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Reference for Views, Data Objects and Transactions at the

Common Point of Entry in Sales Cycle Management Processing

Supporting Strategic Business Development

A Common Point of Contact Entry in the Message Qualification for Objects......................................... ...................1
Data Objects in Contact, Lead, and Project Management.............................................................. ...........................1
Data Object behavior in the Message Cycle.................................................................................... ...........................2
Further Lead Qualification and concluding Project Management Objects.................................. ............................3
Views of the Common Point of Entry and Processing............................................................................................... ...3
Common Point of Entry...................................................................................................................... ..........................3
“Just in Time Filing” Storing and Organizing Information Assets.................................................................... ........4
Entry Processing............................................................................................................................................... ............5
Objects and Transactions participating in Sales Cycle Processes............................................................ .................6
Contact Unification demonstrates Simplicity of the Message Cycle.......................................................... ..............6
Implementation of the Message Cycle in Sales Cycle Management, Web Research, and Project Management.........7
Common Point of Entry....................................................................................................................................... ..........7
Objects and Profiles participating in the Sales Cycle...................................................................................... ..............7
Cycle Transactions..................................................................................................................................................... ...8
Product Mix ...................................................................................................................................................... ............8
Defining and Processing Standard Operations........................................................................................ ..................8
How to Empty the Inbox of Activities and Information Resources ................................................... .......................9
Automating Team Action or To-Dos.................................................................................................................... .........9
Further Examples to Produce a „Just in Time“ Inbox......................................................................................... .....10
Limitations.............................................................................................................................................................. ........10
Proceeding............................................................................................................................................ .........................10
References................................................................................................................................................... ................10
See Also............................................................................................................................................... ........................10
Links.......................................................................................................................................................... ...................11

A Common Point of Contact Entry in the Message Qualification for Objects

Illustration. Simplification of Contact Entry for

Internet Messaging

Common Point of Entry inserts all

incoming contacts into a common pool for
handling including Contact Management,
Lead Management, Coherence, and Project
Management. Entering contacts into the
Common Point of Entry avoids the work,
effort and duplication of contact entry by
using the contact itself whether e-mail,
Internet or document as an entry
document. Qualification continues by
attaching data documents or message
documents to the contact document in the
processing and as it qualifies. Each step in
the qualification process leading to Project
Management attaches additional
information as needed.

Data Objects in Contact, Lead, and Project Management

Internet Messaging considers the data objects to ensure adequate indexing and information flow. From a
database point of view, 3 objects complete the Sales Cycle. A contact is the customer and records his
contact data, where he may be found. It provides a means of communication and identifies him with a
company. Contacts may represent potential. The point of contact generates a lead if the contact
represents potential. This lead must be qualified and relates to a status. It identifies the means used to
generate the contact and relates the contact to other marketing activities. Qualification determines if the
contact is a lead, which does not have determinate need creating interest to buy or close within a
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foreseeable time. Or if the contact has identified a need then the contact collects information to solve
the problem confronting the customer. If there is a project potential; the customer invests in a
determinate time in a solution to his problem, and qualifies the contact as a project. The project records
the information necessary to conceptualize the product solution, and the means to present it
convincingly to the customer. This information includes a corporate profile, a needs analysis, and a
problem analysis. An analysis records the information to analyze how the proposed solution will benefit
him. Information from the analysis feeds into a customer presentation. It also provides source material
for the aggregates of Knowledge Base, Educational Systems and Technical Support Systems.

The cycle described is similar for the message cycle and the sales cycle.

Data Object behavior in the Message Cycle

Observe how the objects interact in the Message Cycle.
IR- a contact engages because of belief that information will result to contribute to solve problems
Act-IR. Engaging identifies potential information for use.
Act-IR. Knowledgebase facilities support in the analysis and solution of the project
problem and if the information contributes to progress
Further information acquisition, analysis and communication qualify the
information and it includes in the project. Knowledge Base, and Educational
Systems support the solution/ project presentation in manner optimal for the
individual user understanding. Technical Support Systems support user operation.

At this point the index reverses (-). In the first phase of engaging, the cycle absorbs external expertise
(Information Resources) and employs them by listening to the problem. In the return phase (-) a
response or reaction comes and the collected Information Resources satisfy the response. It is negative
because it does not extend outwards seeking information but processes information contained within the
Information Resources, Knowledge Bases, Educational Systems and the Technical Support Systems.

Act-IR. The user replies and responds with questions and the next support need.
Act-IR. Activating the knowledge base again provides a suitable answer and resolutions for
the resolution response.
Act-IR. Implementation to the satisfaction of the user.
Act-IR. Fulfillment of project targets.

Act-IR is called a Promotion Number or index and uniquely identifies each phase of the messaging cycle,
supporting the customer and user relationship. Using the PN eliminates the typical duplication and
replication of indexes accompanying the filing of data in databases and documents. Containing the
Activity or Project Id (Act); it identifies the primary source of information satisfying the response
(Information Resources = IR). The last generation of database support for Sales Cycle Management lost
flexibility because of replicating indexes. Making significant improvements became difficult because the
number of indexes increased and often each index was involved in the change. An analysis of the
inflexibility showed that index multiplicity obstructed structural changes. A forthcoming theorem proves
one index of two dimensions/ variables suffices to uniquely describe an entire space. It requires two
independent dimensions or variables. After a lot of experimenting and testing two dimensions proved to
be activities or projects and information resources.

First the definition and then a simple proof supporting the use of a single index to enhance database
flexibility and adaptation to user needs. List the activities or projects started each year. This is the set of
activities. List the information domains used to action these activities, these are the Information
Resources. As an example take a suite of Information Resources containing Business Administration and
Operation. Application Technology including PCs, software, networking, messaging, Internet e-mail,
system administration as well as the application software including sales, marketing and finance. Further
include Language, Physics, Math, Philosophy and Knowledge Bases in the example. Maybe Politics or
Culture adds a little spice and is not so boring.

First show that the index contains two independent dimensions or variables. A coordinate system
contains the dimensions of (x,y). A simple proof of independency shows that one dimension contains
nothing of the other dimension. 1) Consider how can you action the projects without the Information
Resources? You can’t because the response comes and can only be satisfied when the offered
information effectively answers the need. 2) What good are the Information Resources without the
projects? If there are no activities, then the Information Resources are processions but not put to
practical use. The proof assumes that these endeavors do not simply collect, but assemble with the
purpose of satisfying a defined need or project goals. Based on the definitions; this demonstrates the
state of independency of Activities and Information Resources. Only satisfying both conditions satisfies
the user response or problem.

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Project Management matches the project with the (most) appropriate Information Resource. This
example illustrates that the projects and Information Resources are independent of another. This is the
story of spiral growth. Look at another practical demonstration. Take a blank piece of paper and draw a
square or rectangle on it. Connect two diagonals with a line segment. Fold one side of the paper at the
rectangle border so that the diagonal climbs from the lower corner to the upper corner. Now comes the
important part. Line up the rectangle border with the parallel border by placing it next
to the parallel border. The diagonal climbs the cylinder in a spiral. Examining the circle
more closely; it combines two dimensions (x,y) and combines them in varying quantities
as it moves around the perimeter. What was a flat diagonal when folded becomes an
inclining circular spiral. Circular movement around the circle defines the message cycle.
It applies equally to Sales Cycle Management, Strategic Business Development and
other applications as well. Using one index and an increment to index the entire
application enables rapid deployment of changes and ease and efficiency of data entry.

See Quick Reference to Sales Cycle Management Objects to drive Strategic Business Development
For Data Object, Transaction and View Definitions >>>

The databases in Sales Cycle Management make the salesman more productive so he spends more time
with the personal side of sales, working with the customer to build a beneficial solution with the available
products and services. Using a uniform PN saves time in regular and routine tasks accessing databases
and knowledge bases. They provide the necessary information in a timely manner. The solution presents
in a way that the customer understands and the benefits the solution brings him. Entering the objects
defines them and makes them available for processing. So the database supports processes benefiting
the customer, save support time and provides needed information for corporate marketing and other
departments. The PN remains a unique identifier and supports various needs for example mailing current
information, or providing marketing information.

Further Lead Qualification and concluding Project Management Objects

Leads process to determine the productivity of the marketing communications, and the channels as well
as the markets responding to the activities. Processing the object project provides direct benefits for the
salesman in improving his solution, and allowing him to better use his experience to improve the quality
of his customer solution. Further successful projects mature with time, and the object project changes
with the collected information. The salesman is assisted in determining when the customer can be
contacted to support in the maturing process. At that time the project information helps him to
understand the customer problem with less effort in less time. His concept improves. Processing the
objects project and leads gives the salesman information on the interest levels of new and existing
contacts and he proactively contacts the customer to work with him to meet the new challenges.

First the objects contact, lead, and project fill with the information collected on site during the contact.
They define the objects, and provide information to feed into user support and provide business

Views of the Common Point of Entry and Processing

Common Point of Entry
Entering the Common Point of Entry resembles entrance in a primary air or train hub. It collects incoming
and outgoing message documents for qualification and processing. Each phase of the Message Cycle
nestles in it’s own tube to hush the documents silently and swiftly to the appointed destination.
- Identification collects all contacts and stores them and seeks to minimize the effort to maintain them.
Each new arrival receives an identification badge and red rose.
- Qualification offers searching and sorting to identify contacts fulfilling defined and possible
requirements. Then they collect and combine to fill the rough expectations. Some qualified newcomers
get a couple of pins to stick under their badges identifying them as qualified. They put some documents
in their pockets listing their qualifications and look for a bench to wait until someone calls them to
possibly put them to use in a project.
- Project Qualification hulls an expectation because it decides the future and either the contact proceeds
further to hone to the specifications or a decision archives it as a cancelled project. The Project
Qualification Hall contains not only the qualification but then continues with Issue Resolution to host the
actions necessary to clear the obstacles out of the way. After clearing the obstacles implementation
begins and life breathes into the project.

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A project lives, adapts and changes. So the next phase called maintenance examines the project
performance determines weaknesses creating obstacles and identifies changes improving the
performance and extend successful lifetime.

Traditional filing strategies place the documents in individual folders including the action or to-do
documentation. Folders index according to the Activity Project, Information Resource Domain and the
Knowledge Base Domain. But Google Mail exemplifies the example of using powerful search capabilities
to search a general file for needed information. A Google mail account may rely on two folders: an
Archive Folder for general filing and an Inbox for current documents. Similarly Mozilla Thunderbird offers
Virtual Folders that spans folders with the search routines looking for documents fulfilling the search
requirements. Consequently To-Dos file in a Process Folder named Action where the To-Do Editor
generates the to-dos.

At the Common Point of Entry incoming contacts combine in a processing pool. Sales Cycle Management
and Strategic Business Development processes access all Activity and project contacts and using this
view observes process progress. Using this view management identifies bottlenecks and follows-up on
actions and to-dos. Within the expanse of this hall trains rush in with the new contacts, they bustle into
the attached tubes for processing. Loaded trains rush out of the hall burdened with the equipment
needed to continue building and keep the projects on time and in budget.

“Just in Time Filing” Storing and Organizing Information Assets

Observing and participating in a forum or group exemplifies the information circulation and is similar to
engaging the Internet for information. Collecting forum messaging and grouping them collects unrelated
topics, which probably archive yearly. Watching these messages produces some interesting ideas but
probably not applicable. Then interest intensifies as gold glimmers in a nugget that could progress the
project. It contains knowledge benefiting team and users and has value to put into a knowledge base.
Summarizing and naming the groups:
Project Search. Uninteresting, unrelated topics probably not applicable.
Project Stored Search. Observing development to learn trends and general concepts, interesting
but not immediately applicable, perhaps in the future.
Application Technology. Test installation and includes all areas of knowledge including business,
finance, arts, science, technology, and culture. Observe development within these areas for
possible application in current projects and insertion in a pool to decide suitability. Implement new
possibilities in a test project to collect results to fix suitability.
Knowledge Base. Knowledge elements that fit into indexed topics and produce parts of the puzzle.
Filing incoming Information Resources according to these groups files them “Just in Time” as they
arrive in the Inbox.

Information Resources compares to the logistical solution of a major production unit. It procures the
information assets needed to fulfill the qualified projects. It contains an account and an editor to as tools
to select, sort, combine and collate the assets for use in fulfilling project requirements. Resources
subdivide into information domains for example business, and technology for solution and resolution of
project issues. Each domain builds an index like the index in a binder. In fact each information domain is
a binder with an index. It contains a Table of Contents that generates manually as the topics dissolve into
the essential elements. Documentation collects details and relates them to formulate general
information and instructions about the information domain.

Information Resources containerize assets before use and implementation and before the project
experience enriches them. After refinement through experience and development; the information
collects in a Knowledge Base. Using a homogeneous structure for the Knowledge Base and similar to the
Information Resource streamlines construction and maintenance almost distributing the elements to
team members online. It eases user deployment because it functions similarly to the Information
Resources. As knowledge refinement proceeds in Project Management the knowledge elements collect in
this container. During the collection users collect, combine and refine the material and content according
to rules similar to those used in Information Resources. These rules generate a TOC, which helps guide
further content development. Skilled users contribute to the knowledge base as the project
implementation proceeds with information gleaned from construction.

Sales Cycle Management Common Point of Entry View of the Activities and Processes [PoE] >>>

Look at the View Table with the colored rows identifying similar phases. The rust colors of Identification
and Qualification are similar because both phases share similar properties. The greens of Project and
Research signify the similarity of project and research projects. The yellows of the editors tell of the
action taking place here. IR and Knowledge Base relate in color as they do in the nature of their
information treatment.
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Entry Processing
Using the Message Cycle inserts incoming information in the Entry Point of the cycle that containerizes
and groups information elements for processing. Each cycle phase holds qualified information for use in
processes. An overview puts the phases on the vertical axis of a table, for ease of understanding we will
construct the processing as the second dimension. Later development employs this table to adapt the
processes, data objects and transactions to a specific application. Processes appear as columns because
the next processes are basic processes acting similarly on the sum of contacts and projects. In the
discussion of them pay attention to the text color that groups similar and duplicating information
together. An important target in the design and construction of the table and the elements provides the
information relationship in a form to prevent information duplication. Experienced database designers
know how easy it is to implement unnecessary duplicate information. Some of the information in the
columns replicate and the reason will be discussed later. Tables will also use an attractive feature of
Excel to group columns and rows. Grouping removes them from view by collapsing rows or columns.
Grouping then removes cells containing detail information or similar information.

Index/ Topic. Table of Contents and Outlines tend to limit the relationships to strict connections like
a line connecting two endpoints. But the fascination and use of many of the topics resides in the
multi faceted relationships or the capability of faceted viewing. This viewing collects topics that
network. Index/ Topic manually collects, groups or networks topics in a facet not realized by
hierarchical outlining. Connecting hierarchical outline topics into procedural network; it supports
building interrelationships. Facets combining topics populate the Index/Topic and seed descriptions
of facets to help the user relate to the relationship between process and object. It contributes to
producing convincing project documentation.
Use of a manual TOC filters and distills the tag cloud into the essential elements of the process. As
new information collects, it brings new relationships not contained in the existing. The user stores
these manually in the TOC and as work progresses, the structure of the collected relationship
clarifies. The user readjusts the outline to clarify it in accordance with a slimmer outline.
Document. Here the user stores individual information relating to the knowledge management and
use. Lists, logs and activity documentation provide examples. Formulate the implementation of
changes in the doc to help later reconstruction giving a list of changes and development. Use it for
a glossary and resources. This information does not belong in the general information for
distribution but helps authors to construct the document and fruitfully use the collected
information. It enables a reconstruction and rollback. It lists information elements for later filtering
and distillation to finalize the title, TOC, description, tags and categories.
Column Grouping. The next 3 columns group together because they relate and in this group the
text appears red. They index the message documents and provide terms and search expressions.
Index PN. Unique index that controls and documents the message document in the cycle. It
includes an Activity Id and the essential Information Resource used to resolve the obstacles. These
two independent dimensions combine in a unique id to serve as the central index. Combining the
Project Id with the essential Information Resource ensures consistency and efficiency in finding
documents as well as a unique tag.
Ab Cat/ Tag. First a word about terms and expressions used in the article. These articles attempt to
identify and use terms, expressions and definitions in general use to avoid confusion and a
„rampant“ growth of individually used expressions. This attempt at using standard terms helps
understanding. However the industry and Internet use assorted meanings for categories and tags.
While similar in meaning at this point it is important to differentiate between two sets of tags and
categories and not to confuse the use. Identifying and qualifying information for targeted search
profits from two sets of categories and tags. Tags and categories refer to the generally used terms
to describe search identities or conditions used to identify and find suitable documents. The first
set functions as category and tag index for search where each document defines an individual set
of these tags and will be expressed Ab_ Cat or Ab_Tag. The second set fulfills an evolutionary need
similar to the manual TOC or Index/ Topic. Here the possible categories or tags collect preliminary
entries until they distill in the final version stored as Ab_Cat or Ab_Tag. The evolutionary
designators label as X-Tag or X-Category. Ab_Cat and Ab_Tag store with and relate directly to the
Index PN. Each PN associates with it’s own set of Ab_Cat and Ab_Tag. Each index orders to
categories and tags.
Subject: .Subject values provide primary search terms and identification. The Subject: generally
starts with the Index PN for easy location and combines an identifier or incrementer to uniquely
identify the document. When using forms a standard Subject: expression for each form group eases
search by grouping similar topics. These line up after another and index by the form then the
Subject description.
Form/ Index. A Common Point of Entry puts all contacts into the same hub. There they get labeled
by a form, or call it a template. In the sense of the database it defines a transaction holding the
information stating the object properties. The information about a new contact stores in the
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transaction Contact Entry. Forms collect similar events. Indexing by form name displays first the
similar events or transactions and then by subject creating useful search lists.
Color-coding Red in the table signifies that the Form/Index relates to the Subject: and the Index/PN.
The user employs them to search for groups of documents relating either to the project, phase, IR
domain or topic. A search sorts the lists according to one of these indexes. They provide a
standard, expedited means to identify, search, find and sort documents.
Tags. Tags control processing. They mark message documents either undergoing processing or
process completion. We will look at some basic examples of how tags control processes.
Evolutionary Group of Categories and Tags. Information elements do not generate with a tag or
category but these labels evolve as the document (content) evolves. Ref:, X-Tag:, and X-Category
give the author a chance to list possibilities that later distill to reality. Ref: proves its usefulness
when recording document topics or summarize the content. As the document evolves these notes
change recording the current state. Ref: collects evolutionary steps as the document progresses. At
completion Ref: contains a summary of topics covered in the document or notes about use. X-Cat
lists the potential IR domains and typical categories that the document addresses. X-Tag combines
terms to later distill them to the essential tags. These labels relate by the blue text color. They
evolve to the Ab_Cat and Ab_Tag.
Search. Searches or Virtual Folders span folders searching for necessary information. Search terms
determine much of the facility in use of the stored information. Success in using the search
depends on the right combination of the phase and the process designator. Hence the column
Search includes helping the user successfully and expediently finding information. It will avail itself
of the phase label or include the Ab_Cat and Ab_Tag. Other terms also collect here to assist in
Message Filter. Message Filters contain a Search and subsequently an Action. In Mozilla they limit to
folders. They operate in combination with the identification and Qualification phase delimited by a
process designator or index.

Objects and Transactions participating in Sales Cycle Processes

Common Point of Entry collects incoming project and research contacts from the media Internet, e-mail
and documents and Internet Messaging combines the different media into a unified contact base. Then
the work begins of qualification to cull contacts with potential for processing. Processes start at this point
by interacting with the objects, attaching acquired information and passing the processing on as
information stored in a transaction.

Contact Unification demonstrates Simplicity of the Message Cycle

The Message Cycle simplifies to 4 phases identified by distinctive properties. Each active media
contributes contacts. The Common Point of Entry combines the media contacts then employs IM to
process unified contacts. Sales Cycle Management identifies new contacts and their information followed
by qualification of the information for following use in Issue Resolution. A review of current projects
determines progress in the projects and employment for project completion. The Sales Cycle produces
new customer contacts and automates the contact qualification leading to closure. Qualification moves
to the next step to determine potential need. Assuming an evaluation of need and resolution of
objections: the first half of the cycle concludes with closure.

Message Cycle Phase Property Media of Recipient Choice

Property E-mail Internet Documents
1) Contact Identification of
Qualification new contacts
2) Lead Qualification Qualification of
3) Project Evaluation of
Qualification future potential
and response
from the contact
3.1) Project Issue Adaptation to
Resolution fulfill the
4) Closure Closure
Cycle reversal
5-8) Implementation Implementation

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Maintenance Re-evaluation and
–adaptation to
potential or
project end

Collecting Information Assets complements the Contact, Lead, and Project Information

Knowledge Bases

Table Message Cycle

Following closure the cycle reverses by engaging the customer during the implementation.
Implementation proceeds in steps and after the completion a dialogue with the customer determines
implementation weaknesses as the steps progress. IM unifies the media into one pool so that the table
simplifies to:

1) Contact Qualification
2) Lead Qualification
3) Project Qualification
3.1) Project Issue Resolution
4) Closure
- Index Reversal -

Implementation of the Message Cycle in Sales Cycle Management, Web Research, and Project
Reviewing the Message Cycle Table shows the similarity of the Message Cycle Sales Cycle Management,
Web Research and Project Management. The first step collects contacts useful for expanding the
activities. However the value and usefulness of the contacts remains to evaluate. Web Research and
Project Management then determine the information value of the contact while the sales person collects
information on customer needs. After collecting enough information to determine customer need the
contact qualifies. Similarly the researcher qualifies the information as contributing to current questions.
Project Management looks at the potential of using the information in project implementation. Project
Qualification examines the need and determines that the contact can fulfill this need. The sales person
collects enough information to know that a project starts and that the available product offers a suitable
solution. Further research shows that the project life extends and that the information offers a potential
contribution to answering the questions. Finally the project manager convinces himself of project
extension and that the information plays a role in the implementation.

Common Point of Entry

Sales Cycle Management interacts with 8 objects and profiles within the complete cycle. Information on
these objects and contacts embed in Internet, e-mail and documents. Each phase participates in
Internet, e-mail and documents resulting in a simplified view. IM fuses Internet, E-mail and documents
into a Common Entry Point for processing. IM includes processing the contacts and interacts with the
common pool of contacts listed below and stores information in the transactions.

Link to detailed definitions of the Data Objects, Transactions and Views: Quick Reference to Sales Cycle
Management Objects to drive Strategic Business Development Aggregates [QR] >>>

Objects and Profiles participating in the Sales Cycle

- Business Development Activity (object) encloses the complete scope of a business including the
Contact, Lead and Project Management. Marketing, Sales, PR and Business Operations provide the
- Contact Entry Object of Contact Management
- Customer Contact Entry Profile
- Lead Entry Object for Lead Qualification
- Lead Profile
- Project Entry Object
- Project Profile
- Mailing Profiles

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Cycle Transactions
- Contact Entry Transaction for Qualification
- Lead Entry Transaction
- Account/ Project Entry Object
- Project Qualification
- Sales Consulting and Problem Analysis
- Project Proposal
- Mailing including contact, project, Business Activitiy and account lists
Account and Project Management includes the processes linking the transactions.

Product Mix
Product Object

Like a river immersing the objects and transaction in the flow, IM submerges the objects and
transactions into the Sales Cycle Phases. While flow doesn’t normally freeze for observation; a table
presents views of the phases related to the process interactions at each phase of the sales cycle and
contributes to the Information Resources as well as the Team Knowledge Base.

Data Objects and Transactions in Sales Cycle Management Standard Operations and To-Do Excel Table
[SO] >>>

This table not only presents views of the sales cycle and captures the process rules; but allows the
designer to observe, plan, configure and enable the processing

Defining and Processing Standard Operations

Standard Operations ensure that the information stays current, it removes duplicate information
elements and organizes the data as well as facilitating data entry and manipulation. Using these
operations saves time in maintaining the information at a current level. These include:

- Open, create, define, setup, enter configure

- Add, maintain, update
- Edit, change
- Mark for processing or reports.
- Move object, change index
- Delete, undelete
- Archive/ restore

Take the Standard Operations as the first process example and the table helps show the necessary
parameters to implement the Standard Operations:
- Indexing
- Tags
- Evolutionary Data that records changes and documents the final state (Ref:, X-Category, X-Tags)
- Search
- Message Filters

The designer employs the table to plan and implement the parameters and to help determine how
satisfactorily the implementation meets the user’s demands.

Excel provides a good basis for this design tool. The vertical axis contains the sales cycle analog to the
message cycle. The horizontal axis contains the transaction parameters. A transaction includes a
selection of these phases. Excel helps the designer with the capability of collapsing rows or columns.
Grouping table elements allows the designer to collapse them to focus view on specific elements, and
then later to expand for a detail consideration. Cycle details have been grouped and related parameters
grouped. Collapsing the table to the essential elemental view concentrates the designer’s attention on
the primary requirements.

The uploaded Excel tables do collapse to focus the view to receive the original tables use the link: for Views, Data Objects and Transactions Send Excel

Completing the first exercise produces a table of the Excel Table for Standard Operations [So] >>>
showing that the Standard Operations interact homogeneously in all phases of the sales cycle to

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maintain the actuality and recency in the data. When implemented as tags they fulfill a majority of the
users needs. The designer should analyze the interaction of the Standard Operations with each phase
and confirm these results for his application.

- Indexing. (From:)
- Tags
- Evolutionary Data that records changes and documents the final state (Ref:, X-Category, X-Tags)
- Search
- Message Filters

How to Empty the Inbox of Activities and Information Resources

Define tags to automatically file incoming messages. Refer to in the Excel Process Table. [So] >>>
File Qualified and Unqualified Contacts
- Project Search. Uninteresting, unrelated topics probably not applicable.
- Project Stored Search. Observing development to learn trends and general concepts, interesting but not
currently applicable.
File Activity, Project and Research information
- Lable with the project PN.
File Information Resources
- Application Technology. Test installation and includes all areas of knowledge including business, finance,
arts, science, technology, and culture. Observing development within these areas for possible application
in current projects and insertion in a pool to decide suitability. Implement in a test project to collect
results to fix suitability.
- Other Information Resource domains.
Filing Knowledge Base information
Knowledge Base information usually collates from contact resources, the projects or transfers from the
Information Resources.

Use one of these tags to label incoming messages and file the messages in a folder. To further describe
and specify content use the evolutionary tags: Ref:, X-Tag, X-Category. Use a list for X-Category
containing the Information Domains while very probably theses messages relate to IR domains. Use a
Message Filter to automatically move the messages to the folder. Observing groups, forums or team
traffic often generates up to 100 messages per day. Scan the inbox noting developments and
automatically remove routine traffic to get down to the meat of the day’s work. Using the table gives the
assurance of knowing how to tag the messages and where to find them. They associate with the IR
domains for searching.

Automating Team Action or To-Dos

Moving to Action and Issue Resolution as the next exercise first considers Coherence. This decision takes
place after the Lead Qualification. It decides whether a lead has further potential or not. In the Contact
and Lead Qualification Phase the transaction serves as To-Do status.

Action defines the fulfillment of project potential as a requirement coupling it (AND) with the requirement
to resolve and issue. Consequently tagging an IM element as To-Do identifies the need to resolve and

Using the Process Table[So] >>> shows that To-Do tags label message documents in the Activities,
Information Resources and Knowledge Bases. Searching for the tag To-Do produces all actions within the
Project Management. Again the designer should verify that his application has similar conditions and
these actions fulfill user needs. He checks that by using the Search and Message Filter columns. Insert
the proposed Search requirements and necessary actions in the columns and check if the requirements

- Indexing
- Tags
- Evolutionary Data that records changes and documents the final state (Ref:, X-Category, X-Tags)
- Search
- Message Filters

Configuration Guide to share Team and Project To-Dos and Follow-up for Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox

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Further Examples to Produce a „Just in Time“ Inbox
A „Just in Time“ Inbox only contains the arriving messages. Archiving includes a further example of a
generalized process but it is a trivial case including Archive, Maintain and in some cases Recency with
application specific values of maybe; 3, 6, 12 months. Archive signals to remove the data. Recency refers
to a specific Archive value or period.

An important table attribute allows the designer to identify duplicate parameters and take the proper
measures to remove the duplication or to allow for it. Analyzing the table [So] >>> results show that
the parameters used in IM do not duplicate. Indexing uses 3 levels and includes the PN, use of a specific
with Id, and the Ab_Cat/ Tag but they provide finer qualities of search allowing the user to focus. Hence
Indexing sufficiently organizes the data. Tags adequately mark target items and implement the basic
processes analyzed above. Evolutionary tags contain pertinent information to document changes, use for
re-organization and perhaps even for rollback. Search requirements and actioning suffice for the tests
conducted previously.

Applying, detailing and specifying the tables used previously to application specific processes identifies
new possibilities, optimizes processing, streamlines the transactions and identifies weaknesses. They
help the designer to test his solutions.

A Common Point of Entry and Processing in the browser and e-mail client handles daily Sales Cycle
Management cleaning out the Inbox and taking care of shared to-dos. Built from an open source it adapts
readily to changing customer needs and offers flexibility to support a compact focused team. A
dedicated Sales Cycle Management Internet Messaging Profile stores the configuration, enabling mobile
use or downloading online. However use of the browser and e-mail is not intuitive enough to significantly
decrease the learning curve. Packaging Internet and e-mail should better conform and specialize to
enable user recognition of processing. Current search rules do not include regular expressions or
combine Boolean expressions. User visualization tools such as using and adapting tables help to make
use more intuitive and easier to apply. Conscientious System Administration ensures reliable and robust
operation. However tailoring the user interface entails investments in planning and development. A team
of users and developers should specify development goals and details to improve efficiency of use.
Standard tasks and user support are well implemented and supported. New extensions offer interesting
potential to improve this Point of Entry system for generating and editing key Sales Cycle Management
tools such as Business Plans, Sales Consulting and Problem Analysis and Proposals. Editors used for the
aggregates of Project Management, Knowledge Bases, Educational Systems and Technical Support could
offer the user the capability to visualize facets of the customer and market problems and use this to
innovate, and create new approaches of writing and implementing the Sales Cycle Management.


[QR] Quick Reference to Sales Cycle Management Objects to drive Strategic Business Development

[PoE] Sales Cycle Management Common Point of Entry View of the Activities and Processes >>>

[So] Data Objects and Transactions in Sales Cycle Management Standard Operations and To-Do Excel
Table >>>

The uploaded Excel tables do collapse to focus the view to receive the original tables use the link: for Views, Data Objects and Transactions Send Excel

See Also

Streamlining Sales Cycle Management with Internet Messaging for Data Object definitions participating
in the Message Cycle and examples >>>

Building Information System Aggregates to drive Strategic Business Development Team Resources

Configuration Guide to share Team and Project To-Dos and Follow-up for Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox
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Article Series

Using Common Ground to shorten Team Contact, Lead and Project Management for background,
configuration and implementation information on Internet Messaging with Mozilla Firefox and
Thunderbird in an article series >>>

On the Way I met Internet Messaging. It took me .investigates background, planning, design and
implementation of a Common Point of Entry for Sales Cycle Management and Strategic Business
Development in an article series >>>

Store and Process Team Knowledge and Experience to qualify Support implements Thunderbird as a
knowledge base sourcing team information for the aggregates to drive user support >>> - XML Database Products >>>


[EL] E-mail link to send attachments of the Excel .xlxs tables. The uploaded Excel tables do collapse to
focus the view to receive the original tables use the link:** Send
Excel Tables

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