited. : 21 30 : : Junior Management (Jr. Executives, Engineers, Executives, Sr. Executives) Middle Management (Managers, Dy. Managers, Asst. Managers) Senior Management (VP, G.M. Sr.DGM, DGM, Sr.Manager) 31 40 Male 41- 50 Above 50 Female

f. Since how long you have been working for BGR Energy system? Less than one year One year to less than two years Two years to less than five years Five years to less than ten years Ten years or more

2. Are you conversant with the job? Yes No

3. Is the TNI process done on the basis of the organization objectives? Yes Resource utilization Task or Role No 4. How the TNI process is done in this organization?


Personal traits

5. What do you feel about TNI Process in this organization? Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

6. Do you feel training is required to complete your tasks? Yes No

7. What types of training provided by BGR Energy System? a) Refresher Training b) Cross-Functional training c) Creativity training d) Skills training e) Above all 8. Does the training received match your current job? Yes No

9. What method of training you receive in this organization? On the job training Off the job training

10. What method of On the job training you underwent in this organization? a) Job instruction training b) Coaching c) Mentoring d) Job rotation e) Apprenticeship training 11. What is the time duration from the training you ask and training you get? Immediate Staggered Delayed


12. Have you undergone any training on Behavioral or emotional? Yes No

13. How are the training need identified in this organization? a) Training need forms b) Performance appraisal c) Both 14. Rate the following training you undergone in this organization? 1. Highly Dissatisfied 4. Satisfied Skills Communication skills Technical Skills Decision Making skills Leadership Skills Interpersonal Skills Time Management 2.Dissatisfied 5 3.Neither satisfied not dissatisfied 4 3 2 1 5. Highly Satisfied

15. What is your overall satisfaction level regarding the training program of this organization? Very Good Good Average Poor Very Poor


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