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A. You are working as a Radio Operator. Smooth signal transmissions require a proper understanding of instructions related to general radio communications. Failure to abide by these instructions could lead to interference in receiving messages.

A. In this lesson, you have identified the various types of forklifts and their differences. You have also identified the basic key features of the forklift and the essential features found on it. Furthermore, you have identified the common safety features of the forklift.

A. While all forklifts have similar basic features, they also contain some important differences, such as fuel types, rated capacities, and attachments. Fuel types determine where the forklift may operate. There are electrical (or battery-powered), internal combustion, such as gasoline or diesel, and propanepowered. OSHA designates eleven types of forklifts and areas they may operate in. If you have any questions about the type of forklift you are operating, contact your manager or safety professional. Rated capacities set restrictions on loads too heavy for the forklift. Attachments extend the capabilities of the lift.

A. In this lesson you will be able to recognize whether a noise hazard exists in a particular area and to take appropriate actions to reduce the risk of hearing damage due to noise hazards. As an employee, you would be able to take appropriate actions when confronted with a safety problem involving noise hazards.


Choose better vocabulary wherever necessary.
1. You are working as a Radio Operator. Smooth signal transmissions must have a proper understanding of instructions related to general radio communications. Failure to do these instructions could lead to disturbance in receiving messages.



2. In this lesson, you have seen the various types of forklifts and their differences. You have also identified the main key features of the forklift and the important features found on it. Furthermore, you have identified the common safety features of the forklift.

3. While all forklifts have similar basic features, they also have some important differences, such as fuel types, rated capacities, and attachments. Fuel types show where the forklift may operate. There are electrical (or battery-powered), internal combustion, such as petrol or diesel, and propane-powered. OSHA designates eleven types of forklifts and areas they may operate in. If you have any questions about the type of forklift you are operating, contact your manager or safety professional. Rated capacities set limits on loads too heavy for the forklift. Attachments extend the better uses of the lift.



4. In this lesson you will be able to see whether a noise hazard is in a particular area and to take equal actions to lessen the risk of hearing damage due to noise hazards. As an employee, you would be able to take appropriate actions when you have a safety problem involving noise hazards. . ... . .

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