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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Health Inequalities Bulletin

Issue no. 37 February - March 2013
About this Bulletin: Aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews of research in health inequalities that have been published in the two previous months. Where possible, links to the full text documents are included. If the article is in a journal, NHS and Public Health staff in Stoke and North Staffordshire can contact the Health Library for a copy. Link to request form: [A charge of 2 per request is payable for most copies] If you need further assistance in obtaining any of the resources listed in the bulletin or have other information needs, please contact the Outreach Librarians or the Health Library, details below. The bulletin can be e-mailed to colleagues who may also find it useful. A list of websites that are checked in the production of this bulletin is given on the first page. Please suggest others that may be useful. Feedback is welcomed to inform future issues of the bulletin.

Contact information
Bulletin produced by NHS Outreach Librarians Tel: 01782 679564 or 0300 123 1535 ext/FeatureNet 8429 E-mail: Health Library Tel: 01782 679500 E-mail:

Topics reviewed in this issue: Children and Young People ....................2 Disability .................................................3 Ethnicity ..................................................3 Housing and Homelessness ...................3 Inequalities..............................................3 Language ................................................4 Learning Disabilities................................ 4 Mental Health.......................................... 4 Multiple Inequalities ................................ 4 Offender Health ...................................... 5 Older people ........................................... 5


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Sources checked for this bulletin Please suggest further sites that should be monitored in the production of this bulletin CRD Centre for Reviews and Dissemination - DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects) - NHS Economic Evaluation Database Daily Health Bulletin Department of Health Department of Health bulletins Info4local Joseph Rowntree Foundation Kings Fund NeLM (National Electronic Library for Medicines) news bulletin NICE SIGN

Children and Young People What about the children? Joint working between adult and children's services when parents or carers have mental ill health and/or drug and alcohol problems Ofsted This thematic inspection explored how well adult mental health services and drug and alcohol services considered the impact on children when their parents or carers had mental ill health and/or drug and alcohol problems; and how effectively adult and childrens services worked together to ensure that children affected by their parents or carers difficulties were supported and safe. Parenting interventions for the prevention of unintentional injuries in childhood Kendrick, D et al. This Cochrane review is based on 22 studies of different parenting programmes to reduce unintentional injuries.
Items in the Disability section may also be of interest. Back to topics


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Disability VIPER: Research into young disabled people's participation in decisions about services Participation Works Partnership This research concludes that young disabled people are not given the opportunity to participate in decisions about services. It makes recommendations for how this could be improved.
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Ethnicity High quality healthcare commissioning: Why race equality must be at its heart Race Equality Foundation This paper considers how commissioners can address ethnic inequalities in health and access to healthcare. Housing and Homelessness Housing improvements for health and associated socio-economic outcomes Thomson, H et al. This Cochrane review assessed which housing improvements improved health and other outcomes. It is based on 39 studies, and includes both qualitative and quantitative data.
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Inequalities Working for Health Equity: The Role of Health Professionals University College London. Institute of Health Equity. This report discusses the best ways to reduce inequities through workforce education and training, practical actions to be taken during interactions with patients, ways of working in partnership, and the role of advocacy. It also includes a section on the health system, which analyses which mechanisms and structures are supportive of actions to reduce health inequality, and where further development might be needed. Volunteering in health and care: Securing a sustainable future Kings Fund This report considers the role and value of volunteers in health and social care. It looks at the important part that volunteers play in improving patient experience, addressing health inequalities, and building a closer relationship between services and communities.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Wellbeing and civil society: Estimating the value of volunteering using subjective wellbeing data Department for Work and Pensions This research provides an illustration of the wellbeing valuation techniques discussed in a joint HM Treasury-Department for Work and Pensions Discussion Paper. It uses the wellbeing valuation technique with the objectives of valuing volunteering from the participants perspective, exploring how the value changes for different groups.
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Language Language support: Challenges and benefits for users and providers of health and social care services Race Equality Foundation This briefing paper discusses different approaches to language support in health and social care. The author identifies key implications for policy and practice from both a patient and a provider perspective, and offers an understanding of how interpreting can reduce health inequalities.
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Learning Disabilities Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities: CIPOLD University of Bristol This study shows the continuing need to identify people with learning disabilities in healthcare settings, and to record, implement and audit the provision of reasonable adjustments to avoid their serious disadvantage. Mental Health
Items in the Offender Health section may also be of interest. Back to topics

Multiple Inequalities The fiscal case for working with troubled families: analysis and evidence on the costs of troubled families to government Department for Communities and Local Government This paper outlines how money is being spent to help troubled families.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Offender Health Losing track of time: Dementia and the ageing prison population: treatment challenges and examples of good practice Mental Health Foundation This report aims to scope existing research on treating and managing male offenders with cognitive impairment to identify and share examples of good practice employed by a handful of prisons around the globe. Turning young lives around: How health and justice services can respond to children with mental health problems and learning disabilities who offend Prison Reform Trust This briefing outlines a practical action agenda and provides examples of good practice to help turn these young lives around. Older people First Report: Ready for Ageing? House of Commons Select Committee on Public Service and Demographic Change The Committee focused on the implications of an ageing population for individuals and public policy in the near future, the decade 2020-2030. Their report looks at the benefits of an ageing population, and also how public services, including health and social care, will need to change to support and ageing population.
Items in the Offender Health section may also be of interest. Back to topics


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