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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

I. Objective Identify and give the importance of using the adjectives in sentences II. Subject Matter A. Skill: Identifying and Using Adjectives in Sentences B. References: BEC-PELC English For You and Me 4, LTX pp.147-158 C. Materials: Activity Sheets, charts, power point, flash cards D. Value focus: Taking Care of the Animals III. Learning Activities: A. Spelling Teacher's Activity Good morning children! How are you today? Look at your classmates and ask. "Do you feel beautiful today?" Well, that's great to hear that all of you feel so, beautiful because we will have a new words to encounter for spelling. Please get 1/4 piece of pad paper and write the word as I dictate. 1. thorough You shall have a thorough understanding about our lesson. 2. thorny I have seen thorny plants along the road. 3. gather They gather information about the (The pupils write the words as the teacher dictates) Pupils' Activity Good morning Ma'am. We're fine and great! (The pupils will look and ask their seatmate)

event. 4. together The child together with his mother went to the zoo. 5. grandfather My grandfather is already old. B. Drill Everybody put the tip of your tongue between your upper and lower teeth and sound th. Then, put your right hand in front of your mouth and say th. What have you observed? Very good! I have observed that there is more air coming from my mouth. Sound it again. Th as in thin, path, thorny, thick and thorough. Everybody read the word with the soft th sound. Again put the tip of your tongue between your upper and lower teeth and sound hard th. Put your right hand again in front of your mouth and sound hard th. What have you observed? Very good! The hard th is sounded as th as in gather, together, grandfather, bother, and them. Everybody read the words with hard th. Let us read again the words. C. Review: I have here words on the board. What kind of words are on the charts number 1? They are nouns. Why? T (The children read the words with hard th sound) I have observed that there is little air coming from my mouth. (The children read the words) ( The children sound the soft th)

Yes, very good that was our lesson yesterday.

hey are nouns because they are names of persons, places, things and animals.

How about in chart number 2? Why? They are called pronouns. Look at chart no.1 again. What can you say about these words under the animals? Class, are animals important to us like the dog? Why? They are used instead of nouns.

They are names of animals. Yes. Dog is important because it watches our house and it is one source of oxygen that plants need and animals also are creations of God. We have to care of the animals like dog.

So what will you do? D. Lesson Proper 1. Presentation Children, I have here a song. try to listen and after that we will sing together. The Adjective Song Words that modify nouns and pronouns Telling which one and what kind it is or telling how many these are adjectives simple and easy and friendly and breezy are adjectives little and tiny and middle and shiny are adjectives several and few, older and new are adjectives costly and cheap, purple and deep are adjectives Words that modify nouns and pronouns Telling which one and what kind it is

(The pupils listen and after it, will sing the song)

or telling how many these are adjectives What is the song about? Very good! Our lesson for today is about adjectives. 2. Analysis/Discussion: a. According to the song, what do adjectives modify? Very good! b. In other words they are used to modify or to describe nouns and pronouns. Remember class that the other word form modify is describe. What is the other word for modify? c. What are the adjectives mentioned in the song? The other words for modify is describe. The adjectives mentioned in the song are simple and easy friendly and breezy tiny and little (The pupils continue to answer) We use adjectives to describe nouns in order to make the ideas in a sentence clear. Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. The song is about the adjectives.

d. What else? Why do you think we use adjectives to describe nouns in sentences? Very good! Let us go back to the charts. Let us have here the noun dog. With the word dog alone can you picture out what kind of dog is being talked? But if we are going to add little or tiny before the name dog. Can you picture it out now? So what can you say about the dog? Yes, that is the use of adjectives. It gives a clearer idea to a noun in a sentence.

No, Ma'am. Yes, Ma'am. A tiny or little dog.


Generalization I can identify the adjective in a sentence if it describes a noun or a pronoun. We use adjectives to give a clearer idea about something in a sentence.

How can you identify the adjectives in the sentence? What is the purpose of objectives in describing nouns and pronouns in the sentence? 4. Application

(The pupils group theirselves) Children count off 1-4. after no.4, go back to no.1-4 again. All no. 1's will be group 1. No. 2's group 2. No. 3's group 3 and No. 4's group 4. (The pupils do the activity) We will have a contest. I will give you an activity sheets. What you are going to do is to expand each sentence given using adjectives in correct way. Underline the adjectives that you are used after expanding. The team whose each sentence contains the most adjectives wins the round. ( After the activity, the teacher checks the works and declare the winner) Let us give a round of applause to the group____. IV. Evaluation I. Underline the adjective use in each sentence. 1. The men are staying in a shabby hut. 2. Cora has two amiable friends in the city. 3. The fragile object is broken. 4. They love to visit wonderful places in the world. 5. The black kitten was playing with a ball. (The pupils give an applause to the winning group)

II. Choose the appropriate adjective to be used in the following sentences. 1. I have seven ______ marking pen for school. ( colored, pale) 2. This food is ______. (delicious, thick) 3. Sports cars are _______. (cheap, expensive) 4. The surroundings has many trees that's why the air is ______. (cool, hot) 5. There are _____ roses in the garden. (red, black) MLID V. Assignment Draw the place which you like most and make five sentences about it using adjectives.

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