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Christopher Darwin Abigan, Kim Alison Caasi, Michael Aries Larosa, Carina Julie Mae Linao, and
Timogthy John Salvador.

De La Salle University - Manila

ABSTRACT these changes which, people are currently and continuously

This research paper will be discussing the issue about “Lack
of Technologies in Public Schools”. It also contains an in Filipino children enter public school at about age
depth analysis on how technologies affect the teachers and four, starting from Nursery up to Kindergarten. At about
students, especially in public schools. In addition, this paper seven years of age, children enter a primary school (6 to 7
aims to open the minds, especially of the teachers to years). This is followed by secondary school (4 years),
technological advancements as they are effective tools for (Wikipedia, 2009). DepEd initiatives on the use of ICT in
teaching. Their willingness to be radical regarding this idea education were embedded in the DepEd Modernization
is really essential as it is them who often oppose to changes. Programme, begun in 1996, involving the introduction and
Lastly, realizing the condition of public schools in the use of modern technology to improve the teaching and
Philippines can be a good start for the government to come learning process, educational management and support
up with better services and programs. operations in the educational system. The General
Appropriations Act (GAA) laid the grounds for the
1. INTRODUCTION provision of IT equipment in public secondary schools,
providing the necessary funds for the procurement of
Currently the world is becoming high-tech, which means that hardware and software, teacher training and courseware
books are becoming less relevant in the lives of the people. development, (UNESCO, Philippines, 1996). This act
Books are being digitized for the convenience of the people benefited six hundred sixty-one public secondary schools
who wish to acquire more knowledge in any given field. and more than seven thousand secondary school teachers
This would lead to a brighter future for education, for the and principals. Thus, since 1996, the government has
internet is a web of knowledge and each information that can granted many public schools to be equipped with high-tech
be accessed in the net can be used to produce unimaginable materials and learning resources. The GAA has also been
things. providing trainings to the public school teachers in order to
aid them in using these new technologies such as computers.
Through technology, we can confirm the
information within the net, and find out the ideas of others Currently, the Philippine government is aiming to
regarding different kinds of issues. This would allow the provide physical infrastructures and technical support to
world to collaborate as on in order to become a superior most of the public schools. The government also aspires to
being and if we were to combine technology with education develop competence among students and teachers by using
this will allow the students the progress faster than previous ICT – based materials. The operational targets for these are
centuries. This would allow students to learn and unleash expected to be reached by 2009 and these are the following:
their potential in creating a better world for us to live in.
 5% of public secondary schools and 50% of public
2. LACK OF TECHNOLOGIES IN PUBLIC elementary schools shall have a computer lab equipped with
SCHOOLS basic multi-media equipment
 All public science-oriented secondary schools shall
2.1. Conditions of public schools in the Philippines be connected to the internet
 All public schools shall have an electronic library
As the world evolves, changes are progressively happening system
and affecting the people’s environment as well as their
norms and attitude. Technology has something to do with
 75% of the public school teachers will have been century skills, including creativity, communication,
trained in basic computer skills and in the use of the internet teamwork, and technology skills.
and computer aided instruction (CAI)
 All public schools shall be provided with All in all, a lot of projects have been implemented
appropriate educational technology equipment packages about technology in education. However, people do not
(UNESCO, Philippines, 2009). actually feel the presence of these improvements in public
schools because evidently, developments in the field of
However, the challenge in achieving these goals is teaching and learning in public schools are not seen. Also,
the thought of having money to implement all the plans other teachers are not guided in using these technologies if
regarding improvements on education, specifically on public ever the government grants ICT equipements to these public
schools’ situation. Public schools are government owned, schools.
meaning the funds for these schools come from the
government as well. And with the current condition of the 2.2. Reasons why public schools need technologies
Philippine government, people are mostly doubtful that the
government can afford and release funding for the projects The government implemented the formation of public
and goals mentioned above. education in the hope that everyone would be offered an
equal opportunity to achieve the realization of his or her
At present, the students in public schools have been own dream and to pursue a life full of accomplishments and
left behind by their counterparts in the private schools. privilege. However, this strategy of the government still has
Based on preliminary report of Department of Education its downsides and failures. It had failed to supply each child
(DepEd), only 50% of the 4,336 high schools nationwide with the same chance to achieve his goal instead has only
have computer laboratories. But most of them need to be fostered segregation, discrimination, and mass inequality. It
repaired or upgraded because after these computers have is a global reality that poverty causes people not to have the
been delivered to schools, they have not been properly best education. Considering that there are still millions of
maintained. A computer laboratory consists of a minimum of Filipinos who can not even attend school due to poverty and
10 computers (COMSTE, 2008). Also, there is an urgent geographical constraints, the Filipino children who are
need to fill up the shortage of public school buildings to currently studying in public schools, however, are not given
accommodate the increasing number of enrollees in our an acceptable quality of education. Only 1 in 5 children,
public schools. ages 3-5, have access to day care or preschool services.
(Save the Children, 2007) Different researches and studies
To date, the national classroom - student ratio for showed that there are massive numbers of students inside a
elementary and secondary public schools is still far from the classroom. There is an approximately 80-100 students in
ideal ratio of 1:30, due largely to the free education each classroom having only one teacher and limited school
program, which has not been met by a corresponding supplies in the poorest public schools in our country.
increase in the number of classrooms.
There are thousands of public schools in the
As per DepEd records, the total nationwide Philippines with huge number of students compared to the
classroom shortage is 41,197 - at current prices, the number of books and reference materials in an ordinary
government will be in need of at least P16 Billion of public school, technology has been proposed as to attend to
additional funding to be able to crack the classroom the problem of education. In fact, there has been a proposal
shortage. Furthermore, it also reported that 20% of the of cyber education
country's classrooms have no proper ventilation, 27% have
no lighting, 55% do not have electricity, and 25% have no In order for us to know the reasons why technology
ceilings. It also added that in 2005, 20% of elementary and is a need in schools especially in aiding the learning process
secondary schools did not have science laboratories, in public schools, we must first take a glimpse of the benefits
(COMSTE, 2008). of technology specifically multimedia in education.

Today, the Oracle Education Foundation (OEF) Multimedia tools, applied with awareness of the
and the Philippines Department of Education (DepEd) realities of organizational culture, structures and finances,
agreed to roll out OEF’s ThinkQuest technology program to have been shown to enhance the performance of learning
500 public elementary schools across the nation, reaching systems(Mishra, 2005, p. 1). “While the term “multimedia”
50,000 students and teachers over the next two years. has not always been associated with computers, there is no
ThinkQuest is a protected, online learning platform that doubt that it is the merging of increasing powerful
enables teachers to integrate learning projects into their computer-based authoring tools with Internet connectivity
classroom curriculum and students to develop critical 21st that is responsible for the growing interest in and use of
multimedia instruction, in both distance and face-to-face greater mastery and better transfer of skills; more
environments…Also, the term “multimedia” refers to the consistency in delivery of content(a particularly important
provision of various audio and video elements in teaching outcome of skill training); and greater student persistence,
and training materials. Usually, the delivery of the media is completion, satisfaction, collaboration, and self-
by computer, and increasingly, it involves the Internet in direction(Mishra, 2005).
some way, but the storage and delivery devices, as noted
above, are secondary to the forms of the stimuli that reach Advantages of the Internet for teaching, under ideal
the user(Mishra, 2005, p.2-3)” conditions, include the following (Heinich, Molenda,
Russell, & Smaldino, 1996, p.263):
Specific Media Characteristics
 Engrossing: The opportunity for deep involvement,
For some time, media have been used with more traditional capturing and holding learner interest.
delivery methods (lectures, tutorials) to support essential  Multisensory: The incorporation of sounds and
teaching objectives, such as the following(Wright, 1998): images along with text,
 Clarifying and illustrating complex subjects  Connections: Learners can connect ideas from
 Adapting to individual learning styles different media sources, for example, connecting
 Improving retention and aiding recall the sound of a musical instrument with its
 Reaching nonverbal learners illustration.
 Individualized: Web structure allows users to
According to Mayer,2001, “Instead of asking which navigate through the information according to their
medium makes the best deliveries, we might ask which interests and to build their own unique mental
instructional techniques help guide the learner’s cognitive structures based on exploration.
processing of the presented material”(Mishra,2005,p.4)  Collaborative creation: Software allows teachers
and learners to create their own hypermedia
The varying characteristics of different presentation materials;project-based learning provides
media and modes, and their implications for learning, have opportunities for authentic collaboration(Mishra,
direct implications for the design of multimedia strategies 2005).
and materials.
With the intention of establishing the relevance of
Sound can supplement visual information and can be technology in public education, the role of technology
used to attract attention, arouse and hold interest, provide specifically multimedia in education has been discussed.
cues and feedback, aid memory, and provide some types of
subject matter(heart or machinery sounds, voice clips). There has been a large digital divide between private
Music can be used to augment feedback, grab attention or and public schools in terms of the facilities and equipment,
alert users. research materials, books, and others. Thus, the quality of
Graphics and color can be used for various purposes, education in public schools is affected. With vast
from simple decoration to higher-level interpretation and innovations in technology, public schools will be able to
transformation (helping the observer to form valid mental catch up.
images). Animation can sometimes shorten learning times by
illustrating changes in the operation or state of things. According to Stephen Downes, “Proponents of public-
Video (motion or sequence of still graphics) can be used school education will have to embrace not only new
to show action and processes to illustrate events that users technologies that support learning and new pedagogies that
cannot see directly or clearly in real time. leverage those technologies, but also new forms of
Hypermedia is the linking of multimedia documents, organization suggested by those technologies and
while hypertext is the linking of words or phrases to other pedagogies. Where in the past we have relied on
words or phrases in the same or another document. (Mishra, standardization as our guarantor of quality and access, we
2005) will in the future be looking toward more flexible measures-
measures rooted in the needs expressed and pursued by an
Properly designed, a technology-based learning increasingly diverse population. We will be able, in ways we
environment provides students with more options than are haven't previously, to enable each person to pursue his or her
typically available in traditional learning situations, in own educational objectives in his or her own way. And as
content, pace, preparation, and review of prerequisites, and the economic imperatives that demand a standardized
for activities such as collaboration, consultation, and curriculum fade, the educational, social, and economic
testing/evaluation. Among the benefits of technology benefits of diversity not only will become clearer, they will
delivery are the potential for less required training time; become imperative(Options and Opportunities, 2008).”
latest technologies in their field). Moreover, even if these
Also, as mentioned above, multimedia enhances the teachers are computer literate to a certain extent, it is likely
learning of the students which is needed in public schools. to happen that they can not put the knowledge to use in
ICT for Education or ICT4E has a growing relevance to the relation to the preparation of lessons and grades mainly
society and public schools are the main concern in uplifting because the schools are not equipped. Therefore, these are
education with the help of information and communications the things that need to be known in order to find a more
technology. Through the integration of ICT and instructional defined cause of teachers’ lack of computer literacy
support, public school teachers will be able to impart (Reynaldo Mones, personal communication, March 11,
knowledge to the students. The country should invest in ICT 2009):
training for public school teachers to incorporate it in the
learning paradigm. It will help the public school students to  How many are literate and to what extent?
survive in this highly competitive world.  How many are literate and are able to apply this
2.3. Lack of computer literacy of teachers  How many are literate but could not apply the
Why is not computer usage increasing in the classrooms at a  What is the extent of computerization in the public
more expeditious rate? Is it merely because of the cost of school system?
integrating computers in all schools? Or is it because of the  What is the extent of related IT infrastructure like
lack of computer literacy of the service teachers? Both the availability of LCD prjectors, etc.? And the list
actually affects the usage rate of computers in classrooms, goes on…
however, the latter reason takes a bigger part in it.
Individuals (both teachers and students) who are
To allow the computers to be used for teaching, computer literate have greater benefits than others who lack
teachers who are expected to utilize that first need to buy the that knowledge as most institutions today hire people that
idea that technology has additional valuable contribution in have good background on technologies. Thus, government
the classroom. However, this is quite difficult to achieve as needs to invest much to promote it to students and teachers
most of the teachers, especially the senior ones, are locked (Satharasinghe, n.d.).
to the past and they do not want to look what’s ahead of
them. They are still more into the yesterday’s methods than In our country’s setting, it is hardly seen if there are
tomorrow’s, due mainly to their fear of changing their really developments regarding this issue. Without us
ways—the words “I am afraid…” are always heard from realizing it, there are actually planned projects by
them. With this, the need to collaborate, problem solve, Department of Education about the integration of ICT in the
hypothesize, practice, reform, fail, and succeed arises. But Philippine’s educational system. The goal of the plan
before that, they must learn how to escape from their old (Philippine Education Technology Master Plan) is stated as
zone such as outdated curricula, standards that are not “to deliver quality education that is accessible to all through
supported, and pedagogy that is more applicable in the 19th the use of IT and other innovative technologies” (UNESCO,
century than in the 21st century (UNC Horizon, 2006). 2009).

Another factor of computer illiteracy of teachers Department of Education (DepEd) is also into the
today is their educational background. Schools of education professional development of teachers, both in private and
do not have the necessary preparations in making their public schools. Usually, public schools send a few teachers
students (pre-service teachers) computer literate. The do not to computer literacy training, who would then pass on the
integrate computers in their curriculum because even the training of peer teachers. Private schools usually hire ICT
school management still wants to offer training in traditional service providers to give training to their teachers. The
classrooms. This should not be the case—students taking up DepEd especially give training to teachers that teach
courses on education should be make known to computer- Technology and Home Economics (THE) and since 1997,
based environment during their education—learning how to they strengthen establishment of ICT training to teachers of
use telementoring utilizing the internet like emails, creating English, Science, Mathematics and THE (UNESCO, 2009).
webpages, web-based learning management systems, etc.
(UNC, 2006). Actually, there are some private sectors that give
training for teachers. Intel and Microsoft have a current
Truly, it is not impossible that there are still teachers program called Intel Teach to the Future program which
who know how to use computers to make their teaching targets to teach 1,000 teachers on the condition that each
more efficient and more effective, however they are few teacher would train 20 others (UNESCO, 2009).
(and of course, younger educators are more up-to-date to the
2.4. The Philippines’ Cyber Education Project covers some 500,000 schools and universities. DepEd’s
official website revealed that the Cyber Ed Project is in
Recently, the Philippine’s Department of Education (DepEd) accordance with the ICT-based education agenda included in
announced its new promising proposal called the CYBER the economic cooperation agreement signed by the
EDUCATION PROJECT (CEP) which aimed at “providing Philippines and China in June 2006 and it is undertaken with
an efficient and cost-effective solution to the need to deliver assistance from Tsinghua University, China's premier
educational services to public elementary and secondary technology university (Cadias, n.d.).
schools throughout the whole archipelago” (Cadias, n.d.).
Cyber Education is defined as a brand new form of
education in which instructional and management activities First of the condition of the public schools in the Philippines
are carried out mainly based on E-Learning technologies. It are not as effective as they should be. The condition of the
includes concepts like “online education”, “E-Learning”, classrooms are below standards which forces students to be
“virtual education”, “digital education”, “multi-media in extreme conditions. Some of the classrooms actually
learning” and among others. The Philippines’ Cyber require renovation because there are rooms where there are
Education Project is accurately described as a Satellite- no proper lighting, or no ceilings, or no electricity, this
based Distance Learning Program (Cadias, n.d.). shows that the students are at risk. Due to the increase in
demand for education, people are starting to realize that their
It was learned that the Satellite-based education in the children should be sent to school even if the schools is
Philippines was conceptualized during the time of President considered a public schools but the schools cannot
Fidel V. Ramos. The idea was to use the country’s Agila accommodate all these students because they do not have
satellite system, which was launched into orbit in 1997, as enough facilities for the students. Schools do not have
the tool. However, it didn’t push through. Now, President sufficient equipment for computer laboratories, science
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s government is trying hard in laboratories, and other school facilities that should be
realizing this development amidst the strong and challenging available for students to use. The technologies within the
political and economic concerns. The Satellite-based schools may be implemented but the government should
Distance Learning Program links the schools to a nationwide know the limitations of the schools, the government should
network that provides 12 video channels, wireless wide area understand what they should prioritize. It may be good that
networking, local area networking and wireless Internet the government has implemented policies for the public
connectivity. Through the Cyber Ed Project, the Department schools to have technology but the government should
of Education (DepEd) expects substantial improvement in prioritize the students’
student performance. At the same time, its network will
provide cost-effective teacher training to close to half a The reasons why public school need technologies is
million public school teachers, enabling them to upgrade because there are a large number of students but there are
their capabilities using virtual teacher training modules not enough reference materials or books for them. Another
(Cadias, n.d.). reason is that the traditional method of teaching can be
delivered by multimedia tools and through the tools the
DepEd’s P26.48-billion Cyber Education Project is seen students will be more fixated on the lecture due illustrative
as a major solution to the myriad education problems. It is representation of the topics. This would basically increase
claimed to totally enhance the traditional concept of the participation of students and the possible learning that
classroom teaching because teachers and pupils can they might obtain from the lecture. The students will also
interactively view and respond to teachers in the live feeds have options on obtaining the lecture using the multimedia
and computer-enhanced delivery of lessons. According to which would allow the student to review the session once
the NEDA, of the total cost of P26.48 billion, 86 percent or more. Student will also have the initiative to learn more
P22.77 billion of which will be financed through a loan from through the internet only if they are given a chance to use the
China and the remaining 14 percent or P3.71 billion will be technology.
funded by the Philippine government (Cadias, n.d.).
The computers in the schools are not being utilize
DepEd explained that under this project, a total of because of another factor and this factor is the lack of
37,794 schools or 90% of all public schools nationwide will computer literacy of teachers. Without knowing the
be connected in the next three years. These schools will fundamentals of a computer the teachers will not be able to
receive live broadcasts featuring lectures and presentations present effectively if they were to use the computer. There
from master teachers as well as course wares on demand and are times that the teachers are willing to learn but it will only
other valuable resource materials. Furthermore, the Cyber be additional cost which is why some of the computers are
Ed Project is based on China's E-Education Project which not being used. The schools should provide computer
literacy training for the teachers in order for the schools
function more effectively. [9] UNESCO (2009). ICT: The Philippines. Retrieved on
March 9, 2009 from the World Wide Web:
The Philippines’ Cyber Education Project would
have given the students an opportunity to learn from top-
notch professors all over the world, if only the project was [10] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
successful. The public schools would be featuring the Organization (UNESCO) (2009). ICT in Education: The
lectures of the best professors and the students will be able Philippines. Retrieved on March 11, 2009 from
to learn more effectively, they will also be given the same
level of education as other schools if the said project was

Lastly, if the government was consistent in what

they were doing, the public schools right now might be
giving top-quality education. Technology can help students
learn more effectively but if the teachers themselves do not
know how to use the technology then it would be a waste.
The government should also prioritize on giving a better
learning environment for the students.


[1] Cadias, A.M. (n.d.). The Philippines’ Cyber Education

Project: Pros and Cons. Retrieved on March 11, 2009 from

[2] Carolina: University of North Carolina (2006). Teachers,

Schools of Education, and Computer Literacy. Retrieved on
March 11, 2009 from

[3] COMSTE (2008). Angara Bats for a Sustainable

Modernization Plan for RP Schools. Retrieved on March 10,
2009 from the World Wide Web:

[4] Options and Opportunities(2008).Stephen;s Web.

Retrieved on March 10, 2009 from

[5] Oracle (2009). Oracle Information Release. Retrieved

on March 9, 2009 from the World Wide Web:

[6] Mishra, S. & Sharma, R(2005).Interactive Multimedia

in Education and Training.USA: Idea Group Publishing.

[7] Satharasinghe, A. (n.d.). Computer Literacy for

Teachers. Sri Lanka Department of Consensus and

[8] Save the Children(2007).The Philippines – Save the

Children. Retrieved on March 10, 2009 from

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