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All desires are desires to reach the object of the desire Object of the desire is forever away Always

illusory it remain Desire to complete desire is never achieved Though hard it tries again and again The flesh is mere covering Object of the desire is beyond the flesh Desire for flesh is desire to reach beyond flesh Beyond the flesh is not some other Beyond the flesh is next me Me that flies to reach object of desire Is the me that flies to reach next me The me that flies to reach next me Is the me who flies to escape from me The me who tries to escape Is the me that lives in the dark The me that lives in the dark Is the me that needs my healing caress That me tries hard to be in the open That me always horrifies me To escape from that I create desires That me that needs my healing caress That me is the end of all my desires.

Swaran Omcawr Poetry is to read thoughts within thoughts You got it, I am grateful desire by itself is not bad and is necessary for flow of life but that is true when you encounter desire occasionally but pleasure seeking mind is conditioned by desire thus they create trouble thus they attain the power to obliterate the normal flow of life even but to have spiritually enlightening experience also starts as desire the intense desire even You rightly said that a person well engaged in Karma (action) have little time to desire or to have conditioned desires so we all must have a "home" home is the basic ground of ours from which we start or move the mind like your home page on laptop

but that home should have little movement of its own merely resting zone about desire it is said- In Buddhism

The people who choose a desireless lifestyle (not to have desire) suffer in a different way from people that choose to have desire. The only way to have desire and not suffe, is to have no desire to have desire. It sounds like a 'Zen Koan' doesn't it? To end our suffering we need to end our desire, our craving,our thirst.
You have given three thoughts in form of proverbs Kanchan ji perhaps most appropriate one is Zen Proverb "The moment we desire to be something, we are no longer free." Thanks for sharing But we must also learn the conditioning part of our thought patterns the proverbs for us they stand for behavioral wisdom but are they the eternal wisdom but don't they conform (bind) us to a pattern dont they curb our freedom to independently investigate the truth we must be aware of our own thought patterns too

even desire to have enlightening experience is quite prevalent among all strata of people but what is lacking is the necessary effort for its fulfillment there is also lack of necessary know-how, a proper guidance even people club worldly power with the spirituality and Gurudom While others among us have a kind of thought that to have spiritually enlightenment is somewhat difficult they perhaps don't understand the simplicity of its operation of mind and spirit like a Zen-thought "how marvelous! how beautiful!! i can draw water, i can carry wood!!!" we become passionate and lustful when we do not give thought to these simple things in life thanks for sharing your thoughts Anand ji Dear Dr. Kohli ji thanks for your appreciating words also thanks for that wonderful panacea for our problems created by our untamed desires

perhaps when I say to meet the real me in me is the same to keep reminding ourselves what you call the presence of He The desires becoming our problems are perhaps because we are detached from the real source in us and had adopted the biological way of life Thanks Shreya ji you got some light Beauty of nature, this exuberant nature would not been there, had there not been the underlying soul This cheerful, enthusiastic human body would have been nothing without soul Soul being essence And matter reveals the essence (that is the whole idea) But another extension of this idea which most of (western) philosophers believe namely Spinoza, Sartre is Matter precedes essence (essence came latter, evolved later) But we on eastern side believe the opposite. The primeval Purusha makes union with Prakriti and create Maya this illusory world Even science believe the former Consciousness being EPIPHENOMENON OF MATTER Which means consciousness is the emergent property of a system, a symmetrical and functional arrangement of matter What you say. Should Matter precede essence or essence or consciousness being primary creator of matter?

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