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Issue 2 April 2009

E n e r g y X ch a n g e

Holistic • Inspiration • Spiritual

EnergyXchange Contents
April Issue Danielle Garcia channels us a message

from the angelic realm....................Pg 4

Leeza Robertson A message of love from

Editor Patrick Curry....................................Pg 6

Renee Pastell Lessons in loving self,

Layout & Design by Karen Mann.................................Pg 8

Tarot Talk with Raven.....................Pg 10

Totem For Love - DOG...................Pg 11
Abbotts Custom Printing
Tony Stubbs talks about his love and the

Next Issue
glue that binds................................Pg 12
May 1st 2009
Let your love flow. Pure energy: the Reiki
For Information
Regarding Article way by Garry Douglas ....................Pg 15

submissions My Love(s) by Kahealani.................Pg 16

Email ‘writers guidelines’ Want more EnergyXchange?
For Advertising
Call 702.689.5640
All artwork used in this publication is the legal property of EnergyXchange and can not be
replicated or used without written permission
A Note from our Editor-in-Chief

Welcome and thank you for picking up our magazine. We are extremely excited
about our second issue and look forward to bringing many more issues to our
valley. We send much love to all our readers, distributors and wonderful writers,
for without you there would be no energyxchange Magazine.

It truly is a loving exchange of energy that propels me to grow and evolve within myself. How we come into our
own empowerment and purpose is truly a beautiful journey. There is so much love all around me. My patient loving
guides, faeries & angels, they all envelope me with love to which I am grateful for. Mother earth gives me so much
love, she feeds and shelters me, she gives me a place to see my path and purpose, a place to follow my joyful
bliss. Her oceans and mountains call me. Her trees and flowers speak to me and I am inspired and captivated
within spirit by her ever changing beauty. Mother earth is love to me in its rawest form.

In her wind I learn movement and playfulness. In her

waters I find solace and oneness. In her fires I find
rejuvenation and change. She is my loving teacher and all
the animals of the earth that encompass her are my light

I am surrounded by love in every realm and it is of my

choosing that I reach out and accept all the love that is
being offered to me. I am grateful to all the beautiful
energies of light that walk the earth dressed as people. I
came here to feel love and receive love for it is through
love I experience all that I am and continue to be, as
Abraham says ‘there is great love here for you all’

It is therefore with great love that I end my article. I ask

that you begin a journey of love with others here who
have shared their wonderful experiences about love in the
following pages of our magazine.

page 3
Danielle Garcia channels us a message
from the angelic realm about Love.

Danielle Garcia is a conscious trance channel, medium, spiritual

counselor and metaphysician. She uses her empathic gifts to connect with the higher realms
resulting in healing through energy work and the written or spoken word. Danielle has
recently completed her first book, Angel Blessings, which is a collection of channelings from
the Angelic Realm. For more information about Danielle and the services she
provides, please visit her website at .

page 4
Dear Ones,
Love is a powerful vibration, is it not? Everything in creation begins as love. The universe, the stars, the flowers, the
trees all came into existence based on the vibration of love. You are a being of love. You are a spark of God, a soul
created to live out many different experiences to gain knowledge and insight. You are created in the highest vibration
of unconditional love imaginable.

Because you are created in this fashion, you have the ability to tap into this loving vibration at any time. You have
taken human form in a place of duality so that you may experience things outside the realms and energies of how
you were created. This experience gives you knowledge and insight and helps you to grow as the soul that you are.
By living this expression of duality, your perception and appreciation of love deepens. How could it not?

Even in all the chaos, love is still present. Even in the worst of tragedies, love is there. You only have to look for it to
see it. It is when you become caught up in the confusion, in the struggle that your vision becomes cloudy and love
is harder to see, more difficult to feel. But trust and know, Children, love still remains. Just because you cannot see
it, does not mean it is not there. We, on this side of the veil, cannot be seen or felt by everyone, but yet we exist. A
man who is colorblind may not see the colors of the world, but they are still there.

To truly begin to feel love in all its totality starts with love of self. Your soul feels this on deep levels, but your human
mind and ego struggles with this truth based upon your life experiences. You have been told as a child that you are
bad if you do this or wrong if you do that. Judgments have been made upon you your entire lifetime. You have
experienced negativity and pain inflicted by those you trusted. You have acted in ways you wish you had not. Do
you still deserve love? Can you love yourself through all of these actions? OF COURSE!

Each lesson you learn and each action you take is a part of your process, your path, and the fabric of who you truly
are. They are merely moments in time when you made a choice to go this way or that way. The larger question is
what do you choose in this moment of time? Do you choose love within this moment, or do you seek out something
different? To choose love is to open yourself up to greater understanding of why you exist.

A perfect example of this is to look at a child. They live through love. They do not harbor resentment. They feel
each emotion with reckless abandon. A child knows self love and expresses it with each giggle, every playtime and
even every scrape of the knee. Because they feel this love so deeply, the hurts and pains are easily forgotten and
not held inside. Children are so close to the energy of home. They only begin to change when adults mirror a
different way of life for them.

Choose love, Dear Ones. Seek to find it in all that you do. Allow the feeling into your heart. Let the deep
remembrance of unconditional love once again shine through you. As you shine with this love, you light the pathway
for those around you.
page 5
Patrick Curry delivers a message of Love.
Assisted by Aimee Alterwitz

The word love is probably one of the most

emotionally loaded words in the English
language—or all languages, for that matter. The
word is used as a verb, noun, adverb,
adjective—you get the meaning. Speaking of
meaning lets look at a literal definition of the
word. “Love is any of a number of emotions and
experiences related to a sense of strong affection
[1] and attachment. The word love can refer to a
variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes,
ranging from generic pleasure to intense
interpersonal attraction. Love is not a single
feeling but an emotion built from two or more
feelings. Anything vital to us creates more than
one feeling, and we also have feelings about our
feelings (and thoughts about our feelings)[1].
This diversity of uses and meanings, combined
with the complexity of the feelings involved,
makes love unusually difficult to consistently
define, even compared to other emotional states.”

(Wikipedia )

The word love is used very often. Many times,

it is the way that it is said that imparts the users
true feelings. All things said, it is not how you love
someone as much as the way that you express
 love in general. It has often been said that until a
person understands the true meaning of
self-love, it is impossible to truly love others. This
is not in reference to an egotistical love but the
ability of one to come from a place of love deep
within. Many people have a great deal of difficulty
with self-love. Depending on our “emotional up
bringing” and the kind of environment that one
was raised in, we tend to assimilate and imitate
the family attitudes and feelings that we inherited
page 6 through our early learning experiences.
Many people are taught to judge
themselves and others due to things 
that we see, feel and hear as we are
growing up. through trial and error who
we are, who we would like to be and
what traits are worth holding on to.
Many people carry emotional scars that
are deeply rooted in our conscious and
sub-conscious minds. In essence, we
are the sum total of our experiences
both positive and negative. As we age
and mature, we learn through trial and
error who we are, who we would like to
be and what traits are worth holding on
to. Love is one of those learned feelings
that are tied to our family structures.

Love comes in many forms and

packages. Love can be instantaneous
such as love at first sight. We have
feelings of love for friends, family and
then again, some of our dearest family
members are often our pets. Pets can
be our greatest teachers and perfect
examples of unconditional love. Be open 
and honest in all of your relationships.
Treat others, as you would want to be
treated. Understand that no matter how
much you might love someone that
love may not be returned in the manner 
that you had wished for. There is risk
in everything that we do and love is no 
exception. To love truly and deeply is
one of the most profoundly satisfying
and enjoyable feelings that one can
experience. Love must be unconditional.
Nothing in life is permanent. To love is 
not to own. To love is not to bind another
in order to gain control. Love as if today
is the first and last day of your life. No For appointments & class schedules
matter what transpires just know that Phone: 702-515-2077
you are loved and never give up on the Cell: 702-810-8232
concept. Love is love and love is life. Email:
Lessons in Loving Self
by Karen Mann.

Loving yourself has had lots of bad press. We often associate it with
being self-centered and not caring about others. We are afraid to be
seen as self obsessed or selfish or self indulgent. But loving
yourself is not any of these things. Loving yourself is a combination
of unconditional self acceptance, self appreciation and self compassion. It is about accepting yourself
just as you are and respecting yourself enough to care for yourself properly. Only once you can truly
love yourself unconditionally, then you can be open to loving others and allowing others to love you

How do you know if you don’t love yourself?

Some symptoms that you don’t love yourself include:

• Criticizing yourself endlessly

• Mistreating your body with food, alcohol &/or drugs
• Getting yourself into debt
• Believing you are unlovable
• Putting pressure on yourself to look a certain way.
• Procrastinating about things that would benefit you
• Attracting friends and lovers that don’t treat you well
• Pushing yourself constantly to be successful or meet certain standards
• Putting your needs behind those of others

If you have any of the above symptoms you could benefit from learning to love and accept yourself more.
In “You Can Heal Your Life”, Louise Hay says “When people come to me with a problem, I don’t care what it is- poor
health, lack of money, unfulfilling relationships, or stifled creativity- there is only one thing that I ever work on, and
that is LOVING THE SELF. I find that when we really love, accept and APPROVE OF OURSELVES EXACTLY AS
WE ARE, then everything in life works.” Loving yourself is the building block of living a fulfilling life.

page 8
How to learn to love yourself
In order to love yourself more you need to change the self loathing habits, thoughts and beliefs have been built
over a lifetime. You need to become aware of how you are treating yourself and slowly introduce new ways of
being, behaving and eventually feeling about yourself.
Some tools that you can use to learn to love yourself more include:

• Using Affirmations
Affirmations are a great way to change how you think and feel about yourself. A great affirmation to use is
“I approve of myself”. Every time you start worrying, feel stressed, or feel like things aren’t going well, rebut this
with this affirmation. Let this affirmation become something you say to yourself repeatedly. If negative thoughts
arise as you use this affirmation eg “How can I approve of myself when I don’t have a job?”, let go of these
thoughts. Say to these thoughts “I let you go; I choose to approve of myself”.

• Being A Good Friend to Yourself

Start being kind to yourself. Why is it that we can be so accepting and understanding of someone else and yet
so unforgiving and harsh with ourselves? Give yourself advice the way you would give it to a good friend. Would
you tell your friend “You are a fat lazy good for nothing so and so”? Of course not! Then don’t speak to yourself
that way either.

• Meditating
Making time to meditate daily is a great act of self love. Quieting your mind, even for a short moment, is a
valuable exercise. If you don’t currently have a meditation practice, start by sitting in silence for 1 minute each
day for a month, and the 2 minutes each day for the 2nd month and so on. This means that by the end of a year
you will be meditating for 12 minutes per day. Just honouring yourself enough to put some time aside that is just
for you, is an act of self loving. You can take it a step further if you choose by deliberately focussing on self love
as you meditate. (NB If you are not sure how to meditate, there are many classes, books, CDs, MP3s etc that
can assist you.)

In order to return to loving yourself, it really is a case of “fake it till you make it”. By that I mean, when you start
trying to change these behaviours, you may not fully believe in what you are doing or saying, (and may find it
difficult to remember to do them all the time), but over time, your belief will become easier as you enjoy feeling
better about yourself. Truly loving yourself is the beginning of a fulfilling and truly meaningful life.

Karen Mann is a qualified artist, art teacher, Lifestyle Coach, SoulCollage® Facilitator & Trainer and yoga and
meditation teacher. Karen works with individual clients and groups, supporting them to take the steps re-
quired to begin living a creative and fulfilling life. or

page 9
Tarot Talk with Raven
2 of Cups/Friendliness

The Cups cards are all about love and relationships. They are the Water
cards of Tarot and if you’ve ever known a Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, you 2 of Cups
know how they love. Deeply. One of the most lovely gifts of the Water
signs is their intuitive depths. One of the challenges is allowing freedom
and having the wisdom to not drown others in love.

I love Osho’s description of “Friendliness” for the 2 of Cups. It’s love

without possession, whether it’s eros or agape love. The 2 of Cups
speaks of union with another. In the traditional (Waite-Rider deck, etc)
Tarot, there is usually a heterosexual couple holding up two goblets in a
toast to theirlove. It’s pure harmony, a pause in the craziness of life where
two people can actually breathe together. I tend to read the 2 of Cups with
a broader perspective, not just a traditional couple falling in love. It’s the
yearning for a beloved and taking the opportunities in love that life
presents. It could be an actual partner, re-connecting with a dear friend or
family member or even little creatures! (A friend just adopted a puppy and
I’m completely in love with him!)

2 of Cups is loving another without the grasping possessiveness that

comes from fear. Osho describes it beautifully in the picture--two trees
hanging out and dancing together; no agenda, no twisting up together
so birds and other creatures can’t nest in their branches. As you move LOVE
towards the 3 of Cups, loving friends surround and support you in © 2009 ArtfulBlessings
celebration of love, love, love.

Raven Mardirosian of Matarot Intuitive Wellness is an intuitive counselor specializing in Tarot,

IChing, Rune Stones, Animal Medicine Cards and Crystal Dowsing. She is also a Level II Reiki
practitioner. She offers live/phone/email sessions by appointment only.
See her website at
Or visit her office in Bellows Falls, VT ~ 802-376-5767.
page 10
Totem for unconditional love – Dog.
From the Earth Spirits - Power animal Messages
Received by Leeza Robertson

Man’s best friend has written the book on the ‘how to’ of unconditional love. Dog gives and receives love the same
way it gives and receives air, without question, without judgment, without thought and without exception.

Dogs four paws are planted firmly on the ground allowing it to be stable, loyal and un-waiving in its affection. Dog
knows only of love, protection and service to others, illustrated again and again with its innate ability to be trained
to work along side us humans. Perhaps that is why the brightest star in our sky is the ‘dog star’ (Sirius). Even from
space it looks down on us with love and light, illuminating our gate way between worlds. Whether it is a police dog,
fire dog, rescue dog, or medical service dog they give of themselves unconditionally time after time.

Dogs are also pack animals with an intuitive hierarchy. It is the alpha dogs responsibility to both lead and protect
his pack. People with dog totems are very family orientated this is also true for those born under the year of the
dog in the Chinese zodiac.

Call on dog to assist you in times where strength, compassion, love and leadership are required. Brace yourself
to the earth and bring stability to your emotions. Lead without judgement and respect all contrast that comes your
way. Embrace the contrast with love and know that you have been given yet another gift from source to expand
your heart and grow.

Let dog teach you that the greatest love of all comes from self and that this self love allows selfless acts of service
that do not require inflating ones own ego. When we are strong grounded and centred in self we are then able
to give and receive openly and freely. When we are more like dog we learn to live in the constant flow that is the
stream of unconditional love.

Leeza Robertson is an intuitive writer, artist and motivational speaker.

Publisher of EnergyXchange magazine and friend of the earth spirits.
For more information or to schedule a private reading go to

page 11
Best Selling Author Tony Stubbs

talks about love and relationships.

What does it mean when two people meet and fall in love each other? They are simply recalling that, as
souls, another of their incarnations has had dealings with the other person in a previous lifetime. If their
relationship in that lifetime was happy and harmonious, both souls recall the experience with joy.
Therefore, when incarnations of those souls meet up in a later lifetime, they both remember the happiness
they shared, and both personalities are open and trusting towards each other.

The first meeting of these two people can be a blinding flash of recognition, with love at first sight, or the
slow dawning that the other person is really special to you. But, of course, it will go exactly as the two
souls planned before birth.

Sometimes, it’s not romantic love but

platonic love among a group. For example,
there’s an organization here in the Las
Vegas valley called Lightworker, and once
a month , we get together and put out a
streaming Internet TV show, headed by
Steve and Barbara Rother. Anyone can
attend as studio audience, but attendees
are mostly incarnations of a soul group
called the Family of Michael (the archangel,
that is). When a new person first comes to
a show, they often experience a huge
feeling of having come home to a loving
family. And existing group members sense
that this is a member of the Family and offer
a warm welcome to the newcomer.

The phrase “the glue that binds” refers to

the fact that when two people meet and
“hit it off,” they are remembering that they
have a soul agreement to be together for a
reason, a season or a lifetime … and it’s
page 12
important to know which, and what you as
souls planned to achieve. For example,
my last significant relationship lasted three
years and was full of warmth, love and
intimacy – sure signs of having “done this
before.” However, I’m pretty intellectual and
she’s pretty emotional, so often we didn’t
see eye-to-eye and would joke about our
differences. When the relationship came
to an end, I consulted my favorite psychic
and learned that we’d had a three-year soul
contract in which I would teach her
everything I knew and she would help me
open up my emotions. Well, it worked
brilliantly. And knowing that allowed both
of us to accept that the relationship had
served its purpose, leaving the two of us
best friends, with no regrets over our “failed’

This explains why some people such as

myself have had several deep, intense
relationships, while others stay married to
the same person for 50 years. It’s all a
matter of soul-level planning, and not the
fact that I can’t make a relationship work. As
a soul, I seem to have made lots of
agreement with lots of people, many of
them beautiful, loving women fortunately. And each of those relationships has served a very different purpose in
the lives of both of us. The trick is knowing when the purpose has been served and it’s time to move on. And that
can take a psychic.

Finally remember two things: first, love is not a doing thing but a being thing. Ideally, the two egos in a
relationship will get out of the way and let the love flow soul-to-soul within a relationship, without blocks. And
second, your most important relationship is the one with yourself, so really let your love flow in that one.

Tony Stubbs lives locally and has written several books, including An Ascension Handbook, Living with Soul,
Death Without Fear, and Every Ending Is a New Beginning.
[, and]
He is also a professional book editor and designer, and is available to work on spiritual projects [].

page 13
T he Heart Chakra
T he fourth chakra controls our ability to give
and receive love, especially to self.
T he heart chakra corresponds to the air
element.Its color is green and its tone is F.

compassion intimacy
devotion grief relationships joy
love balance empathy
Pure energy: the Reiki way.

When love is fully present in human beings the possibilities are varied and
endless. The purity that is its essence allows for a comfort and stability that
guides and directs our future with clarity of purpose and certainty of success.

Love is necessary between people in order for us to appreciate and understand

each other. Without a genuine and unbiased acceptance of each other it is
difficult for people to fully share in the fullness of relationships and their place in
the world today. The multitude of differences between nations, peoples and
individuals further enlivens the importance they all possess and which they are
able to present within the world community.

Garry L. Douglas As individuals we must start within ourselves by nurturing and encouraging
LMT, NCTMB, is a acceptance of our unique differences. We must celebrate that which comprises
Reiki Master and our own personal individuality and be open to the joys of sharing and
Teacher. embracing with others those qualities of uniqueness while acknowledging the
many and varied differences of others.
He is a licensed massage
therapist & reflexologist, The calmness and inner strength that Reiki encourages opens and allows for the
and has a practice in fruition of the joys that can be experienced within each of us as individuals. With
Reiki the balance and clarity felt within enables the recognition and embrace of
Henderson, Nevada. He
the goodness and love that we have attracted. As a result of alignment and
was trained at the Cayce/ enervation we share in the spirit of love that naturally surrounds us at all times.
Reilly School of We are put on a level of strength and growth that is further benefited by the
Massotherapy, which is invigorated energy flow which Reiki has encouraged.
administered by Edgar
Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia With ourselves more tuned in to the world around us we see more; notice more;
Beach, Virginia. seek more. Endless possibilities present themselves. Our knowledge and
understanding expands and further encourages our silent search. Love
For appointments enervates our need for total embrace of the world we seek. In reaching out to that
or Reiki classes part of the mystery we have yet to hold as our own, we are really reaching out to
call ourselves, to the sacredness of the self we want others to recognize in each of
us. Keeping ourselves balanced and clear at all times we provide love with the
most natural sanctuary of all: the body temple.

Reiki will clear stagnant and blocked energy channels and allow the natural flow
of Chi or Universal Energy which is so necessary for our health and benefit. This
energy, this love that the Universe provides, will allow you to live your life with
more clarity and sense of purpose and with more of an appreciation of the world
around you.

page 15
My Love(s)
Written by Kahealani,
Hawaiian Past Life Medium

Many people are looking for their soul mate and wonder why they can’t find them. The simple reason we can’t find
our soul mate is because our soul mate is the other half of our spirit. If you looked within and asked show me my
soul mate you’d find yourself looking back at you. Spirit is androgynous; it is a balance of both male and female
energy. This is why our physical form has both male and female hormones just in varying degrees.

This doesn’t mean just because we have more female hormones or male hormones that we’ll automatically
choose the opposite sex as a romantic partner. A romantic partner is a spiritual mate or contracted spirit to bring us
romance, love, ecstasy, etc. These spiritual mates come to us to guide and teach us about a chosen life lesson(s).
Romance and love are only a part of the many choices spirit chooses to endure while in the physical form.

Therefore, there isn’t a guarantee that we will be with let alone find our true love(s). It depends on our path and the
choices we make as we progress through the physical realm. Our spirit will provide spiritual mates to guide us to
our true love/mate. But finding him/her doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll be with them. Both parties need to be at the
right conscious awareness to know they are staring at their true mate. Your true mate may be right in front of you
and you wouldn’t know it until both parties are at that same awareness level.

This awareness level isn’t how well you know the spirit; it is the level you know what true love is. True love is
different for everyone even though there are similarities there will always be some difference that defines your true
love as your true love. You may think true love is the romance whereas someone else may see true love as blissful
sex. Whatever your true love is know your spiritual mate will be exactly what you desired him/her to be. They will
be what completes your romantic side and you for them. If you haven’t found him/her yet, then don’t fret over the
things that haven’t come. Remember life is filled with many opportunities/lessons. It is these opportunities/lessons
that will lead you to what you desire. And these desires will give you the wisdom in finding your true love and life

Be aware and ask yourself am I ready. If the answer is yes then ask is he/she ready. If the answer is no, then be
patient. Send them light, without thought and desires from yourself, so they may find the wisdom and know you are
waiting for them.

Kahealani, is a multicultural medium/priestess, who has been doing past life readings for as long as she can
remember. It has been in recent years, that she has decided to share her abilities with those enlightened
individuals who are ready to read about their spirit’s and/or human’s past lives. Her readings have detailed information
of a life and may reveal disturbing information, as well as showing how these lives are influencing their current life.
All past life readings are sent via email and ordered through

page 16
Ener gyXchange Radio
Join Leeza, Renee and their guests every Friday at 11am PST.
www.blogtalkr g yXchange

Welcome to energyXchange radio dedicated to holistic health

practices, motivational material and spiritual growth. This show will
provide a melting pot of ideas and philosophies as diverse as the
planet we live on. Please note this show is an educational tool only
& should not be used in place of medical or legal advice. Thoughts
and opinions expressed on the show by guests do not necessarily
align with the hosts personal belief system. Missed a show visit the

April line up
4/10 - Manifest Miracles with Maggie
Maggie Miller is a single mom of 4 living in Massachusetts. Just a year ago she was diagnosed
with cancer and masterminding her own suicide as a result of her situation and depression. In
just 1 year Maggie turned her world around. With the help of hypnotherapy, holistic medicine and
the practices of the Law of Attraction, Maggie is now cancer free. Maggie now has a coaching
business working toward optimal health mentally, emotionally and physically. Maggie will be
doing Q&A in the last 30mins of the show

4/17 - Passion to Prosperity

Developing your Business with a Spritual Twist
Take a seat with Business Diva Maria Simone. Maria is an entrepreneur, speaker, author,
conscious business “architect” and marketing expert who has been featured in the media for her
expertise. She has helped thousands with the exact “next steps” they need to take to package
their ideas, attract investors, develop a steady stream of customers and create revenue. Have a
business question? Maria will be answering them in the 2nd half of the show.

4/24 - Faerie Fun

Back by popular demand, Leeza will be bring the faeries back for a full hour of live readings. Do
you have a question for the faeries? Learn how faeries can assist you and know when to use faerie
energy and when its best to keep mischief away.

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Cayce/Reilly © Certified Massage Therapist ingredients are classified as foods, not as drugs. In many
countries, these are the herbs that appear on the dinner table,
702-812-6304 not unlike the way lettuce and tomatoes appear on our North
American dinner tables. All these ingredients have been used
for thousands of years in many countries. These herbs are
100% natural and there are no additional fillers, chemicals, or

Tarot Talk radio show is a fun,

laid-back weekly chat of all things
esoteric with your Tarot-reading
hosts, Raven & Georgianna.

• Scientific Developers
• Scientifically Tested
• Best Herbal Combination
Raven Mardirosian of Matarot Intuitive Wellness is an
intuitive counselor based in southern VT. She
specializes in Tarot, IChing (based on The Kwan Yin
For more Information regarding ELEOTIN
Book of Changes), Runes, Animal Medicine Cards &
Crystal Dowsing. She is a Level II Reiki practitioner.
Georgianna Boehnke is an artist & intuitive who works
exclusively with Tarot. She is based in Toronto. Find
our more about George at Join the
Call Kelly Goodwin
conversation every Sunday @1pm EST as we talk with
the most fascinating Tarot readers, psychics & intuitives
in the Universe!

page 18
TJ Publish!
Tony Stubbs
Publishing Consultant flyingcolours
lifestyle coaching
• Cover Design
• Ghostwriting
• Editing
• Layout / Design
• Prepress
• Typesetting Karen Mann
‘working with individual clients
For Additional Information and groups, supporting them to
and services please contact: take the steps required to begin
Phone/Fax 702.874.1494 living a creative and fulfilling
Cell 702.612.6403 life’.
email: Email :
P.O Box 632
Goodsprings, NV 89019

‘Guiding You Along Your Spiritual Path’

Danielle has recently completed her first book,

Angel Blessings, which is a collection of
channelings from the Angelic Realm.

For more information about Danielle and

the services she provides, please visit her
website at

page 19
Angel Blessings Wellness Spa
where heaven meets earth…

Massage • Reiki • Angel guidance • Life coaching
(EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique • Facials • Waxing
Body Scrubs • Detox Footbaths • Theta Healing
Hypnotherapy • Aura Drawings • Nutritional & Herbal
Consulting • Meditation
(New clients only with participating practitioners reg. $80+)

Classroom & affordable treatment rooms available.

View our online events calendar
page 4
2626 S. Rainbow suite #105 • Ph: 702- 873-1700

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