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Genitalia & Pregnancy Diagnosis

genital system:
from behind (vulva , vagina , cervix , body of uterus , 2 horn , Fallopian tube , ovary)

- examine the genitalia : palpation per rectum

1 ) ( -

2-the entrance & re back & examination be gentle

3-look for cervix at the pelvic Flore and hold it as a guide

4-follow to the body of uterus then to horn and try to sense the size of each horn
5-lateral to the end of horn by 2 cm there is the ovary

This steps you can reach to all genital structure of female But:
_take care when do examine and re bake
_the fallopian tube not palpated ............>if palpate it....>abnormal(salpengitis)
_you must differentiate bet. the size of 2 horns

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There are many signs of estrus but we interest to:
1-External signs:
mounting and snorting()
( secretion of vulva)
2-Internal signs:

tergetady of body , 2 horn

cervical secretion(very important to..............>
(when put the hand & re backing .....>wait till vaginal secretion+urine out
then the cervical secretion appear as( clear , transparent ,viscous
not interrupted)
N.B ) The cervical secretion help us in diagnosis of:
estrus.........................>as previous
metritis.........................>watery not viscus
pyometra and endometritis...................>pus , plug ,or turbidity

If the female be estrus ......>artificial insemination or normal mating with male

Artificial insemination be ..............>at end of body (50 0/0 to each horn)
..............>at the horn which related to the ovary on which you
sure there is graffian follicle.
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pregnancy diagnosis

a)The indication for it ant its time is (relation bet.the size of 2 horn);
- if they are symmetrical..............................>no pregnancy
- if asymmetrical(one larger than other)............> pregnancy or pyometra

B) stages of size and age of fetus :

1)45 day ....> one horn is small but the other be as lemon size

2) 2 month pregnancy ..........>

..........>the large one (pregnant) became as orange size
...........>fetus in pelvic cavity
...........>there are fetal membrane slip
N.B) the fetal m. slip is the 3rd m. you hold as (rectum , uterus , F.M.S)

3) 3 month pregnancy............>
...........> pregnant horn be as child head size
...........>there are small nodules scattered on it(placentom)
...........>in pelvis & fetal m. slip

You must differentiate bet:

pregnancy (3rd)



good general health condition...................bad health

there is fetus, fetal m. slip.......................there is no fetus nor f.m.slip
there are placentom..............................there is no placentom
there is fetal fluid(flatulent) fluid but pus(daphy consistency)

4) 4th month pregnancy.............>

............>large as grad watermelon
............>placentom (large nodule)
............>fetal organ at the pelvic
............>can sens the pulse of fetus

5)5th month pregnancy.................>

..........>increase in fetus & placentom size
..........>1/2 of fetus in pelvis and other at abdomen

6) 6th month pregnancy.........>

..........> called descending stage (in abdomen)
..........> string arm strength.........>
the pregnant horn be stretch as strengthened arm

7) 7th month pregnancy...........>

..........>ascending stage & floating of fetus
..........> the fetus begin to enter to the pelvic and can touch the end of legs and

8) 8th , 9th , 1oth , 11th ............>

..........>the fetus in pelvis

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