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What is Energy? Science tells us that the universe is comprised of energy in different configurations. Energy that is tightly bundled and tightly compacted appears as matter. The simplest form of matter being atoms. However "atoms are not things," they are simply models. Atoms really are made of tightly bound energy. The energy which makes up the universe originated with the Big Bang. After the Big Bang energy condescend and formed into different forms of matter. That energy now makes up everything in the universe from stars to people. Webster's dictionary defines energy as "a fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as the capacity for doing work." Energy is what powers our devices, it is what makes things go. There are many different types and forms of energy. Cars derive their energy from gasoline, televisions derive their energy from electricity, plants derive their energy from sunlight, humans and animals derive their energy from the sustenance we ingest in the form of food, water, and various chemicals. From a metaphysical point of view, energy represents unlimited potential. Magickal practitioners harness and manipulate various forms of energy for a variety of purposes. Energy is what empowers our spells and rituals. It brings us balance and connects us to all other things in the universe. The Aura The Aura is an invisible field of energy which surrounds all living things. This emanation of ethereal light and energy surrounds human beings and extends from two or three feet in all directions from the body. The colors of the aura are a good indicator of a person's disposition, heath, and spirituality. The Aura is many colored and flows and moves with you, changing color with your moods, feelings, and spiritual condition.

The Aura is not to be confused with the lights seen by people suffering from migraine or epliepsy, cell debris in the eyes (sometimes called "floaters") the bring spots of light caused when the eye is rubbed or the after images caused by retinal fatigue. The Aura acts as a natural shield against negativity, black magick, and the evil eye. Over time, negativity can cling to the aura resulting in it becoming weakened, and the person will often become sick. In addition, the person will also become vulnerable to magickal attack. When negativity builds up on the aura, the person may feel a sensation of being "weigned down". When this occurs, it becomes necessary for the person to cleanse their aura. How to See Auras To Cleanse the Aura There exist a myriad of methods to cleanse one's Aura, below are three: 1. Soak in a bath of salted water, completely immersing yourself several times. When you are done, allow yourself to dry naturally before putting on clean clothes. You may wish to augement the process with the burning of candles and incense while you bath as well as playing soothing music. 2. Ritually smudge yourself with burning sage. 3. Visualize yourself surrounded by pure white light that cleanses your aura leaving it glowing stronger and brighter that it ever has before. How to See & Sense the Aura Seeing Auras Sit comfortably and relax in a dimly lit room. The area in which you perform this technique should not be completely dark, but should have as little light as possible. Hold your hand out before you and simply look at it without straining. It helps if you can consciously un-focus your eyes a bit. Shift your attention from your hand to the wall behind it, so that while your hand is somewhat out of focus, it will still be visible to you. With practice, youll begin to see a faint glow. This is your aura. You can use this technique to see the auras of other things such as people, animals, and objects by setting them up in similar surroundings. For example, you may dim the lights in a room and set a potted plant up next to a wall painted a neutral color.

As your ability to see auras grows, you may begin to be able to see them under other conditions. Sensing Auras Whereas seeing auras with your eyes is relatively difficult it can be done with practice. However, sensing auras is thought to be somewhat easier; in fact, youve probably already done it without even knowing. As we know, color is nothing more than energy vibrating at a certain level. The vibration of energy at different levels generates various colors. The aura is simply a visual marker of the state of vibration to which a body or thing is attuned. To sense the aura of a person or thing, you must become either mentally or psychically attuned to the person, and assess their energy level. For example have you ever known that a person was depressed even though they showed no outward sign of being sad? Have you ever gotten an uneasy feeling about an individual for no reason only to later found out that that was a dangerous or untrustworthy person? If so, what you were sensing was the energy level that person was emitting. Have you ever noticed how people associate colors with their emotions? The phrases feeling blue, green with envy, or seeing red, being yellow spring to mind. If you were able to see the auras of the people in the examples above what colors do you think they would be? Remember back in the chapter on symbols, when I asked you to meditate on each of the colors and write down how they make you feel? Hopefully you associated some of these colors with emotions. This list will come in handy when attempting to sense a persons aura.

How to Cleanse the Aura There exist a myriad of methods to cleanse one's Aura, below are three: 1. Soak in a bath of salted water, completely immersing yourself several times. When you are done, allow yourself to dry naturally before putting on clean clothes. You may wish to augement the process with the burning of candles and incense while you bath as well as playing soothing music. 2. Ritually smudge yourself with burning sage. 3. Visualize yourself surrounded by pure white light that cleanses your aura leaving it glowing stronger and brighter that it ever has before.

The Chakras From a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, the Chakras are the seven energy vortexes of the human body which are located on the spinal column through which Kundalini, or life-energy, rises. They are: Crown Chakra: (White) This relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of allknowing. This chakra has the highest vibration, and is considered to be the most spiritual. When developed it brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection and bliss. Forehead Chakra: (Purple) This is known as the third eye chakra and is located at the centre of the forehead, between the brows. The colour is purple. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively, and as such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us 'see the big picture'. Throat Chakra: (Blue) This chakra is the throat chakra and is thus related to communication and creativity. The colour is blue. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language. Heart Chakra: (Green) Located approximately three inches above the sternum, in the centre of the chest, and is the middle chakra in the system of seven. It is related to love, and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. The colour associated with it is green. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centredness. Solar Plexus Chakra: (Yellow) This is the solar plexus chakra, the power chakra, and is located approximately three inches below the base of the sternum (breastbone). The colour is yellow. It rules our personal power, will and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity and non-dominating power.

Sacral Chakra: (Orange) Located midway between the pelvis and the navel, and is associated with the lower back and sexual organs. It is connected with the element water, with emotions and sexuality; the colour associated with it is orange. It allows us to connect with others through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and the ability to accept change. Root Chakra: (Red) This is known as the base chakra and is located at the base of the spine (this is the centre of lowest vibration). It represents the earth element, the colour red, and is associated with our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and the connection of our bodies to the physical plane. Ideally, this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security and dynamic presence.

How to Cleanse the Chakras Life is energy and energy is everywhere. It is that which connects us all. When energy is flowing smoothly and freely then health is maintained. Think of a river. When it is allowed to follow its own course without being dammed up, diverted, polluted, etc. then the river flows free and sustains not just itself but the plants and animals which rely on it's bounty. However, when it is blocked in some way the result can be a fetid river lacking enought oxygen to keep even a few fish alive. So it is true with our bodies. When we are flowing easily health is maintained, but when we experience a block in our energy the system begins to break down leading to emotional problems and eventually physical illness. The Chakra system offers a way of lookin at energy ao we can understand what is happening in our body and become aware of blockages before illness results. Just as there are several methods to cleanse your aura, there are several methods which have been devised to cleanse and balance one's chakras. The most common methods employed uses a combination of breathing and meditation. To begin, take several deep cleansing breaths, releasing all the tension from your body. Visualize yourself surrounded by a pure white light. Say or think:

"Seven spheres, spinning bright; balance & clear, the path of light!"

Beginning with the Crown Chakra and moving down to the Root Chakra, visualize each of the chakras one at a time. Mentally scan the chakra and visualize the white light cleansing the chakra of any negativity energy and charging it with energy and zest. When you are done, strongly visualize each of the chakras spinning along your spine, glowing brighter than ever before.

Healing with Energy

Step One: The Interview Just like his or her counterpart in the medical profession, the Spiritual Healer must know the history, and background of the individual who requests healing. The more the person feels at east with you the better chance you have of success. You may wish to serve the individual a cup of chamomile tea, which has been known to have a calming effect on individuals. The first things that you will want to ask the individual who is requesting a healing is if they are currently under the care of a qualified physician, and if so, what diagnosis they have been given, as well as what treatment (if any) they are receiving. How do they feel about the treatment that they are receiving. Do they feel that a second opinion is in order? If the person is reporting symptoms or serious disease, such as excessive bleeding, swelling, frequent blackouts, etc. and they have not sought medical attention, then you should STRONGLY advise the individual to see a doctor. You should make a point to ask specific questions, while making the individual feel as comfortable as possible. Make a mental note of the persons body language, and keep a pen and paper nearby to not and list things such as family illnesses, allergies, or complaints. Ask not only about the injury/condition, but also about the events or circumstances surrounding it. You must ask important questions about pregnancy, addiction, and emotional outlook. How is the person sleeping? Has there been an unusual amount of stress in their life. Are they currently taking any medication? Most of all, do no judge, act shocked, or become emotional, try to remain calm and collected. Keep in mind that mind, body, and spirit are connected. Often emotional trauma/wounds/stress manifests physical symptoms. In these cases, you should treat the problem not the symptom. Be advised that the individual may not be aware of the connection between their symptom and the problem on a conscious level. It will be your job to get the individual to confront his or her feelings and deal with them. Then, and only then, can the healing begin. Some spiritual healers believe that there is often a literal connection between emotional or mental trauma and the way that it manifests physical symptoms. For example, if you are constantly suffering from kidney infections, then look at your life and figure out who or what is pissing you off. If you suffer from a crick in the neck, then ask yourself Who in my life is that pain in the neck? If you are having a great deal of pain in the back, then ask yourself What do I need to unload? Step Two: The Energy Examination

Ask the individual to lie comfortably on their back, with their arms at their sides. You may want to have a mat on the floor, or have the person lie on your sofa. If you plan to do a great deal of healing, you may want to invest in a portable massage table. Ground and center, then cast a circle (refer to the section on Ritual Construction) around yourself and the individual in the name of (choose one) Your patron God or Goddess. A specific deity known for his or her healing powers. A Generic form of the God and/or Goddess. The God and Goddess combined, sometimes called Spirit, or the All. Inside your circle, examine the seven charkas one by one, by placing your hands approximately one inch over the body, Allow your intuition to guide you. Pay attention to any mental images that come to your mind, as well as physical sensations that you experience. Feel free to talk to the individual about what you are sensing and allow them to give you feedback. Take notes of your findings as well as any unusual energy patterns that you sense. You will be referring to these notes when you the actual healing begins. Step Three: The Healing Astrological Correspondences and Healing Witch-Healers normally time their endeavors to the Phases of the Moon, defined as New, Waxing, Full, and Waning. These four can be divided further into eight distinctive phases, but for the purpose of healing, a basic knowledge of these four will suffice. Generally speaking, during a New to Full Moon (Waxing) a witch focuses on drawing positive energy toward him or herself. During a Full to New Moon (Waning) a witch will focus on moving negative energy away from themselves. While a Full Moon is considered all-purpose, and a witch can either draw positive energy towards, or move negative energy away from, him or herself. This translates to healing in the following manner. During a Waxing Moon, the focus is on applying positive energy to the sick or injured area, so that the positive energy dilutes the negative energy and is thus transformed into positive energy itself. This is much like pouring a gallon or Red Kool-Aid into the ocean. The ocean water dilutes the Kool-Aid and the Kool-Aid seemingly disappears, but what actually happens is that the Kool-Aid becomes a part of the ocean itself and takes on the oceans characteristics. During a Waning Moon, the focus is on siphoning, or removing, negative energy from the sick or injured area so that only positive energy remains. During a Full Moon, the healer alternates between drawing out negative energy and instilling positive energy. For this reason, the Full Moon is the best time to perform a healing. The Use of Sigils Many healers use sigils to seal the Auric Field of an individual after healing applications. These sigils are traced in the air over the charkas three times after each application with the words so mote it be. Some of the most popular sigils are Pentacles, The Solar Cross, and Sowilo (see The Runes). The Use of Props

For the purpose of this article, props can be defined as anything, other than the tool of self that one utilizes in the process of healing. Props include but are not limited to the following: Tarot Cards, Runes, Crystals, Stones, Music, Candles, Incense, Colors, etc. The use of color, music, candles, and incense helps to set the mood for the ritual and can assist both the healer and the patient in obtaining a relaxed state of mind and body. Tarot Cards, Runes, and Crystals can be placed on top of the body at the location of the Chakras as symbols of healing power, and these can be drawn randomly to diagnose the type of energy needed to facilitate the healing process. (For more information on these tools, see their respective chapters.) Putting it all Together At this point, you will begin the actual healing by Instilling, Siphoning, or both as determined by the phase of the moon. However, if you choose to use any props, place them over the Chakras before moving on to the energy work as described below. This is where all the notes that you took earlier will come in handy. You will concentrate your energies on those Chakras that correspond to the sickness or injury, which should have been made apparent during the energy examination. To Instill Positive Energy Place your projective hand down about four inches over the charka and rotate your palm in a deosil (clockwise) pattern. Visualize energy of the color which corresponds to the Chakra filling it up and glowing brighter and brighter. Imagine the negative energy is being diluted (you may want to see the negative energy as black) and see it fading into the correct color. Finally visualize the Chakra glowing bright and healthy. Continue your visualization for as long as you feel necessary, then seal the healing with a sigil as described earlier. To Siphon Negative Energy Place your receptive hand, palm down about four inches over the Chakra and rotate your palm in a widdershins (counter-clockwise) pattern. Visualize the negative energy coming out of the charka and adhering to your palm. Visualize the charka glowing bring, vivid, and healthy. Move your hand away from the individual and shake off the negative energy. Imagine it being swallowed by the earth where it will be transformed into positive energy. This will become a psychic reservoir of healing energy for you over time. Continue your visualization for as long as you feel necessary, then seal the healing with a sigil as described earlier. Afterward Once the healing session is over, open the circle, and allow the individual to sit up. Dont rush the individual out of the door. Allow him or her time to gather their thoughts and readjust them selves after having gone through such a power experience. The person should leave feeling happy, upbeat, optimistic, and energized. Make an appointment to call the individual within the week to see if another session is needed. Clearing the Self

When the individual has gone, take a few moments to ground and center yourself again. You may wish to hold your hands under cold water, hold a piece of hematite, shake out your fingers, or take some cleansing breaths. A Note on Terminal Illness and Healing There are many schools of thought on this issue. Some healers believe that before a person incarnates on this plane, that among other elements of their life they chose how they will die. Some healers believe that sometimes a person will choose to die in a violent or painful manner and in a way their suffering takes away from the pain of others. Therefore, some healers will not attempt to heal or cure a person with terminal illness. Other healers believe that in order to heal a person, that they must take on the disease themselves before casting it away, and they will not attempt to work for a person with terminal illness for fear of getting the disease themselves and not being able to get rid of it. Some healers believe that with proper applications of healing energy a person can be cured or at the very least suffering will be eased so that their passage from this incarnation will be a peaceful one. It is up to the individual student to develop his or her own opinion on this issue. Astral Projection

Astral Projection is the process of separating your astral, or psychic, body from your physical body in order to visit other planes, times or locations. When the astral body leaves the physical body, one's consciosness is transferred to the astral body so that you are aware of the events and surroundings you encounter. It is believed that the astral body remains connected to the physical body via a silver cord. Some people experience astral projection naturally while others have to work in order to achieve astral projection. However, most people achieve astral projection while sleeping and do not always remember the experience, or believe the experience to be a dream.The biggest hindrance to astral projection is fear. Fear that they will not be able to return to their body, fear that they will be hurt in some way, fear that they will die. However, nothing could be further from the truth. As long as you are in generally good health, there is no reason why you cannot attempt astral projection. There have been many methods to facilitate Astral Projection, one of the most popular and well known is called the Monroe Technique, developed by Robert Monroe.

Step One: Relax the body. According to Monroe, "the ability to relax is the first prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself" to having an OBE. (out of body experience). This includes both physical and mental relaxation. Monroe does not suggest a method of attaining this relaxation, although progressive muscle relaxation, coupled with deep breathing exercises (inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3... until about 50 or 100) are known to work well. Step Two: Enter the state bordering sleep. This is known as the hypnogogic state. Once again, Monroe doesn't recommend any method of doing this. One way is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice you can learn to control the hypnogogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the hypnogogic state. Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A. Step Three: Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind. Observe your field of vision through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of your. After a while you may start to notice light patterns. These are simply neural discharges. They have no specific effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what Monroe calls Condition B. From here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe calls Condition C-- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts.The ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal fatigue. To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you practice entering it in the morning just as you are getting up, or after a short nap. Step Four: Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of the technique, and also the most vague. Many projectors have noted these vibrations at the onset of projection. They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or as if electricity is being shot through the body. Their cause is a mystery. It may actually be the astral body trying to leave the physical body. For entering into the vibrational state, he offers the following directions: 1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your skin. 2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your eyelids, but do not shut out all light. 3. Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your head pointed toward magnetic north. 4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly warmer than what might normally be comfortable.

5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there will be absolutely no noise to disturb you. 6. Enter a state of relaxation. 7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember all that occurs during the upcoming session that will be beneficial to your well being. Repeat this five times. 8. As your breathe, concentrate on the void in front of you. 9. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point of mental reference to six feet. 10. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your body axis up above you head. Focus there and reach out for the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body. Even if you don't know what these vibrations are, you will know when you have achieved contact with them. Step Five: Learn to control the vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational waves from head to foot. To produce this wave effect, concentrate on the vibrations and mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you can induce these waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are ready to leave the body. Step Six: Begin with a partial separation. The key here is thought control. Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving the body. Do not let it wander. Stray thoughts might cause you to lose control of the state. Now having entered the vibrational state, begin exploring the OBE by releasing a hand or a foot of the "second body". Monroe suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in contact with a familiar object, such as a wall near your bed. Then push it through the object. Return the limb by placing it back in to coincidence with the physical one, decrease the vibrational rate, and then terminate the experiment. Lie quietly until you have fully returned to normal. This exercise will prepare you for full separation. Step Seven:Dissociate yourself from the body. Monroe suggests two methods for this. One method is to lift out of the body. To do this, think about getting lighter and lighter after entering the vibrational state. Think about how nice it would be to float upward. Keep this thought in mind at all costs and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An OBE will occur naturally at this point.

Elementals Elementals are spiritual manifestations that exists within their own elements. Paracelsus first wrote about them in his works on alchemy. Traditionally there are four types of elementals, they are: Gnomes who reside in the earth. Undines who reside in water Sylphs who reside in air Salamanders who reside in fire. The concept of these four elementals springs forth from a time when it was believed that these four elements represented the basic builing blocks of nature. However, as humans have learned more about the world in which we live, it has been put for that there are many more types of elementals, including natural processes and places. As humans are beginning to realize how important the earth is for our own survival, many are beginning to regard plants as a special type of elemental as well. So long as an elemental remains in it's element it has no individuality and cannot grow or evolve. They simply remain as potential within the element. Unless called forth by magickal means or something disturbs their element, elementals normally remain in their element. However, when an elemental splits from their element it becomes an individual being. It is then able to interact with its surroundings and in rare cases act on its own. For an elemental to grow and evolve it must form an association with a multielemental being such as humans. For this purpose, they often seek out human companionship and for that they are willing to provide services in exchange for the tutelage that comes with human interaction. When called upon for assistance, elementals are glad to go to work on your goal. When working with an elemental it is very important to deal with them as if they are external material entities, treat them with respect, and to maintain conscious awareness of the elemental's existence on a daily basis.

To Summon an Elemental When deciding to summon an elemental, it is best to work with one of the four basic elementals of fire, earth, air, or water. 1. To begin, decide on the goal you wish your elemental to perform and then choose the elemental that is best in alignment with that goal. For example, if you are summoning an elemental to bring you money and prosperity, you may wish to work with Gnomes (elementals of earth) as earth is associated with money and prosperity. If you wish to summon an elemental to assist you in your love-life, you may wish to work with the Undines (elementals of water) as water is associated with emotions. 2. Determine the best time to perform your ritual. For example, if you are working to draw something towards you, perform your ritual when the moon is waxing or growing; if you are working to move something away from you, perform the ritual when the moon is waning, or shrinking. In addition, choose a day that is in alignment with your goal (see astrological correspondences) and in which the moon is in a sign that corresponds to the element that you are summoning. For example, if you are attempting to summon an elemental to bring a lover to you, you may wish to perform your ritual on a Friday, when the Moon is Waxing and in one of the Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) 3. Gather your equipment and materials. 4. On the correct day, Create Sacred Space and Cast Circle. 5. Call the quarter associated with the elemental that you wish to summon. North for Earth (Gnomes), East for Air (Sylphs), South for Fire (Salamanders), and West for Water (Undines). 6. Sit facing the quarter direction associated with the element you wish to summon and place a sample of the element before you. Dish of sand for earth, Incense for Air, Candle Flame for Fire, and Dish of Water for Water. 7. Draw an invoking pentagram over the element and say: Oh spirit that within this element be, I now call you forth, come to me; In the name of the Lord and Lady, as I will so mote it be.

8. Envision a ball of energy the traditional color of the element (Green for earth, Yellow for Air, Red for Fire, Blue for Water) rising out of the element and taking on a form of your choosing. This form should be something in alignment with its original element. For example, if you were summoning an elemental of earth, you wouldn't visualize him as a mermaid. You may also wish to give the elemental a name, or it may tell you it's name. 9. Mentally communicate with the elemental. Tell it what it is you wish it to do and make sure that it understands. 10. When you are done, send this elemental off to its task instructing it to check in with you every 24 hours. 11. Close the quaters and open the Circle. Note: Remember to treat your elemental with respect, acknowledge it's hard work and thank it for its assistance.

Artificial Elementals Also known as a "fetch" an artificial elemental (AE) is an elemental of your own making. Another way of thinking of an AE is as an aspect of your personality which has been detached from you. An AE is useful for certain tasks.

Invisible watcher and observer Psychic guard Healing

Among AEs, there are two types: Timed and Un-Timed. A Timed Elemental has a very specific life span, they are usually programmed to return to nothing upon completion of a specific task, or after a specific time period. An UnTimed Elemental has no specific life span. They are usually bound to an object in the material world, such as a gemstone, fetish, doll, statue, etc....

How to Create an Un-Timed Elemental Producing your own AE is a fairly easy task to accomplish. You must assume that the act has produced results, even if you do not immediately observe them. It is entirely possible to produce one and not know it. Therefore, and this is a general principle of any magick, never ignore forces you have set into motion. Even thought you may not see an elemental, you may nevertheless "feel" its presence.

The word "poppet" is used to label many types of dolls. For our purposes, a poppet is a tangible vessel that houses the AE. The poppet can be as simplistic as a gemstone, a fetish, a knick-knack, or as elaborate as a doll that has been hand crafted, embedded with herbs and gemstones, initiated and completed with astrological influences. The energy manifestation of the fetch and the physical manifestation poppet is interdependent, and created in tandem. In addition to housing the AE, the poppet acts to nourish, ground, and protect the AE's energy and attributions. Before you begin constructing your poppet, focus on the reasons why you are creating the AE. This focus will aid in your deciding which attributes to infuse the poppet. Write these attributes on paper, as they will be used in the consecration of the AE. For the gathering of information, you may want attributes sucas as clear sight and the ability to recieve and impart communication clearly. You may even gather herbs, stones and metals possessing the qualities that you want to infuse into your AE. Next, you will assign to your AE the visualized form that you want this energy to assume. This can be a ball of energy or a totem animal or any visualization or form that bridges the gap between concept and reality. If you are creating a fabric or a stitched poppet, leave a small portion of the poppet for stuffing. Gather the herbs, stones, metals, and oil that you want to use to further enhance the fetch. Cotton balls make an excellent and economical stuffing for the poppet. The consecration of the AE and the poppet is very similar to the consecration of any other working tool of the craft. Cast your circle, call the quarters, and petition deity. Present your poppet to each element and to deity, asking that the desired characteristics be imparted to your AE. State to the AE that it will be protected and sealed into this poppet until it is released by you, and only you. State to the AE that it will always return to the poppet upon completion of each and every task. Instruct that, upon its return to the poppet, it will lie dormant until you command it otherwise. Thank the elements and deity and release the circle. Your AE is now ready for its first mission. Instruct the AE as you would a small child, with clear, concise, and specific instructions. You will also want to state the terms of communication with your AE. Instruct your AE that it will only obey your voice and intent. Your AE can impart its information in visual, auditory, and sensory forms. Information can be relinquished during your waking hours and while sleep.

Workbook of Shadows EXERCISES 1. Identify three forms of energy. Explain how they are used by humans and describe their impact on society, the environment, and our selves. 2. Using the method described in this chapter. Practice seeing the auras of an inanimate object, a plant, an animal, a human being, and yourself. Record your experiences in your journal. 3. Write and perform a ritual to cleanse your own aura. Record your ritual in your journal and note your experience before, during, and after the ritual. 4. Obtain a recent photo of yourself that shows your entire body from head to toe. Paste this photo in your journal. Identify your chakras on the photo and leave space for additional information. 5. Perform a meditation and mentally assess each of your chakras. Write what you have learned in your journal beside each of the Chakras you identified in the previous exercise. Be sure to date your entry. 6. Write and perform a ritual to cleanse your chakras. Include the ritual in your journal and record your experience before, during, and after the ritual as well. 7. Research at least three methods of alternative healing and record what you have learned in your journal. For example, you may choose Reiki, Pow-Wow, and Reflexology 8. Of the three healing methods you have studied, choose one that you are drawn to and begin practicing it's techniques. Record your progress in your journal. 9. Using the method described in this chapter, practice astral projection. At first, simply attempt to leave your body, then gradually venture out further and further. Record your progress in your journal. 10. Choose a goal that you would like to achieve. Write this goal in your journal. Using the method described in this chapter summon an elemental to help you achieve that goal. Record your work in your journal. 11. Using the method described in this chapter, create a timed-elemental for a specific purpose. Record your progress in your journal.

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