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For The Bread Our Father, you loved us enough to give your only Son for us.

In happiness today we praise you because we share that love. Jesus died the death we deserved in order that we might live. We praise you for our joyous hope. He broke the hold of death that we might be raised with him. We are assured that he will come back to receive us into glory. Our hearts are awed by your goodness shown to us undeserving sinners. Each day is lived in thanksgiving. With one voice this assembly of your saved ones praises you with gratitude. We thank you for this bread which Jesus chose to call his body. We thank you that he chose to call all who share this bread his body also. We thank you for the constantly renewed life given us in his body. Thank you that we can be secure in him forever. Amen. Our Father who is in heaven, we believe you are in heaven and we believe you are present in this very room also at this time. We thank you that your Spirit and the Spirit of Christ are within us at all times. As we are gathered to eat this symbolic meal before you, we recognize the Presence of your Son in the bread we eat. You have glorified us in permitting us to share this bread which he calls his body and to share in his body. Father, you have made us one in you and in him. We praise you for that. Thank you for offering his body for our sins that we might be brought back into your favor. Thank you for this bread which renews our appreciation at this moment for the life which Jesus has given to us. He has paid for our guilt that we might be free from it. Thank you for your limitless love. Amen. Our Father, living in the fleshly body, we sin because of its power over us. While we were sinners, you sent you son in the flesh that he might overcome sin for us. He never sinned, but he accepted all of our ugliness and alienation as though they were his own. He bore our guilt in his body on the cross. He blotted out all the charges written against each of us, nailing them to the cross. Thus he saved us by breaking down the barrier between you and us, and between fellow members of your body. You made us one in him with yourself. We cannot praise you enough for such a gift. Thank you for this reminder as we share this bread. Thank you that we are reassured of your forgiveness at this moment as each of us eats of this bread. May our grateful thoughts rule our conduct this week. May our every action be motivated by your love. Thank you for accepting us. Amen. Our Father, we are in awe that your love would reach down to save us in our sinful state. We continue to thank you for Jesus who was crucified because of our sins. He carried our guilt that you might accept us in your holy presence. He has claimed us as members of his body which was offered. And now we eat this bread as a representation of sharing in his body. We trust that we are perpetually offered to you as acceptable through him. We live because he lives as conqueror of sin and death. In this communion today we confess him again as our savior and we commit ourselves to you in him more firmly. Thank you for this bread and for Christ's presence which we visualize in it. Thank you for bringing us into union with you in him. Amen. For The Cup Our Father, our only claim before you is Jesus Christ. He is the only offering who can remove the sin that separates us from you. We thank you that we are cleansed by his blood so that we are at peace in you and can speak with you intimately. Thank you for reaching out to us through him. We praise him because he bore our punishment for sin that we might escape

it. We thank you for this cup through which he chose to depict his blood. We drink of it at this time in recognition and praise of him. Amen. Our God who gives and sustains life, we know that we cannot give or retain life by our own power. We are helpless before both physical and spiritual death. You have given us the grace of life through Jesus' giving of his life for us and to us. You have given us power over physical death through his resurrection. Father, this is beyond our understanding; yet we believe. Our belief is renewed and strengthened today as we drink of this which represents the very life that Jesus gave for us. While sharing this life together, we drink the cup together with deepest gratitude and reverent praise. Amen. Our God whose promises give us hope, we eat this covenant meal before you today. You have agreed to receive us who believe in your son. You sealed your covenant with his blood. We, even in our faltering faith, believe in your son. Now we drink of the fruit of the vine which represents the blood of the covenant. In doing so, we commit ourselves again to our part of the agreement. You renew your promises in our hearts as we await the goal of our faith, even the saving of our souls eternally with you. Father, when we contemplate these things, we know that no praise is too extravagant. With hearts filled with awe and rejoicing, we thank you for his life which is given to us. Amen. God and Father of all mankind, as we are gathered here today as a small number of your people celebrating our salvation, we envision the millions of others over the earth who share in your fellowship and ours. In your grace and mercy, you have washed us and reconciled us through the offering of Christ on the cross. We are all one body and family in you and in Christ. We commune with you and with one another while examining and judging only ourselves. Father, thank you for this fellowship into which you have called us. We know that you did not accept us because of our own merit, goodness, or correctness, but you accepted Jesus' merit for our sinfulness. His lifeblood bought us back from Satan. We thank you for this fruit of the vine which pictures that blood of sacrifice for us. As we all drink of it today, we are reminded that his offering is still effective for us. Thank you for continual cleansing as we live in fellowship with all whom you have accepted. Amen.

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