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By: T.

Klinkhamer Illustrated by: Dean Cercone



If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? -Rabbi Hillel

Edited by: Sarah Sindler YOU=LOVE 2013


What is love and what is our relationship to it? How do we embody love and what does that embodiment bring us? These are urgent existential questions. If Not You, Then Who? You = Love! answers them with provocative aphorisms and heart-opening illustrations. Through words and images, the book gently re-connects readers with their own intuitive awareness of the awesome love power within them. The aphorisms probe intersections of meaning and invite repeated contemplation. The illustrations dramatize the movements of love energy through ourselves, our relationships, our world and our language. Language as a resource for the communication of loving truth and the unveiling of rich connections is a matter of ongoing interest for author T. Klinkhamer. In If Not You, Then Who? You = Love!, Klinkhamer draws upon the dictionary definitions of words to uncover and make clear for readers of all ages the way that love energy beautifully transforms life. The philosopher Martin Heidegger, in his famous essays on poetry and art, observed that Language is the House of Being. Klinkhamer subtly reveals that perhaps more importantly language is also the House of Love. Love dwells within our words, and by savoring the meanings and resonances of those words, we can unfold for ourselves a more full experience of the love in our hearts. We all need to better learn how to nurture the spark of love within us and share it with others. If Not You, Then Who? You = Love! reminds us that this is not just a duty, but a pleasure, and one that is simple and free to attain. Its always within us, Klinkhamer teaches. We can use our love power right now. You equal love. Carolyn Elliott, PhD

1. May all who need Love receive Love!

2. You = Love. YOU are the you in You = Love. The word "equal" or the symbol "=" means that both values on either side of an equation have the same value. You and Love are of the same value. You =Love.

3."Value" is the capacity for merit, respect, and esteem. "Capacity" is the ability to receive, hold, and absorb. All humans have an unlimited capacity for Love.

4. Humans = Love, equally. To equal Love is to equal peace. All humans are created equal.

5. Emit rays of Love, and you will be recognized for your Love Power.

6. The equal sign is two parallel lines. Resonance is parallel waves of energy. Resonate and resound with Love.

7. Resonate and radiate love to disseminate Love power, and emit rays of Love frequently with a frequent smile.

8. A smile is just like the "=" sign. It is the same in every language.

9. Be a magnet and a conduit of Love! This is your highest calling, your purpose for existing.

10. You = Love is an affirmation. Say this affirmation in the mirror. Say it to all you know.

11. The sum of all your actions and the actions of others equals Love.

12. If you think that someone does not equal Love, then that someone needs Love the most. The people who say no to Love or resist Love are the people who need it more than anyone else.

13. Value = Valor. When you allow Love, your wishes become valid, and you display valor.

14. Yield = Honor. To yield is to honor and give recognition to love and others.

15. You will gain from the experience of sharing your Love power.

16. Align your thoughts, words, and deeds with Love, and all your allies will recognize your effort. Align, again and again.

17. The demonstration of mercy is essential to peace and Love. When you show mercy, you demonstrate grace. Graceful movement over time equals true success.

18. Frequency is the repetition of action that causes waves of momentum over time. Make Love your center and driving force. Make Love your frequency.

19. When your driving frequency is equal to the frequency of the system in which you participate peaceably, your actions will always result in Love and peace.

20. Use your energy constructively to turn your positive vibes into directed Love power.

21. Equality consists of pleasant, parallel waves of peace. Love is pleasing to all. You = Love represents a peaceful way of living and loving.

22. People who have Love have everything!

23. Every human has impulses. Adapt and adjust your impulses to come from the giver of your breath and pulse.

24. Adapt your impulses to come from your loving center, not from a place of hate. Dont adapt your impulses to anger.

25. An impulse is an urging force. Let love be your motivating force.

26. Flow impulsively with loves influences, and accept the impressions of loves vibes.

27. Everyone has a pulse! A pulse is a wave, a spark to influence us all to peace. Be moving in ways and waves of peace. Be in alignment with peace- making. Be a peacemaker!

28. We can illuminate hate with the light of Love.

29. Everyone has a magical and essential spark inside. A spark is a glistening particle, a flash of light, a pulse. It is a feeling of potential. This light is like a seed and the seat of your Love power. This spark is in each of us, and it causes us to feel the potential to radiate Love vibrations.

30. Love power, used with intention and integrity, will always succeed and cause peace.

31. Manifest Love. Love is actual. Love is factual. Love is rational. Love is action.

32. With Love power, you have the will to soothe, to set Love in motion, and to make Love an action. If you wonder what actions of Love are, look to your heroines and heroes. Heroes and heroines are real role models of Love power.

33. Alliance to Love will gain you allies. With allies, you can cause more Love and peace.

34. "Absolute" means unlimited perfection in quality. It means there is no doubt. It means positive, fundamental, complete, and unwavering.

35. Absolute Love is the enduring effect of Love and it should be demonstrated repeatedly.

36. With Love power, there is reasoning and understanding.

37. Consistent repetition of good deeds demonstrates integrity.

38. "Resolve" means to solve, to cause a solution. "Solve" has the word Love in it.

39. "Intrinsic" means you belong to the essential nature or constitution of a thing. You have intrinsic Love. Love is the intrinsic nature of all living beings.

40. Express your intrinsic Love to dispel and solve your doubts and fears. Apply Love power whenever you feel afraid.

41. Be an agent of Love change.

42. Equality is essential, indispensable, and fundamental.

43. For every action there is an equal reaction. Love is a positive action with profound and farreaching reactions.

44. Love is resounding and abounding.

45. "Adhere" means to be faithfully attached. Be faithful with your Love power.

46. Devote and adhere yourself to a set of principles that cause Love.

47. To be honored and honorable, you must be active in Love, loyal to Love, and honest with Love.

48. Honesty = Truth. Truth = Fidelity. Fidelity = Faithfulness.

49. Be loyal to truth and Love because you are the cause and Love is your effect.

50. Achieve Peace with Love.

51. Give the Love that you wish to receive. Treat others with respect, and you will be respected. Do esteemable deeds and you will have self-esteem.

52. When you honor Love and respect Love, you will be honorable and respectable.

53. Love is profound, and Love actions resound. Always respond with Love, especially to anger, hate, and fear.

54. A response is a reply. Reply with honor as your guiding aspect.

55. To honor Love is to respect Love. Respect Love, and peace will be your reward.

56. "Reverence" is to honor with deepest respect and devotion. Be an author of reverence.

57. Have a confident belief in the truth of Love and truth and Love will follow you.

58. Love can reach great depths, and with great depths, comes great lengths.

59. Once you penetrate beyond the surface of the superficial, you will find profound Love and Awe. When you are in a state of awe, you are at your most awake. Wakeful peace is the highest achievement. Move forward with Love.

60. Finish any task with love and you will be plentiful.

61. Consistent intentions of Love, devotion, and peaceful intonations will reward you with ample success.

62. Your deeds should be profuse, abundant, and abounding. You will see abundance. Your will will be abundant.

63. Love strikes the right chords, in accordance with integrity and peace.

64. Dignity is an effect of Love.

65. When you desire to enhance your reasoning and understanding, your desire will result in peace.

66. You are equal to the Love you create.

67. A loving person can cause more Love and dispel anger and hatred. An angry person causes more anger.

68. Forceit takes one to make one.

69. Let your force be LOVE!

70. If not you then who? YOU=LOVE!

T. Klinkhamer

People who have love have everything. Author T. Klinkhamer has everything. She challenges our definitions of love and asks us to know ourselves as love. Klinkhamer is a lesbian, artist and Air Force Veteran with a background in electrical engineering and jewelrydesign. As a graffiti artist in NYC, she executed one of the largest graffiti campaigns ever, stenciling YOU=LOVE in gold spray paint on hundreds of sidewalk corners throughout the city. Through subtle and powerful language, Klinkhamer inspires readers to embrace and build a world where love reigns supreme. Klinkhamer is also the author of three books for children: YOU=LOVE, When Animals Agree: YOU=LOVE, and Share to Show YOU=LOVE. Klinkhamer has read her work to children all over the world in schools, hospitals and homeless shelters. Shes always delighted to give a reading. To arrange for a YOU=LOVE reading, email Klinkhamer at Dean Cercone

Dean Cercone is a prolific visionary artist and experimental musician. He produces paintings, illustrations, poems, thoughts and songs that explore themes of maternal struggle and people comforting each other amidst chaos. Dean hails from rural Renfrew, Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He frequently displays his art in venues throughout Pittsburgh, and for two years served as a main studio artist and curator of the popular artspace and cultural hub, the Wherehouse at 4810 Penn Avenue. You can find out more about Deans work at

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