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Kw¤úDUvi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª

w·gvnbx evRvi (†ij†MU msjMœ), KzwoMÖvg|
‡dvb: 01914957344 / 01722855738 Paint

Microsoft Paint Ggb GKwU Software hv w`‡q A‡bK cÖKvi AvuKv AvuwKi KvR Kiv hvq|
Paint ivb Kiv t Start evU‡b wK¬K Kiyb  All Programs G wK¬K Kiyb  Accessories †_‡K Paint G
wK¬K Kiyb  ax‡i ax‡i Paint Gi DB‡Ûv Pvjy n‡e|
†mvRv †iLv AsKb t In the toolbox, click Line  Below the toolbox, click a line width  Drag the pointer to
draw the line.
euvKv †iLv AsKb tIn the toolbox, click Curve  Below the toolbox, click a line width  Draw a straight
line by dragging the pointer  Click where you want one arc of the curve to be, and then drag the pointer to
adjust the curve  Repeat this step for a second arc  You can only create two curves for each line.
e„Ë AsKb t In the toolbox, click Ellipse  Below the toolbox, click a fill style  Drag the pointer to draw
the ellipse or circle.
‡PŠ‡Kvbv AsKb t In the toolbox, click Rectangle  to create a square-cornered shape, or click Rounded
Rectangle  to create a round-cornered shape  Below the toolbox, click a fill style. To draw a rectangle, drag
the pointer diagonally in the direction you want  To draw a square, hold down SHIFT while dragging the

eûfyR AsKb t In the toolbox, click Polygon.  Below the toolbox, click a fill style  Drag the pointer to
draw a straight line  Click once at each position where you want a new line segment to appear  Double-click
when done.

‡U·U ms‡hvRb t In the toolbox, click Text.  To create a text frame, drag the pointer diagonally to the size
you want  On the text toolbar, click the font, size, and style you want for the text  If the text toolbar is not
displayed, on the View menu, click Text Toolbar  You can drag the toolbar to any location in the window
Type your text  You can also paste text into a text box, but not graphics.

¶z`ªZg övb gy‡Q ‡djv t In the toolbox, click EraserBelow the toolbox, click an eraser size  Right-
click a color in the color box if the color you want to erase with is different from the current background color
 Drag the pointer over the area you want to erase.

e„nËi övb gy‡Q ‡djv t In the toolbox, click Select  to select a rectangular area, or click Free-Form
Select to select a freeform area  Select the area you want to erase  On the Edit menu, click Clear

foreground Ges background Gi iO wbe©vPb t To set the foreground color, click a color in the color box.
To set the background color, right-click a color in the color box.

wbe©vwPZ ¯’vb iO w`‡q c~b© Kiv t In the toolbox, click Fill With Color  Click or right-click a
color in the color box if the color you want is different from either the current foreground color or background
color  Click or right-click the area or object you want to fill.

eªuvk w`‡q AuvKv t In the toolbox, click Brush  Below the toolbox, click a brush shape To paint, drag
the pointer over the image.

Gqvi eªuvk w`‡q AuvKv t In the toolbox, click AirbrushBelow the toolbox, click a spray size  To
spray, drag the mouse pointer over the image.

we‡kl iO †e‡Q †bqv tIn the toolbox, click Pick Color Click the area containing the color you want to
copy  In the toolbox, click Fill With Color  Click the object or area where you want the new color.

AswKZ Qwe †K †W·U‡c Avbv tSave the picture  On the File menu, click either of the following
commands  Set As Background (Tiled) covers the desktop with repetitions of your picture.

GKwU Qwei Dci Avi GKwU Qwe wb‡q Avm v t In the toolbox, click Select and then drag the pointer to
define an area for the inserted file. On the Edit menu, click Paste From. Locate and double-click the file
you want to insert.
Qwe ‡K Nyiv‡bv tIn the toolbox, click Select to select a rectangular area or click Free-Form Select to
select a freeform area. Draw a box around the item you want to flip or rotate. On the Image menu, click
Flip/Rotate  Click one of the options under Flip or rotate.

GKwU Qwe‡K msi¶Y Kiv t Click file  click Save as  Type file name  select jpeg  click Save,.

Kw¤úDUvi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª
w·gvnbx evRvi †ij‡MU msjMœ),KzwoMÖvg|
‡dvb: 01914957344 / 01722855738

Windows Media Player Gi cwiPq

Windows Media Player Ggb GKwU Software hv w`‡q Mvb †kvbv, wfwWI ‡`Lv mn
we†bv`b gyjK A‡bK KvR Kiv hvq|
Windows Media Player ivb Kiv
Start evU‡b wK¬K Kiyb  All Programs G wK¬K Kiyb  Accessories G wK¬K Kiyb
 Entertainment G wK¬K Kiyb  Windows Media Player Pvjy n‡e|
Mv‡bi dvBj Open Kiv
File G wK¬K Kiyb  Open G wK¬K Kiyb  Gi ci Kw¤úDUv‡ii †h ¯’v‡b Mv‡bi
dvBj ¸wj †i‡L‡Qb †m ¯’v‡b hvb Files of type G Any file wm‡j± Ki“b  †h †h Mvb
ïb‡Z Pvb †mB †mB Mv‡bi dvBj ¸wj wm‡j± Ki“b  Open G wK¬K Kiyb j¶¨ Ki“b
Mvb evR‡Z ïi“ K‡i‡Q|
Windows Media Player G hw` Pause evU‡b wK¬K K‡ib Z‡e Mvb ¯’wMZ n‡e|
cybivq Pvjy Ki‡Z Play evU‡b wK¬K Kiyb| hw` Stop evU‡b wK¬K K‡ib Z‡e Mvb
eÜ n‡e| hw` Skip Forward evU‡b wK¬K K‡ib Z‡e cieZx© Mvb Avm‡e| hw` Skip
Backward evU‡b wK¬K K‡ib Z‡e cye©eZx Mvb Avm‡e| fwjDg Kgv‡Z fwjDg
evU‡bi eviwU ev‡g mwi‡q w`b , fwjDg e„w× Ki‡Z fwjDg evU‡bi eviwU Wv‡b
mwi‡q w`b |
C D ‡_‡K Mvb ïb†Z PvB‡j C D Rom G wW¯‹ cÖ‡ek Kivb | GLb cy‡e©i c×wZ gZ
Mvb ïb‡Z cv‡ib| ïay gvÎ dvB‡ji †jv‡Kkb wnmv‡e C D Rom wm‡j± K‡ib|

Microsoft Office Picture Manager ivb Kiv

Start evU‡b wK¬K Kiyb  All Programs G wK¬K Kiyb  Microsoft Office †_‡K
Microsoft Office Tool G wK¬K Kiyb  Microsoft Office Picture Manager ax‡i ax‡i G
wK¬K Kiyb  Microsoft Office Picture Manager Gi DB‡Ûv Pvjy n‡e|
Qwe c`©vq wb‡q Avmvi Dcvq
File ‡gby‡Z wK¬K Kiyb > Locate pictures G wK¬K Kiyb > Look in bvgK Wªc WvDb
e‡· wK¬K Kiyb > †h †jvKvj wW‡¯‹ Avcbvi Qwe Av‡Q †mUv wbev©Pb Kiyb >
Ok Kiyb| Add pictures Shortcuts ‡_‡K †h †dvìv‡i Qwe Av‡Q Zvi Mv‡q wK¬K Kiæb
> c`©vq Qwe ev Qwe mgyn cÖ`wk©Z n‡e > †hwU‡K m¤úv`bv Ki‡Z Pvb
†mwUi Mv‡q Wej wK¬K Kiyb|
Qwei D¾jZv n«vm-e„w×i Dcvq
†h Qwei D¾jZv e„w× Ki‡Z Pvb Zvi Mv‡q Wvej wK¬K Kiyb > Zvici Edit pictures
Gi Mv‡q wK¬K Kiyb > Brightness and contrast GwK¬K Kiyb > Brightness evi‡K
Wv‡b miv‡j Av‡jv e„w× nq Ges ev‡g miv‡j Av‡jv nv«m cvq |
Contrast evi‡K Wv‡b miv‡j Av‡jv Ges AÜKvi Gi cv_©K¨ e„w× cvq Ges ev‡g miv‡
Av‡jv Ges AÜKvi Gi cv_©K¨ n«vm cvq| Midtone evi‡K ev‡g miv‡j QwewU †Nvjv
n‡e Ges Wv‡b miv‡j †Nvjv †_‡K gy³ n‡e|
QwewUi Color cwieZ©b Kiv|
Edit pictures Gi Mv‡q wK¬K Kiyb > Color Gi Mv‡q wK¬K Kiyb> Avcwb Qwei
Kvjvi †h iO Gi Ki‡Z Pvb Hue Gi evi‡K †mB Kvjv‡ii Dci ivLyb | Zvici Amount evi‡K
Wv‡b ev ev‡g miv‡j Avcbvi wbev©wPZ i‡Oi n«vm eªw× cÖ`k©b Ki‡e | Avevi
Saturation evi‡K Wv‡b I ev‡g miv‡j iO D¾j I †Nvjv‡U n‡e | Gfv‡eB Avgiv GKUv
Qwei iO cwieZ©b Ki‡Z cvwi|
QwewUi AcÖ‡qvRbxq Ask ev` †`qv
Edit pictures Gi Mv‡q wK¬K Kiyb > Crop Gi Mv‡q wK¬K Kiyb > cÖ‡qvRbxq Ask
†e‡Q wbb >Ok Ki“b > †`Lyb AcÖ‡qvRbxq Ask¸‡jv evwZj n‡q‡Q|
Qwe‡K †Nviv‡bv
Edit pictures Gi Mv‡q wK¬K Kiyb >Rotate and flip Gi Mv‡q wK¬K
Kiyb>cÖ‡qvRbxq Ackb e¨venvi K‡i Qwe ‡Nvivb

GKwU Qwe‡K msi¶Y Kiv t dvB‡j wK¬K Ki“b  Save as G wK¬K Ki“b 
Type file name e‡· bvg w`b  Save G wK¬K Ki“b|

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