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Read these sentences carefully and underline the correct answers. 1. Let us (watch / watches ) the show together.

2. She ( take / takes ) a left turn into Jalan Batu Muda. 3. The marigold flowers ( is / are ) in the backyard. 4. Vermillion ( is / are ) a reddish orange colour. 5. The mystery ( was / were ) solved very easily by Ms. Sheldon. 6. Your ( suggestion / suggestions ) are good. 7. The traffic light ( turn / turns ) red every few minutes. 8. He ( need / needs ) to earn enough money to buy a new bicycle. 9. Someone ( has / have ) stepped on the grass. 10. You ( look / looks ) familiar. 11. The flock of pigeons ( is / are ) sitting on the roof. 12. Everybody ( make / makes ) mistakes. 13. Daniel and Amsyar ( attend / attends ) Acik Yus classes together. 14. Bella ( get / gets ) a new handphone for her good work. 15. The group of Year 6 students ( are / is ) exposed to Exam Past years paper answering technique.

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