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International Journal of Chemistry Research

ISSN- 0976-5689 Vol 2, Issue 2, 2011



DepartmentofEngineeringChemistry,AndhraUniversityCollegeofEngineering,Visakhapatnam,Andhrapradesh530003 Received:04Dec2010,RevisedandAccepted:11Jan2011 ABSTRACT A simple, rapid, sensitive, extraction free and cost effective visible spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of Ramiprilinbulkandcapsuleformulations.Theproposedmethodisbasedontheformationofyellowishbrowncolouredspeciesbythedrugwith Folinreagentandexhibits maxat456.5nm.Thecalibrationgraphislinearovertheconcentrationrangeof1648g/mlwithMolarabsorptivityof 4.98783X103 l/mol/cm and Sandells sensitivity of 0.08351 g/cm2 0.001 abs. unit. The proposed method is applied to commercial available capsulesandtheresultsarestatisticallycomparedwiththoseobtainedbytheUVreferencemethodandvalidatedbyrecoverystudies.Theresults arefoundsatisfactoryandreproducible.ThemethodisappliedsuccessfullyfortheestimationoftheRamiprilincapsuleformulationswithoutthe interferenceofexcipients. Keywords:ACEinhibitor,BeersLaw,Estimation,Folinreagent,visibleSpectrophotometry. INTRODUCTION Ramipril (RAM) (Fig.1) is highly lipophilic, long acting angiotensin convertingenzyme(ACE)inhibitorandchemicallyitis(2S,3aS,6aS) 1[(S)N[(S)1carboxy3phenylpropyl]alanyl] octahydro cyclopenta [b]pyrrole2carboxylicacid1ethylester1.Itisusedinthetreatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure and diabetic nephropathy with microalbuminuria. Ramipril acts as a prodrug of diacid ramiprilat. Ramipril owes its activity to ramiprilat to which it is converted after oral administration. RAM is official in USP2 and BP3 which describes HPLC and potentiometric titration method for its assay in tablets. Literature survey revealed that several analytical techniques which include HPLC412, HPTLC1314, LCMS 15, GC1617, Voltametry18, Radioimmunoassay19, Capillary electrophoresis20, ion selective electrode potentiometry2122, atomic absorption Spectrophotometry2324, Spectrofluorometry2526, visible spectrophotometric2732andUV33havebeenreportedforquantitative determination of Ramipril in biological fluids and pharmaceutical formulations.Themainpurposeofthepresentstudywastoestablish a relatively simple, sensitive, validated and inexpensive visible spectrophotometric method for the determination of RAM in pure formandinpharmaceuticaldosageforms,sincemostoftheprevious methods found to be relatively complicated and expensive. So the authorshavemadesomeattemptsinthisdirectionandsucceededin developing a method based on the reaction between the drug and Folin reagent (Sodium salt of 1, 2Naphthaquinone 4sulphonic acid NQS)34. In this method, yellowish brown colored species (Nalkyl aminonapthaquinone)wasformedbyreplacementofthesulphonate group of the napthaquinone sulphonic acid by a secondary amino group of drug. The method can be extended for the routine assay of RAMformulations. MATERIALSANDMETHODS ASystronicsUV/Visiblespectrophotometermodel2203with10mm matched quartz cells was used for all spectral measurements. A SystronicspHmetermodel362wasusedforpHmeasurements. Allthechemicalsusedwereofanalyticalgrade.Folinreagent(NQS) solution(Loba,0.5%,1.92x102Mpreparedbydissolving500mgof NQSin100mlofdistilledwater),pH8.0buffersolution(prepared by mixing 30ml of potassium hydrogen phosphate (0.067M) and 970mlofdisodiumhydrogenphosphate(0.067M)andthepHofthe solutionwasadjustedto8.0)wereprepared. Standard solution: The standard stock solution (1mg/ml) of RAM was prepared by dissolving 100mg of RAM initially in 10 ml of methanol and then followed by dilution to 100ml with distilled water. The working standard solution of RAM (400g/ml) was obtainedbyappropriatelydilutingthestandardstocksolution with thesamesolvent. Samplesolution Twentycapsuleswereemptied,pulverizedandanamountofpowder equivalentto 100mgofRAMwasweighed,dispersedin 25mlofIPA, sonicated for 30 minutes and filtered through Whatman filter paper No 41.The filtrate was evaporated and the residue was dissolved as understandardsolutionpreparation. Assay Aliquots of the standard RAM solution (1.0ml3.0ml, 400g/ml) wereplacedinseriesof25mlcalibratedtubes.Then1.0mlofFolin reagent (1.092x102M), 5.0ml of pH 8.0 buffer were added, the volumewasadjustedto7.5mlwithdistilledwaterineachtube and kept aside for 15 minutes at laboratory temperature for full color development.Thenthevolumewasmadeupto25mlwithdistilled water and mixed well. The absorbance was measured at 456.5 nm (Fig.2Showingabsorptionspectra)againstthereagentblankwithin stability period 30 minutes. The amount of drug was computed fromitscalibrationgraph(Fig.3ShowingBeersLawplot). RESULTSANDDISCUSSIONS In developing this method, a systematic study of the effects of variousparameterswereundertakenbyvaryingoneparameterata time and controlling all others fixed. The effect of various parameterssuchastime,volumeandstrengthofFolinreagentand pH buffer solution and solvent for final dilution of the colored specieswerestudiedandtheoptimumconditionswereestablished. The optical characteristics such as Beers law limit, Sandells sensitivity, molar absorptivity, percent relative standard deviation (calculated from the six measurements containing 3/4 th of the amount of the upper Beers law limits )were calculated and the results are summarized in table1.Regression characteristics like standard deviation of slope (Sb), standard deviation of intercept (Sa), standard error of estimation (Se), % range of error (0.05 and 0.01 confidence limits) were calculated using Excel work sheet 2007.TheseresultsareshowninTable1.


Ramuetal. IntJChemRes,Vol2,Issue2,2011,1619



R S O 3N a R N R1 R AM H

R1 N


O O N -Alkyl amino N apthaquinone C H3 H C =O N R1=





Ramuetal. IntJChemRes,Vol2,Issue2,2011,1619 Commercial formulations containing RAM were successfully analyzedbytheproposedmethod. The values obtained by the proposed and reference method (reported UV in methanol max=218nm) for formulations were comparedstatisticallybythetandftestandfoundnottodiffer significantly. As an additional demonstration of accuracy, recoveryexperimentswereperformedbyaddingafixedamount of the drug to the preanalyzed formulations at three different concentration levels (50%, 75%and 100%).These results are summarizedinTable2. Chemistryofcoloredspecies Inthepresentinvestigation,thepresenceofaliphaticsecondary amino group of RAM permits the development of visible spectrophotometric method for its determination through the nucleophillic substitution reaction with folin reagent. The formation of colored species with this reagent may be assigned throughaboveanalogyasshowninScheme(Fig.4). Table2:Analysisoframiprilbyproposedandreferencemethods Method NQS *Formulatio ns Capsule1 Capsule2 LabeledAmount (mg) 5 5 FoundbyProposedMethods **Amountfound t SD 4.960.038 1.816 4.9520.033 2.596 f 4.587 4.876 FoundbyReference MethodSD 4.9130.082 4.9160.015 #%Recoveryby ProposedMethodSD 99.2010.768 99.0490.664 Table1:Opticalcharacteristics,precisionand accuracy of proposed method Parameter max(nm) Beerslawlimit(g/ml) Sandellssensitivity (g/cm2/0.001abs.unit Molarabsorptivity (Litre/mole/cm) egressionequation(Y)* Intercept(a) Slope(b) Correlationcoefficient(R2) %RSD %Rangeoferrors(95% Confidencelimits) 0.05significancelevel significancelevel Values 456.5 1648 0.083507307 4987.827 0.124 0.015 0.998 0.6035 0.6335 0.9935

*Y=a+bx,where Yistheabsorbance andxistheconcentration ofRamipriling/ml

*Capsule1andCapsule2fromtwodifferentcompanies(CardioprilfromDrReddysandCorprilfromRanbaxy) **AverageStandarddeviationofsixdeterminations,thetandfvaluesrefertocomparisonoftheproposedmethodwithreferencemethod(UV). Theoreticalvaluesat95%confidencelimitst=2.57andf=5.05. #Recoveryof10mgaddedtothepreanalyzedsample(averageofthreedeterminations). Referencemethod(reportedUVmethod)usingmethanol( max=218nm). CONCLUSIONS The reagents utilized in the proposed method are cheap, readily available and the procedure does not involve any critical reaction conditions or tedious sample preparation.Moreover the method is free from interference by common additives and excipients. The proposed visible spectrophotometric method for the estimation of RAMpossessreasonableprecision,accuracy,simple,sensitive,and can be used as alternative method to the reported ones for the routinedeterminationofRAMdependingontheneedandsituation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT One of the authors (B. Kalyana Ramu) is grateful to University Grants Commission, New Delhi, for providing financial assistance undertheTeacherFellowship.Theauthorsareverymuchthankful to the m/s Aurobindo Pharma Ltd., Hyderabad for providing gift sample of the drug and convey their respectable thanks to retired Prof CSP Sastry, School of chemistry, Andhra University, for his adviceandsuggestionsgiveninthiswork. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Franz D.N., Cardiovascular Drugs (Ed: A. R. Gennaro), in Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 19th ed., Vol.II,MackPublishingCompany,Pennsylvania,1995,p.951. RoyalPharmaceuticalSociety,BritishPharmacopoeia ,vol.II,H. M.StationeryOffice,RoyalPharmaceuticalSociety,London,UK, 2000,pp.13311333. The united States Pharmacopoeia 29, NF 24, Asian Edition, Rockville, MD; United States Pharmacopoeial Convention, Inc; 2006,1890. Belal F,AlZaagi IA,GadkarienEA,Abounassif MA. Astability indicating LC method for the simultaneous determination of ramipril and hydrochlorothiazide in dosage forms. J Pharm. BiomedAnal2001;Vol.24:33542. 9. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bhushan R, Gupta D, Singh SK. Liquid chromatographic separation and UV determination of certain anti hypertensive agents.BiomedicalChromatography2005;Vol.20(2):21724. BilalYilmaz.TheDeterminationofRamiprilinPharmaceutical preparation by HPLC. Inter. J. of Pharm. Sci. Review and Res. 2010;Vol.1(1):3942. AboulEneinHY,ThiffaultC.DeterminationofRamiprilandits precursors by RPHPLC. Anal Lett 1991; Vol.24 (12): 2217 2224. Motofumi I, Takeo K, Junichi G, Toshio N. Separation Ramipril optical isomers by HPLC. J. Liquid Chromatogr. 1990; Vol.13 (5):9911000. RaoK.V,VijayakumaraK,BhanuprakashI,PrabhakarG,Begum J. The determination of Ramipril in Pharmaceutical dosage forms by Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography. Asian J Chemistry2006;Vol.18:78892. Hogan BL, Mark Williams, Anna Idiculla, Tarik Veysoglu and Ernest Parente. The development and validation of a LC method for the determination of the related substances of Ramipril in Altace capsules. J. Pharm. Biomed Anal.2000; Vol. 23(4):637651. ZarapakarSSandRaneSH.RPHPLCdeterminationofRamipril andHydrochlorothiazideintablets.IndianDrugs 2000;vol.37: 589593. Harlikar JN, Amlani A.M. Simultaneous Determination of Perindopril, Indapamide, Ramipril, Trandapril in Pharmaceutical formulations using RP HPLC. Res. J. Chem. Environ2003;vol.7:5962. Patel VA, Patel PG, Chaudhary BG, Rajgor NB, Rathi SG. Development and validations of HPTLC method for the simultaneous estimation of Telmisartan and Ramipril in combined dosage form. International Journal on PharmaceuticalandBiologicalResearch2010;Vol.1(1):1824. Jadranka O, Diljana S, Mirjana A, Dusanka MO, Zivoslav T. Reversedphase thinlayer chromatography of some


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