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Abwehr: The German equivalent of the CIA. The Abeher served as a military intelligence and counter espionage unit. Theyre main task was to gain information on Allied movements.

Babi Yar: A ravine two miles from the outskirts of Kiev. This was where the Nazi mobile killing units massacred more than 33,000 Jews on 29-30 September 1941. During the following months, executions of Jews, Gypsies, Soviet POWs, and handicapped hospital patients pushed the total dead at Babi Yar close to 100,000.

Chelmno: Killing center opened in late December 1941 in incorporated western where the SS, using special mobile gas vans, killed more than 320,000 Jews from Lodz and Poznan provinces as well as about 5,000 Austrian Gypsies incarcerated in the Lodz ghetto. Its main operation period was from December 1941 to March 1943 and it resumed operation between April and August 1944 during the liquidation of the Lodz ghetto

Dachau: The first concentration camp, near Munich, Germany. The camp opened on 20 March 1933. When the camp opened, only known political opponents were interned. Gradually, more and more groups were incarcerated there. In Dachau there was no mass extermination program, but out of the total number of 206,206 registered prisoners, there were 31,591 registered deaths. However, the total number of deaths in Dachau, including the victims of individual and mass executions and the final death marches, will never be known. On 29 April 1945 the camp was liberated

Einsatzgruppen: A mobile unit of the SS who followed behind the main lines. They were seen as an elite force similar to the American Navy SEALs. Theyre Main task was to eliminate any and all Jews, handicapped and soviet commanders left behind the main army lines.

Fhrer (Fuehrer): Adolf Hitler was the only man to ever use this title. After his election he officially denounced the title chancellor and demanded to be cal the Der Fhrer. This translates roughly into guild or leader.

Gestapo: The german special police. The Gestapo were in charge of supervising the Ghettos as well as executions in the forms of mass shooting. They were established in 1933 and by 1936 their power was reconized across Germany.

Hadamar: A psychiatric hospital founded in 1906 The red brick clinic was located in the town of Hadamar. From 1941 to 1945, it was rented to T4 as the site of a "euthanasia" killing center where more than 11,000 people were murdered.

International Military Tribunal: The United States, Great Britain, France, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics charted this court to prosecute Nazi war criminals. The majority of the people wjo were sentenced to this court were executed. Most commonly the charges were homicide and genocide and rape, but there were a few less serious trials such as war time looting charges.

Judenrat (Jewish Council): Council of 'elders' established on Nazi orders in ghettos in Poland and occupied Soviet and Baltic territories. While theoretically the Judenrat administered the ghettos, they were, in reality totally under Nazi domination. They were forced to implement German orders while attempting, usually in vain, to modify them.

Katyn Forest Massacre: In 1940 more than 4,000 Polish army officers were murdered at Katyn. Both the Soviet Union and Germany denied responsibility and blamed the other for the massacre, but it is now believed that the NKVD (the Soviet secret police) was responsible. In 1943 the Polish government-in-exile in London charged the Soviets with responsibility for the massacre, and the Soviet Union severed relations with the London Poles on 25 April 1943.

Lidice: A Czech mining village. In revenge for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, the Nazis "liquidated" the village in 1942. They shot the men and older boys, deported the women and children to concentration camps, razed the village to the ground and struck its name from the map. After World War II a new village was built near the site of the old Lidice, which is now a national park and memorial.

Maly Trostinets: Concentration camp in eastern Byelorussia, near Minsk, Jews from the final operations in Minsk were murdered and buried at Maly Trostinets in July 1942 and in October 1943. Also during 1942 Jews from the Protectorate, Austria, Germany, Holland and Poland were transported to Maly Trostinets to be killed. It is believed that there are 65,000 bodies at Maly Trostinets, including those of about 39,000 Jews from the final operations in Minsk.

Nuremberg Laws: Two laws issued in 1935 to further exclusion from German life of persons considered different, drawing distinctions between Aryans and non-Aryans. The first law removed the citizenship of non-Aryans, and the second law defined them and prohibited them from engaging in sexual relations with Germans. The laws were proclaimed at the annual Nazi party rally in Nuremberg on September 15, 1935.

Operation Harvest Festival (in German, Aktion Emtefest): On November 3, 1943, the liquidation of 6,000 Jewish workers transferred from the Warsaw ghetto earlier that year to factories in Trawniki and Poniatowa, and also the killing of 42,000 Jews in labor camps in the Lublin district

Pan-German League (Alldeutscher Verband): Influencial group of prominent German super-Nationalists founded in September 1890 by Alfred Hugenberger and others. Its total membership during the Second Reich never reached more than 40,000, but the names of its members read like a "who's who" of German academic, industrial and political life. Its primary focus was unification of all German-speaking peoples into one empire.

Quisling: A pejorative or insult directed at a citizen of one of the conquered nations who collaborated with the Germans. The term was taken from the name of Vidkun Quisling, the pro-Nazi Norwegian leader.

Ravensbruck: Concentration camp for women opened near Furstenberg in May 1939 Designed to hold 15,000 prisoners, it eventually housed more than 120,000 women from 23 nations. The prisoners included political prisoners, Jews, Gypsies and Jehovah's Witnesses. It was liberated by the Soviet Army in late April 1945.

SA (Sturm-Abteilung): The so-called "Storm Troopers" also known as the "Brownshirts." Until Hitler came to power, the SA was the most important paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party, and his strongest supporters. In early 1934, Heinrich Himmler, ambitious head of the SS, successfully conspired against SA Chief of Staff Ernst Roehm (Rhm), resulting in his summary execution along with most of his top lieutenants during the "Night of the Long Knives" on June 30, 1934

Thule Society: Mysterious secret society that began shortly before the end of WWI. Many leading members of the Nazi party were later said to be among its members. Is was the center of the counter-revolutionary movement, a hot-bed of ultra-nationalism and Pan-Germanic mysticism. Some researchers believe its inner circle was a coven of occultists led by Dietrich Eckart and that Adolf Hitler was a "visiting" member.

U-Boats (Unterseeboot): German designation for submarines. Their function was to shoot at allied ships from a safe location underwater. They are an example of Nazi Germanys huge innovations in technology.

Volksgenossen: Members of the Volk (race or people). Racial comrades. This included anyone in the axis powers who was Aryan.

Wannsee Conference: A meeting of Nazi upperclassmen called by Reinhard Heydrich to coordinate and implement the logistics of the "Final Solution." It was held at a lakeside villa in Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin, on January 20, 1942.

X ray machines were on of the various instruments tested on Jewish specimen in concentration camps. The X ray machine was most commonly used to sterilize patients both male and female the patients usually suffered a slow agonizing death shortly after due to the effects of being exposed to large sums of radiations for large sums of time.

Young Plan: A plan for reorganizing Germany's WWI reparation payments. The plan named for Owen D. Young, an Amnerican businessman. It also established a Bank for International Settlements to handle the payments. Many Germans complained the Young Plan would enslave their unborn children and grandchildren to this bank for generations. These fears and resentments, combined with the stock market crash later in the year, did much to enforce Hitler and his movement. In 1934, after Hitler came to power, the war-debt agreements totally collapsed and no further payments were made by any nation.

Zyklon B: A brand-name of pesticide. Its active ingredient was Hydrogen cyanide (Prussic Acid) in crystalline form. Zyklon B was used to murder millions of people, mostly Jews, in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau and several other killing centers.

Table of contents
Pg 1 A Abwehr Pg 2 B Babi Yar Pg 3 C Chelmno Pg 4 D Dachau Pg 5 E Einsatzgruppen Pg 6 F Fhrer Pg 7 G Gestapo Pg 8 H Hadamar Pg 9 I International Military Tribunal Pg 10 J Judenrat Pg 11 K Katyn Forest Massacre Pg 12 L Lidice Pg 13 M Maly Trostinets Pg 14 N Nuremberg Laws Pg 15 O Operation Harvest Festival

Pg 16 P Pan-German League Pg 17 Q Quisling Pg 18 R Ravensbruck Pg 19 S SA (Sturm-Abteilung) Pg 20 T Thule Society Pg 21 U U Boat Pg 22 V Volksgenossen Pg 23 W Wannsee Conference Pg 24 X X-rays Pg 25 Y Young Plan Pg 26 Z Zyklon B

Work cited
Information: "EXPANDED GLOSSARY." THE HOLOCAUST. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <>. Pictures:

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