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Lesson Plan Form Content Area: Guided Reading Grade Level: 3rd Grade Objective: Students will be able

to identify individual character attributes for Mr. Fox in Fantastic Mr. Fox. Students will be able to demonstrate through writing their understanding of how character attributes comprise the characters complex personality. Content Goals: CCSS English Language Arts Literature Key Ideas and Details 3. Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. Supplies Needed: Fantastic Mr. Fox (copies for whole class and teacher), Character Attribute Web Graphic Organizer, Writers Notebooks, Scenario Flip Chart, Markers, Note cards, Pencils, Diary Entry Graphic Organizer Activities and Time Allotment: I. Activity 1: Model and Complete Character Attribute Web (18 minutes). Group norms and lesson objective are stated emphasize to stay with teacher as the text is read. Review of Mr. Fox character attributes gathered from previous chapters read through the character attribute web graphic organizer (see attached). Read aloud next two pages in the Fantastic Mr. Fox. As needed, students can follow along the text with a notecard to keep track of text better. Teacher models purposeful reading for identifying the explicit character attributes of Mr. Fox and adds these to graphic organizer. Next few pages are read aloud for students to identify other character attributes. Students share with thumbs up when they have identified an attribute. Pause reading, have students identify the attribute and the strategy used to find it, and add to the character attribute web. Finish reading text to students. Class discussion on how each attribute contributes to our understanding of the characters complete personality. II. Activity 2: Paired Scenario Responses (7 minutes): Students will use their knowledge of Mr. Foxs personality traits to brainstorm in partners how he would respond in following scenarios: 1. How will Mr. Fox respond to his wife trying to convince him not to steal any food from the farmers? 2. Farmer Bean has a turkey waiting for Mr. Fox. How will he respond to this trap? 3. How will Mr. Fox plan to provide food for his family if they move homes? Scenarios will be both read orally and then displayed visually. Paired groupings will be determined by the teacher to maximize effectiveness of complementary skills. Sharing to the whole class will occur from three groups regarding each scenario. III. Activity 3: Diary Writing (20 minutes) Students will complete a three-paragraph diary entry from the perspective of the character Mr. Fox imaging how he would respond to fictional future life event. Throughout the diary entry the character must express how

he felt, acted, looked, and said for this particular event. For accommodation, students can respond directly to one of the scenario questions already discussed in class rather than creating a new event. The length requirement can also be adjusted to one paragraph rather than three. Frequently used words will be displayed on board in addition to the character attribute web. Students needing additional support can also use the diary entry graphic organizer (see attached). Total Time: 45 Minutes

Assessment: Formal: Written diary entry should accurately identify at least 4 character attributes for Mr. Fox that would be appropriate for the given scenario selected to write about. Informal: Students are able to creatively image how Mr. Fox would respond to a given scenario through giving evidence of character traits.

Graphic Organizers 1. Diary Entry Graphic Organizer

Diary Entry #____


Today the most ____________________________ thing happened to me. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________(describe scenario provided)

I felt ____________________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ My actions were __________________________________________________ when____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ I said _______________________________________________ in response to ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ My appearance was _________________________________________ because ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Tomorrow I will __________________________________________________ to ______________________________________________________________ my problem.

Sincerely, __________________

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