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IAC-12, D2,5,9x12903


Rajesh Yadav
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India,

Ugur Guven
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India,

Gurunadh Velidi
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India,

Re-entry of a blunt nosed body is one of the most intriguing problems in any space program. Especially in the
light of various space tourism possibilities, there are many works concerning re-entry of commercial blunt nosed
space vehicles. In this paper, a generic blunt body re-entry model represented by a hemisphere- cylinder, fitted
axisymmetrically with an aerodisk aerospike at the nose is investigated numerically with commercially available
control volume based a density based, axisymmetric flow solver ANSYS Fluent 14.0. The scaled down re-entry
model has a base diameter of 40 mm and an overall length of 100 mm. A 6 mm diameter aerospike fitted
axisymmetrically at the nose has a hemispherical cap from which another aerospike of 4 mm diameter protrudes
which again has a hemispherical cap. A two dimensional compressible, axisymmetric Navier Stokes Equations are
solved for a hypersonic flow of thermally perfect air with free stream conditions of Mach No. 21.08 and a static
pressure, altitude and temperature of 37.362 Pa, 55.842 km and 258.02 K respectively. The results are compared with
that of re-entry capsule without aerospike. Among the cases investigated, the spiked blunt body having two
aerospikes in series with lengths l
and l
equal to 30 and 20 respectively shows a 38 percent reduction in peak
reattachment heat flux and 25 percent reduction in drag and thus stands as a prospective case for blunt body nose
configuration for hypersonic flight.

The space tourism as of yet is a costly affair and
limited to low earth orbits. Travelling deep into space is
what would be desire of most of these space travellers.
But returning back to Earth is a challenge as deeper the
space mission more is the re-entry speed and more
hostile the aerothermal environments. The temperatures
in the stagnation region of re-entry vehicles can rise up
to thousands of degree Kelvin even for return from near
Earth orbits. These hostile aerothermal conditions could
be fatal as was the case with Columbia. So, even with
the advancements in the technology there still seems to
be a need of developing mechanisms that can effectively
reduce the heat transfer rates to the re-entry vehicles.
Many active and passive heat reduction mechanisms
have been proposed in the literature, though most of
these are in experimental phase. One such simple and
economical passive device that has been proposed in the
literature is the use of an aerospike protruding
axisymmetrically from the nose of a blunt body. The use
of aerospikes at the nose of supersonic vehicles for the
reduction of wave drag is well established and
practically implemented for decades now. But the use of
aerospikes at hypersonic speeds especially with re-entry
conditions is a subject of many researches in the
immediate past. The purpose of this paper is to
investigate the effect of a series of two spikes with
hemispherical caps on the aerothermodynamics of a
blunt nosed body.

The use of aerospikes was first suggested by
Alexander [1] in 1947 at the Langley pilotless aircraft
division for the reduction of drag on blunt bodies at
supersonic speeds. Subsequently, a large number of
investigations were carried out to understand the
physics of high speed flows past a blunt body with
protruding aerospike at the
tip[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]. Most of the
investigations conducted for spiked blunt bodies have
shown that the use of aerospikes can drastically reduce
the aerodynamics drag at supersonic and hypersonic
speeds for a certain ratios of length of aerospike to the
diameter of the base body (l/D) [6, 12, 13, 14,
15,16,17,18]. The studies conducted by Motoyama[17], Milicev and Pavlovic[19], Milicev[20],
Menezes et. al[21], Gopalan et. al.[22] and Kalimuthu
et. al [13, 18] have shown that the effectiveness of the
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aerospikes can further be improved by the use of flat
faced or hemispherical faced spikes called the aerodisks.
On the heat transfer front, the first study on the
effect of aerospikes on the aerothermodynamics of a
blunt body was done by Stadler and Neilson[14] in
1954. In the experimental investigations conducted at a
Mach number in the range 0.12 to 5.04 and the
Reynolds number of 1.55 x 10
to 9.85 x10
, while the
l/D ratio of the aerospike was varied between 0.5 and
2.0, it was found that regardless of the length of the
spike and the spike configuration, the addition of spikes
at the nose of a hemispherical blunt body approximately
doubles the heat transfer rates to the blunt nose as
compared to the blunt nose without spike. In another
experimental investigation conducted by Bogdonohoff
and Vas
on a flat faced and hemispherical cylinder with
an aerospike with l/D ratio between 0 and 8 in a helium
flow of Mach number 14, it was found that the heat
transfer to a spiked blunt body is significantly reduced if
the separated shear layer remains laminar until
reattachment. Yet another exhaustive study to
investigate the effect of aerospikes on the aerodynamic
heating was done by Crawford [6] in 1959 wherein it
was concluded that the heat transfer to a spiked nosed
cylinder was greatly influenced by the nature of
flowfield over the separated boundary layer. It was
again found that the heat transfer rates are reduced as
compared to the unspiked body only if the Reynolds
number is low enough for the existence of laminar flow
at the reattachment point. The investigation conducted
by Holden [9] on spiked blunt bodies at Mach numbers
of 10 and 15 with l/D ratio of the spike varying from 0
to 4 suggested that the heat transfer rates at the
reattachment point is directly proportional to the
reattachment angle which is dictated by both the spike
length and the cone vertex angle. The investigation
conducted by Khlevnikov
on a spherical model
equipped with conical and pyramidal aerodisk of l/D
ratio varying between 0.283 and 1.78 showed that the
value of peak heat flux varies inversely with its distance
from the spike root.
Heubner et. al [24] in 1995 experimentally
investigated the range of angles of incidences within
which the spike would perform the best in terms drag
and aerodynamic heating reduction. The results
obtained for a flat faced aerodisk aerospike at a Mach
number of 6 and a Reynolds number of 8.0 x 10

indicated that aerospike is effective in reducing both the
drag and aerodynamic heating at low angles of attack
i.e. upto 5 degrees. R.C. Mehta [25] in 2000 numerically
investigated the effect of forward facing aerospikes on
the pressure distribution and heat fluxes over a
hemispherical blunt body. The simulations performed at
Mach numbers in the range between 1.3 and 4.5 showed
that the peak in the pressure and heat flux is found at the
location of the blunt nose for all Mach numbers. The
shear layer created on the spike region was found to
pass through the reattachment shock wave, which
influenced by the conical shock-reattachment
interaction, gives rise to the peak surface pressure and
heat flux on the heat shield. In a numerical investigation
Gauer and Paull
studied the heat load and drag
reduction due to aerospikes of different lengths,
geometry and configurations at different Mach numbers
and altitude. They found that the aerospikes with
aerodome configuration could reduce the peak heat flux
by upto 85% and is most effective; however, pointed
aerospike increases the peak heat flux drastically.
According to Gerdroodbary and Hosseinalipour [27]
also, the aerospikes with hemispherical tips are the best
for the reduction of heat fluxes and aerospikes with
hemispherical tips of l/D ratio of 1 is the optimum
choice for both heat and drag reduction.


III.I The Governing Equations and Flow Solver
The viscous hypersonic flows are governed by
Navier-Stokes equations. To reduce the computational
efforts, the 2D axisymmetric form these equations are
solved numerically using the commercially available
CFD solver Ansys Fluent 14.0. Fluent is a validated
state of the art finite volume based unstructured flow
solver. The axisymmetric form of the Navier-Stokes
equations for a finite control volume can be written as

( ) O = + O
} } }
d Q rdS F F d W
v c

where the vectors are given by,


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IAC-12, D2,5,9x12903 Page 3 of 9
and [2]

where the terms involving the work done by shear
stresses and the heat conduction in the fluid are given by


In above equations, the components of the viscous
stress tensor are given by


where the divergence of velocity is given by


In Ansys Fluent the time dependent, axisymmetric
compressible Navier Stokes are solved simultaneously
in a coupled manner using implicit scheme wherein
each equation in the coupled set of governing equations
is linearized implicitly with respect to all dependent
variables in the set. The resultant block system of linear
equations is solved using a point implicit linear equation
solver in conjunction with an algebraic multi grid
(AMG) method.

III.II Temporal and Spatial Descritization
The transient nature of the flowfield is captured
using second order accurate implicit scheme with dual
time stepping. Initial guess for the flowfield variables
are obtained with the steady-state solution using local
time stepping for faster convergence. In the dual time
stepping, at each physical time step, internal iterations
are performed based on the pseudo-time step based on
the CFL number such that convergence is achieved at
each time step. The solution was started with a CFL
number of 0.001 and the CFL value of, as high as, 4
were used at later stages.
All computations are done with second order upwind
spatial descritization, however, for some cases, first
order to second order blending is used to obtain steady
state convergence.

Flux Formulation
The inviscid fluxes are computed using modified
version of the Advection Upstream Splitting Method
(AUSM), viz. AUSM+ proposed by Liou [28]. In this
scheme, the addition of explicit artificial dissipation is
avoided with the numerical flux F in the form,

i f
p m F + = |


where m
is the mass flux through the cell interface
which is calculated using the fourth order polynomial
function of the interface Mach numbers and p
pressure term. This flux formulation provides very high
resolution of the shock discontinuity and is free of
Gibbs error.
The viscous terms in the governing system of
axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations are descritized
with second order central differencing. The Reynolds
number based on the freestream conditions is 1.91 x 10

and thus the flow can be assumed to be laminar [6].
II.III Geometric Modelling and Grid Generation
All the two-dimensional geometric models and the
axisymmetric grids are generated using the geometric
modelling and mesh generation software Gambit. The
base model is a hemisphere-cylinder with a base
diameter of 40 mm and an overall length of 100 mm.
The subsequent spiked models have two aerospikes with
hemispherical tips with radii r
and r
and spike length
and l
as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: A generic blunt body with double spike

The spiked models studied in this investigation have
double spikes in series. The first spike having a
diameter of 6 mm protrudes out from the nose of the
base model and has a spherical tip of radius 5 mm. From
the nose of the spherical cap of the first spike, the
second spike protrudes which again ends with a
hemispherical tip. The diameter of the second spike is 4
mm while the radius of its hemispherical tip is 3.5 mm.
This paper investigated nine different double spiked
configurations for different values of the length of the
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first aerospike l
and the length of the second aerospike
as tabulated in table A.

Cases l

Base 0 0 0 0
Case1 20 mm 10 mm 6 mm 3.5 mm
Case2 15 mm 15 mm 6 mm 3.5 mm
Case3 10 mm 20 mm 6 mm 3.5 mm
Case4 20 mm 20 mm 6 mm 3.5 mm
Case5 30 mm 10 mm 6 mm 3.5 mm
Case6 10 mm 30 mm 6 mm 3.5 mm
Case7 30 mm 20 mm 6 mm 3.5 mm
Case8 25 mm 25 mm 6 mm 3.5 mm
Case9 20 mm 30 mm 6 mm 3.5 mm
Table A: List of Geometries Investigated

All the computations are done on meshes with
mapped quadrilaterals. The mapped mesh for the base
body has a total of 20,000 quadrilaterals with 200 cells
along the body and 100 cells in radial direction. A
stretching is applied in the radial direction such that the
mesh near the wall is dense enough to resolve the
viscous heating accurately. With the addition of
aerospikes at the nose the cell count for the subsequent
geometries varies from 30,000 to 50,000 depending on
the length of aerospikes. The axisymmetric meshes for
the base geometry and the spiked configuration are
shown in figures 2a and 2b respectively.

Figure 2a: Mapped mesh for re-entry body

Figure 2b: Mapped mesh for spiked re-entry body

II.III Boundary Conditions
For a cylindrical geometric at zero angles of attack
the computational efforts can be drastically reduced by
assumption of axisymmetric flows when a 2D mesh can
be used for computation. An axis boundary condition
has been implemented on the longitudinal axis of the
hemisphere-cylinder in this problem across which the
following conditions hold.
0 = v and
0 =

The body of the hemisphere-cylinder is to be an
isothermal wall at a temperature of 300 K with a no slip
velocity condition for viscous flows (u=0, v=0). All
other boundaries of the flow domain are assumed to be
pressure farfield with Mach number and static pressure
and temperature specified. The details of freestream
boundary conditions applied at the inlet are given in
table A. The variables at the outlet farfield are obtained
through interpolation from the interior of the domain.

Symbol Units Values
Mach number M ------- 21.08
Temperature T K 258.02
Pressure P N/m
Enthalpy H J/kg 2.33e+07
Kg/m-s 1.7895e-05
Table B: Freestream Conditions

Apart from the farfield boundary conditions, the
above values are used as initial guesses for all cells to
initialize the solution.

III.IV Solver Validation
The solver validation is done for the base geometry
i.e. the hemisphere-cylinder with the shock standoff
distance obtained through the numerical simulation
compared to that computed theoretically. The shock
standoff distance , for a spherical blunt body in a
calorifically perfect gas can be given by [30]


2 1


where R is the radius of sphere and subscripts 1 and
2 represents pre-shock and post-shock quantities. The
values of shock standoff distance as obtained from X-Y
plot of pressure along the axis and analytically using
equation (8) are in good agreement with each other. The
simulation results are 5% lower than the analytical
values. Apart from this, the solver validation study is
also carried out for the single spike case [6]. The
pressure distribution and the heat fluxes for a single
aerospike configuration of reference [6] match well with
the results presented in the reference.
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Apart from the solver validation, mesh sensitivity
studies were also carried out. The number of grids in
both the axial and radial directions was doubled keeping
the first length and the stretching ratio constant. The
increase in number of grids showed no variation in the
results apart from the absolute convergence delay.


IV.I Effect of Twin Spikes on the Flow Field
The flowfield around a hemisphere-cylinder is well
understood. The flowfield and the heat transfer rates
obtained for the hemisphere-cylinder matches well with
the literature [31]. Though the flow around spiked blunt
body is essentially unsteady, the flow converges to a
steady state and thus the results presented here are for
steady states only.
With the addition of spikes with hemispherical caps,
the flow sees the small hemispherical aerodisk as the
blunt body and the peak transfer rates and the stagnation
pressure rise occurs in accordance with the radius of the
front hemispherical body. At zero angles of attack the
peak pressure rise occur stagnation point of the front
aerodisk, falls drastically along the curve leading to
region of separated and reversed flow in the wake of the
first aerodisk. As the laminar flow outside the wake,
encounters the second aerodisk, there is a jump in the
pressure, but not as substantial as the first one. Again,
the pressure falls along the curve forming another
region of recirculating flow between the second
aerodisk and the main body. Thus, there are two
regions of dead air flow, wherein the flow is cut-off
from rest of fluid and is continuously recirculating
because of the moment feed from the outside flow as
shown in Figure 3.

Figure 4: Pathlines for the recirculating flow between
the first aerodisk and the main body

Another drastic rise in the pressure occurs at the
reattachment point on the main body, which is located at
approximately at the same region irrespective of the
overall lengths of the aerospikes tested in the
investigation. The deflected high energy flow from both
aerodisks impinges on the main body at the
reattachment point with detrimental rise in pressure and
heat fluxes. The contours of dynamic and static
pressures for a typical spike configuration are shown in
Figure 4.

Figure 4: Contours of dynamic (top) and static pressure
(bottom) for case 6.

The flowfield around a twin spiked blunt body can
also be illustrated by means of Mach number contours
and temperature contours as shown in Figure 5. At the
front stagnation point the associated temperature jump
is less because of the small radius of the front aerodisk.
High temperatures are observed in the vicinity of second
aerodisk shoulders and near the reattachment region on
main body. Small pockets of very low temperature
regions are formed near the main body nose and
aerodisk nose and wake which are also the regions of
recirculating flow. A very high subsonic Mach numbers
in these recirculating regions in the reversed direction
can be seen from the Mach contours.

Figure 5: Contours of Mach numbers (top) and Static
temperature (bottom)

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IV.II Effect of twin spike on the Pressure Distribution
The variation of pressure on the body for the three
different overall lengths as compared to the model
without spike (case 0) is shown in figures 6a, 6b and 6c
respectively. Figures 6a, 6b and 6c clearly show the
reattachment pressure rise on the main body which is
relatively smaller than the peak pressure rise for the
model without spike. This pressure rise is the maximum
for the shortest overall length of the aerospike which is
close to the diameter of the main body, and becomes
lower with longer aerospikes.

Figure 6a: Variation of static pressure along the surface
for cases 0, 1, 2 and 3

Figure 6b: Pressure distribution along the surface for
cases 0, 4, 5 and 6.

Figure 6c: Pressure distribution along the surface for
cases 0, 7, 8 and 9.

The maximum reattachment pressure is obtained for
the case 3 with the reattachment pressure being only 3
percent lower than that of the stagnation pressure rise
for the model without spike. The lowest reattachment
pressure is seen for the Case 7 wherein the reattachment
pressure is only 56 percent of the stagnation pressure for
model without spike. This favourable pressure drop at
the reattachment point results in approximately 25
percent drop in the aerodynamic drag of the body as
compared to the body without aerospike. The
percentage reduction in peak surface pressure on the
main body along with the corresponding drag reduction
is given in Table C.

Models P
0 no spike
D/ D
no spike
No spike
(Case 0) ------ 1.00
Case 1
0.83 0.89
Case 2
0.93 0.92
Case 3
0.97 0.93
Case 4
0.77 0.85
Case 5
0.60 0.80
Case 6
0.79 0.88
Case 7
0.56 0.75
Case 8
0.59 0.77
Case 9
0.66 0.79
Table C: Reattachment pressure rise and drag reduction

IV.III Effect of twin spike on surface heat flux
The surface heat flux distribution follows a trend
similar to the pressure distribution. The formation of
bow shock wave in front of the front spherical aerodisk
results in large stagnation point heat fluxes which is
higher than those for a hemisphere-cylinder without
aerodisk. The smaller radius of the front aerodisk results
in a large stagnation point heat transfer rates and shear
stresses. These large wall fluxes fall sharply along the
body surface and become negligible in the recirculation
region between the two hemispherical disks. Figure 7a
shows the convective surface heat flux for cases 0, 1, 2
and 3 along the axial direction. As evident from Figure
7a, there is another marginal jump in the heat fluxes at
the shoulder of second aerodisk. This marginal jump
vanishes again in the dead air region between the rear
aerodisk and the main body. A substantial rise in the
surface heat fluxes occurs at the reattachment point of
the main body where the flows separated from both the
aerodisks coalesce. This reattachment heat flux rise is
drastic; however, it is lower than that of the stagnation
point heat flux for the same hemisphere-cylinder
without any aerospikes. As seen from Figure 7b and
Figure 7c this reattachment heat flux is favourably
lowered for the spike configuration of cases 5, 7 and 8.
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Figure 7a: Surface Heat flux for cases 0, 1, 2 and 3.

Figure 7b: Surface heat flux for cases 0, 4, 5 and 6.

Figure 7c: Surface heat flux for Cases 0, 7, 8 and 9.

For the aerospikes of same overall length the
reattachment heat flux is the minimum for the cases
where the length of spike close to body l
is larger than
the length of front aerospike l
. The reduction in peak
heat flux of the main body with different spike
configurations as compared to the heat flux to the blunt
body without spike can be also be represented as the
ratio of peak reattachment heat flux and the peak
stagnation heat flux base model as plotted in figure 8.
Clearly the longer aerospikes hold the advantage of
reduced reattachment heat flux.

Figure 8: Reduction in peak heat fluxes to the main

Three different ranges of the overall lengths of two
spikes in series are investigated in this paper. Shorter
aerospikes offers no significant reduction in either the
peak reattachment heat flux or the aerodynamic drag.
Favourable reductions in both these quantities are
obtained for longer aerospikes of overall lengths larger
than the diameter of the base body. These reductions in
the peak reattachment heat flux and drag are further
exaggerated for cases 5 and 7 where the length of the
first spike l
is 1.5 times the length of second aerospike
. Apart from this for all cases with overall length
greater than 1.5 times the diameter of the base body, a
good reduction in peak heat flux and drag is observed.
For the cases studied, the maximum reduction of 40
percent in the peak heat flux the main body was
observed for case 5 with a 20 percent reduction in drag.
The case 7 can be said to be the optimum configuration
among the cases investigated with the main body heat
flux and drag reductions of 38 percent and 25 percent
Before drawing any concrete conclusion, the above
results need to be verified with experimental results. For
further investigations into the subject, the effects of
varying the radius of both the aerodisks and the
diameter of the spikes need to be studied. These studies
can be enhanced by adding aerodisk with multiple
combinations of lengths of spikes, radii of aerodisks and
the diameter of the spikes.

Axial coordinate x
Axial-component of velocity u
Control volume
Components of viscous stress tensor
t ,
t ,
t and
Covariant velocity, m/s v n u n V
r x
+ = V
Density, kg/m

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IAC-12, D2,5,9x12903 Page 8 of 9
Diameter of the main body, m D
Generic transport quantity
Length of first spike, m l

Length of second spike, m l

Mach number M
Mass flux through cell interface, kg/s m

Molecular viscosity, kg-m/s
Numerical flux F
Pressure, N/m
Shock detachment distance, m
Surface heat flux at the reattachment
point on the main body q_reattach
Stagnation pont heat for the main body
without spike q0 _nospike
Radius of first spike, m r

Radius of second spike, m r

Radial coordinate r
Radial-component of velocity v
Ratio of overall length of the spike to
the diameter of the main body l/D
Reynolds Number Re
Time, s t
Temperature, K T`
Thermal conductivity, W/m-K k
Total internal energy, J/kg E
Total Enthalpy J/kg H
Unit normal vectors in axial and radial
directions respectively n
Vector of unknown variables W

Vector of convective fluxes

Vector of viscous fluxes v F

Vector of source term vector Q

Two dimensional 2D
Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD
Courant-Fredrich-Lewis number CFL
Advection Upstream splitting method AUSM+

We would like to thank University of Petroleum and
Energy Studies for their unwavering support. Moreover,
we would like to acknowledge the help of Prof. Dr
Murat Aydin, Prof. Dr. Akif Atalay, Dr. Turgut Berat
Karyot, Dr. Bayram Celik and Dr. Rustem Aslan for
their past contributions in the conceptual analysis. Also,
the parents of Gurunadh, Mr. V G V Subrahamanyam,
and V S V L Kameswari are thanked extensively for
their support in higher education and for future research.
Rajesh Yadav also thanks his wife for immense support
in his paper.

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