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Journal in English 1102

Journal 1: First, we should set up a topic or students can know the requirement of assignments. And then we can divide into some little group. Every one of these groups can take charge for the different part and when everyone finishes their own part, they can choose the other parts which they interested in. after that all members can support their own idea to the other members, the other members choose good point to write down. I think the similar to the other writing-based classes is we are divided into some independent group. The different part is encouraging everyone to develop their interesting part, so that we can make our strengths stronger. I usually post some comments, weblogs, state and film review. They were always on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, QQzone and Renren. Post some comments was just to pay attention to my friends. Weblog was for practicing my writing. If I want my parents know my situation, Id write some state. After watching a film, I always write some review. Journal 2: I could understand what we do anything in the class through communicating with professor Dutta. About my first project, I think the part of it was slow, because I havent finish the video part of project and the interview .Till now, Im not satisfied with my attendance. Peers work: Would you like to learn math with English? Why or why not? What do you think the most difficult problem about the math major in reading and writing for international student? Is clarity one of the most important attribute in writing changed within the context or culture? What kind of format do the instructors prefer? Journal 3: I find sometimes we can use some special ways to express what we want to say, like data, example, asking question. How can we support an argument? The first is to analyze the situation like what problem we have; they support some factors and find the real reason of this problem. Then try to find the effective solution. This assignment sheets style is ,ost like a research paper, I think it could be more persuasive and real.

Journal 4: Activity checklist & work plane 1. Meeting with my peer student in the same major, Ducheng. I think it is necessary to do a video again. 2. Maybe I will interview Calculus 1 professor. 3. I will go to Fretwell building to collect some syllabus and analyze them. Then get some data. Journal 5: The first paragraph which writer needs to pay attention is spelling and grammar. I think the first paragraph didnt support the argument or what the writers essential viewpoint. Hope the writer can give reader more about the reading culture in management like some handouts in class to help the reader learn management. Journal 6: It could be useful for the majors reading and writing, because it led us thought about how should our ability should be develop in the major. In future, the major courses must be more and more, if we can take a preparation for it. It can help us on understanding materials well, like requirement, syllabus and also the questions that your major courses support. It may also help us on writing something like paper, essay, and research. Although we havent written the real major paper or major essay, we all writing in our major in future, well follow the rule that we found. Journal 7: I have to do some research on University of Pennsylvania. There is a system about select courses. It is to summarize the similar courses, like the Biochemistry, Biological Basis of Behavior, Biology; Bio-physics are getting together. And the courses introduction and brief situation are getting together. It has order, so it separate home page of courses is introduction and brief. If you are interested in the Biology field, youre so convenient. Journal 8: About this writing which purpose is to introduce the metaphor is a little bit confused. Actually, you may not have any idea about point which all of people discuss, and you just catch a point which you think it could be correct or it may approach the real argument. So as the others, and you all have drifted the argument except the one who was still here from beginning. He or she personally thought you all knew the argument. The difference is the point about argument that youve drifted becomes your real, specific and new viewpoint. It means a conversation can really enlighten your thinking about the argument.

So keep lots of people joining in and developing the topic are good ways to make a point deeper and deeper, the thinking could also be kept new. Journal 9: As a research, I am an early bird. When I do some inquiries, I really can summarize the argument in a second after I finish reading. Sometimes, I would do some interviews with my peers or professor. Its hard to district when I did this, because they always support some points which I really needed. Early bird: people who always feel like to do some preparation before something. In a second: at once, quickly. District: splendid. Journal 10: The most important is doing the research on the inside high education website, because it really enlighten me so much. I think sometimes the comments which is from the readers were so splendid for me to expand and develop the theme deeper and deeper. Journal 11: About my inquiry, I have done some research about some top of college, like Harverd Univ., Penn Univ. Collecting some information about how to remedial math, and then compare to the style of remedial math by Carnegie Foundation. The briefly is about the advantages and disadvantages. Definitely I think my inquiry is depth, because about the aspect, there is not such many inquiry number, picture, diagram, but the advantages and disadvantages was explored. It could dig the topic deeply. Actually, I have no clue that I would make a presentation to, because the remedial math could work for the students who are in the math major, or for the professors who want to fix their teaching style. Journal 12: Multi-modality means using different type of ways and shows the main idea what you want the people to know. Like prezi, PowerPoint, video, picture, animation, oral presentation or brochure could be the test of multimodality.

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