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Coventus Scientia Ignis et Tellus is an Old Craft Coven of the Hunting Path, we are a coven of Equals..

Once initiated, all in the Coventus Scientia Ignis et Tellus are considered equa l, we have no hierarchy, no one person is above any other, all are One.. Coventus Scientia Ignis et Tellus is a Coveen of the many, acting as the One.... .. and we are sworn to one another and to the Old Gods and we take an oath to pr otect this Sacred Land, the Wild Creatures that live upon it and the Pagans of a ll persuasions who seek our help and protection. This we do both Magically and Practically. Only those who are prepared to swear such an oath are accepted into the Coventus Scientia Ignis et Tellus . And once sworn, is a family who nurtures the skills, talents and expertise of one another and all are shown love and respect. We are a Coven that is in tune with the Spirits of the Land and gives reverence to the

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