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Chelsea Mueller ELD 375: Bulgar February 15, 2013 Field Assignment #1 My field assignment is in Mr.

Joness third grade class. In his classroom, the desks are set up in clusters. Each set of clusters has a different amount of desks, ranging from four to six desks. I am wondering if the students are grouped because of their ability in a certain subject area. The desks are far enough apart and leave enough space throughout the rest of the classroom so that the students can move around the room freely. The teachers and students are able to interact because of the classroom set up. The students can interact with the others that are at their table. The teachers are able to walk around between the tables which allow them to work with the students. There are several bulletin boards and posters on the wall for the students to see. On the wall farthest to the back where the white board and smart board are, there are posters on the wall. The poster above the board has the letters of the alphabet in cursive. The walls next to the board have a calendar and school news. The wall with the windows has posters covering the blinds. These posters have information on them, such as reading groups and different writing techniques. The wall across from the windows has posters about the different systems in the body along with a poster for class birthdays. The wall by the computers has a bulletin board about outer space and different cultures. These different bulletin boards give the students information about the school and each other. This allows the students to stay informed which also gives them easy access to important information. The design in the classroom tells me many things. First, it shows that the teacher prefers to have space in the front of the room in order for him to teach by the board. In addition, he has enough space to walk around and help the students if need be. The posters and whiteboards show

that Mr. Jones uses a lot of visuals. The whiteboard gives him enough space to write on in order to help the students. By having the students sit in clusters it facilitates the manner in which they are able to work in groups and it shows that the students and teachers have a positive relationship. This is because the students have free range of the all the materials in the classroom. Having free range allows the students to feel independent and responsible. Also, the students are sitting close to the teachers desk which helps because the teacher is nearby when they need him. The teacher can also walk around the classroom in order to reach all the students. The room is also very welcoming and open which can make the students and teachers feel comfortable together. It is important that the students feel comfortable in this environment in order for them to learn to their fullest potential.

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