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Chapter 2

Forces And Motion

What is Inertia?
• Inertia is the reluctance of an object to stop once it is in uniform motion.
• Inertia is also the reluctance of an object to be moved once it is at rest.
• Mass is a measurement of the amount of inertia.
• The characteristics of inertia can be summarized by Newtonʼs first law of motion.
• Newtonʼs first law of motion states that every object will continue in its state of
uniform velocity or at rest unless it is acted upon by an external force.

Examples Of Situations Involving Inertia

1 Wooden block Cardboard

2 Falls down Coin Pull
hit 4
5 Table Glass
The reluctance of wooden blocks to
be moved The reluctance of a coin to be moved

Bucket filled
Moves with Stops Empty with sand
uniform suddenly bucket
velocity A B
Easy to push Harder to push

An object of greater mass has

The reluctance of a skater to stop greater inertia
Metal rod
It is harder for a moving train to stop
Period of oscilllation is longer if more than a moving motorcycle because the
metal rods are used train has greater inertia

Force of

As a book slides across a table from

left to right, the force of friction acts
The safety belt can reduce the negative on the book to slow it down and
effect of inertia in an accident bring it to rest

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