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Interactions 2 Reading Elaine Kirn and Pamela Hartman

Alejandra Sotomayor (allow 72 hours for reply)


Reading Selections A City Thats Doing Something Right Sick- Building Syndrome

Reading Skills and Strategies Previewing the topic and vocabulary Identifying the main idea Indentifying supporting details Predicting content of a reading

Critical Thinking Skills Organizing datails using a graphic organizer Making inferences Summarizing a paragraph Undestand a contrast

City Life Pg. 22

Xii 3

Vocabulary Building

Language Skills

Focus on Testing

Getting meaning from context: examples, opposites, & in other words Undestanding the meaning of italics in readings Focusing in Academic Word List Undestanding and looking up parts of speech in a dictionary

Understanding pronoun reference Interviewing students about city life Discussing some problems and solutions in big cities Writing a paragraph

Getting meaning from context

Xii 4

City Life
When you look at a city, its like reading the hopes, aspirations, and pride of everyone who build it -Hugh Newell Jacobsen U.S. Architect (1929-)

Smart Buildings

-Hugh Newell Jacobsen

Do you wanna know what is a smart building? Run to the 6 next link

Strategy Getting meaning from context


These clues to meaning will help you understand new words and phrases.

The following words introduce examples, that may help you to understan better a reading. (Sometimes examples appear without these words, in parentheses, or between dashes.)

for instance such as among them

Introduce examples

Example Context: Almost four billion people will be living in cities in developing countries such as India and Nigeria. Meaning: You can guess that developing countries are not rich.
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Strategy Getting meaning from context

2. Sometimes another word or words in another sentence or sentence part has the opposite meaning from a new vocabulary item. Example Context: In some cities, instead of worsening, urban life is actually getting much better.

Meaning: You see thar worsening is the opposite of getting better.

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Strategy Getting meaning from context

3. A definition or explanation follows the connecting words: That is In other words
Introduce a definition or explanation

Context: The downtown shopping area is now a pedestrian zone in other words, an area for walkers only, no cars. Meaning: A pedestrian zone is an area for walkers only.
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Strategy Critical Thinking: Making Inferences

Writers usually state information clearly. However, they also often imply information. In other words, they just suggest an idea without actually stating it. It is important for students to be able to make inferences that is, to read between the lines and undestand information that is not clearly stated.


Vocabulary Chapter 2 / Cognates

Access Agricultural operation Creative Cultivate Efficiently Established Global Method Predict Priorities Produce Transportation Residents.


Affluent.- adjective Having a lot of money or owning a lot of things; rich. Commute.- Verb To make the same journey regularly between work and home. Crops.- Noun The total amount collected of a plant such as a grain, fruit or vegetable grown in large amounts. Crowd.- Noun A large group of people who have come together. Developing countries.- Not rich countries.

Gridlock.- Noun a) A situation where roads in a town become so blocked by cars that is impossible for any traffic to move. b) A situation in which no progress can be made. Income.- Noun Money that is earned from doing work or received from investments. Mass .- adjective Having an effect on or involving a large number of peoplle or forming a larga amount. a) mass transit US for public transportation

Enviorenment.- Noun The air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live. Focus.- Noun Centre. The amin or central point of something, especially of attention or interest.


Pollution.- Noun Damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste. Recycling plant.- is a facility which processes materials for recycling. Recycling plants may be attached to landfills to streamline the waste management process, or they may be independent facilities. Solve.- Verb To find an answer to a problem.


Trash.- Noun a) Informal something that is of low quality. b) US for rubbish Under.- Lower preposition In or to a position below or lower than something else, often so that one thing covers the other. Urban dwellers.- People who live in the city. Worsening.- To make or become worse.


Vocabulary Interactions work online pter2/vocabulary.html


Reading Interactions work online apter2/read.html art-buildings

Whats for homework?

Make the exercises from the Interactions link. Irregular verbs


Part II Parts of Speech


Strategy Parts of a Speech

To figure out the meaning of a new word from the context, you may find it helpful to know its part of speech; that is, is the word a noun, a verb, an adjective, or an adverb? Many words are related to one another; they have the same stem (base word) but different endings for different parts of speech.
Pages 40-41

Parts of Speech Conjunctions

A conjunction is a joiner, a word that connects (conjoins) parts of a sentence.


Conjunctions Exercises
1. We will visit Rome _____ and Germany in our next trip. nor a novice. 2. He is _______ 3. They tried ______ but not succeed. 4. Do you wanna come _____ or stay at home? yet 5. I didnt see it, ______ did they. and but or nor yet

Have fun and practice conjunctions , follow the link mmargames/conjunction.html


Parts of Speech Noun

A noun is often defined as a word which names a person, place or thing. Proper nouns : are nouns which begin with a capital letter because it is the name of a specific or particular person place or thing. Mexico, John F. Kennedy, Atlantic Ocean, February, Monday, New York City, Susan, Maple Street, Burger King. Common nouns: do not begin with a capital letter. boy, river, global, flag, teacher
Pages 40-41 25

Nouns Exercises
1. Which is NOT a noun? a. Yellow b. dog c. notebook d. Colorado 2. Which is NOT a noun? a. Homework b. day c. Sunday d. taken

3. Which is not a noun? a. Dream b. computer c. under d. February

Pages 40-41 26

4. Which is not a plural noun? a. People b. gas c. clothes d. arms 5. Which is a noun? a. Carry b. send c. TV

d. blue

6. Which is NOT a proper noun? a. Sunday b. World Cup c. president d. USA

Pages 40-41 27

7. Which is a proper noun? a. Beans b. restaurant c. Pizza Hut d. flower 8. Which is a noun? a. Wanted b.ate c. and

d. the e. grammar

9. How many nouns are in the sentence: Pat and Ken live with their mother and father. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e.5
Pages 40-41 28

Parts of Speech adjective

An adjective is often defined as a word which describes or gives more information about a noun or pronoun. Adjectives describe nouns in terms of such qualities as size, color, number, and kind. In the sentence The lazy dog sat on the rug, the word lazy is an adjective which gives more information about the noun dog.
Pages 40-41 29

1. Which contains an adjective? a. Old man b. on Tuesday 2. Which contains an adjective? a. The fire spread b. got married

c. she said

c. very busy

3. Which does NOT contain an adjective? a. Cold water b. until now c. rainy day. d. Great idea
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4. Which adjective has a plural form? a. Big b. happy c. first d. small e. that 5. Which does NOT contain an adjective? a. Wait here b. my friend c. is hot d. lucky day

6. Which is NOT correct? a. Sad news b. hard life c. bigs cars d. those men
Pages 40-41 31

Parts of Speech Adverb

An adverb is usually defined as a word that gives more information about a verb, an adjective or another adverb, in terms of such qualities as time, frequency and manner. Most, but not all adverbs end in -ly . Many times an adjective can be made into an adverb by adding -ly as in nicely, quickly, completely, sincerely.
Pages 40-41 32

Adverb Exercise
1. Adverbs are most often used to give more information about a. Subjects b. verbs c. nouns d. questions

2. Which kind or word can adverb describe? a. Pronoun b.preposition c. adjective d. verb
3. Which contains an adverb? a. Full house b. three woman d. very funny

c. was dirty
Pages 40-41 33

4. Which does NOT contain an adverb? a. Sincerely yours b. drive safely c. ate fast d. too easy e. my supply 5. What is the most common ending for adverbs? a. -ive b. able c. tion d. ly e. ate 6. How many adverbs are in : I really woke up too early this morning. a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d.3 e. 4
Pages 40-41 34

Parts of Speech
Cities around the globe need to find solutions to similar problems, so city planners sometimes meet at a global conference. They discuss issues that affect them globally. Globe - noun Global- adjective Globally- adverb

Pages 40-41

Parts of Speech Learn more

Run to the next link and practice.



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