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Jack Galmitz

New York, New York 2013

Copyright Impress 2013 All right reserved

For Paul and Susan

digital bookmark a functive

the ear convulate chambers stalactite dripping

pigeons thrive in a factory that once made iron

tin whistler saint patron of park benches

my wifes nudity watching cranes dancing

birds soot over sand white sea of sun

it is Sunday and Monday

dust on the diamond of the stylus notes note notes note notes

Inventory body count

silence like it

For Grant(Ed)

for tu it us ly

choreography of the wrist watches conceal flywheels

t he p age as er n b or

poem h o d s

abandoned cities old buildings friezes

these woods binary codes from my fingers

tangentially touching Motes

in one place intersecting Sentences passing forward at its own paces

You Tube mileu The Black Dog- Chesh besides ads: Frenzy over new diet pill New rules; if you drive in N.Y. you better read this E-Cigarettes Exposed

This is just a test of the Emergency Broadcast System

The tribute of a bluejay

The sanctity of one day is

with the rectitude of a Corinthian column like a bullwhip in the air

the image of Henri Pousseurs electronic sounds

in the shadows of the pond the rings of two ducks

Y because its cornered

St. John of the Cross pierced by many arrows deer Frieda Kahlo

inches of time measured in embroidery

ACTION MOVIES not in the credits speech act theory

branding the calf the cowboy smokes

the cowboy sleeps with his horse nothing else

the moon emerged from the shower

crotchety crocheting

the moon tossed specks on the street

burlesque the burley comic gets laughs

corrosion, paint peeled off color washed thin of sun old motors dont work but still be heard

enticing she looks a cloud parting

Numbers you and me do the cats count even the dead no matter are not

In my good eye the other faces East I see you a trace of a trace of a solid warm flesh past

What comes out is perfect in its way I cant draw a straight line or a circle, anway

you are the well by which we save ourselves

Alyosha I know no one by that name but think of women washing clothes by hand at the Ganges

every word is a sign and a design if you are in a motorized vehicle this you should memorize

Intercomunicazione memories voices

A splintered barge in mudflats moonlight out of service

we evaporate like the drenched earth and its sunlight

fuselage for use by all ages of spindled travelers

Creeley on the way to the Albright-Knox a crow clearly not clearly

what is that over there over here that goes where I go is it me or mine arent those speech parts

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