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a not a

a not a

jack galmitz
ImPress New York, New York 2013

a not a copyright Impress, 2013 New York, New York

painting side up




strapped to the hood was more

the deer

to range of values blue mountains

to distance

stalagmites lengthening the year

unable to find themselves yet the world in the world

they things are

this horse is three-dimensional on paper

the sound


ostracized fireflies, too

guitar and mandolin duet on analog/trigger sequencer & humming voices taped

relatives met at the zoo


go we on



in the body

ed weve been through this again

so it is


not to be confused with a

ly where you can


un end

to kill or kiss



a cane enables

cracked the shell found it empty so I moved in

a chipped cup drunk tea from clay where porcelain was once

out of ought to

in to into

point harm home less ness

lease solve



an internet shoot 5 chiken good for hormone concentration eye hand coordination in your child & growth & subscribe ad

inside it shines

my fingers drum the table the exhaust a rush voices join in

in the rotating tub

bra straps rattle

two women with laundry ask if Ill soon be done

markings, droppings this

silken nt in my pocket evening

in the lookout point sees the ships that sail upon birds of different species on a sea of trees

the forrester

tank on the desktop the fish are exotic no need to I put a fishtank

no need to buy a

& move in fits & starts fill with water or colored or coral

a filter, castle, pebbles if the computer doesnt crash theyll live longer

stop stop



just started got


To Be Recited in Chinese its time my friend to part

my legs are like trickling water which will make the descent Ill remember our all night talks and drinking and laughter even if in misadventure I am befallen without display of emotion lets say goodbye, then, calmer

its spring and I must start

shoot 3 ducks shoot soldiers does the computer know me better than myself

shoot targets, shoot iphones

accordian on a parabolic microphone and placed it on a stage with a saxophone soloist

bats & added tam tam &

recorded in a cave

when the clouds are in the heather and she sleeps alone

and water shall be the moon

the moon shall be water

the clouds are in the heather and she sleeps as a stone when she stops dreaming the world will be gone

glands hybrid rock creature

s kin arrive unannounced for Thanksgiving

it is not the same book I began

the letters rearrange

the candle sputters

A beadle met a beatle on a cobblestone road

On the iphone I distinguish your phonemes

I cant listen to more of your cant It just cant

what is the reason we gave up the word wot

Im keen to have my knee replaced it hurts so much

but your sweetcorn dripping butter takes my mind off

my corns are killing me

until we end this travail

happy trails

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