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Questions on Search for Political Structures in Southeast Asia (Nature of Democracy/Pluralistic Political Structures and the Rise of Maximum

Governments) These questions focus on assessing whether parliamentary/liberal democracy has taken root in Southeast Asia after independence. JJC 2010 Evaluate the importance of a democratic government in independent Southeast Asia. NYJC 2010 Democracy was successfully established in the newly-independent states of Southeast Asia. Examine the validity of this claim. 2005 RJC Did democracy fail in independent Southeast Asia? These questions focus on evaluating the causes for the demise of pluralistic political structures and the emergence of maximum governments. AJC 2010 How far was the Cold War responsible for the rise of maximum governments in independent Southeast Asia? RIJC 2010 Why has maximum government been such a feature of the independent Southeast Asian states? SAJC 2010 The circumstances demanded it. Comment on the truth of this statement for the rise of authoritarian regimes in post-independence Southeast Asian states. TPJC 2010 In Southeast Asia, maximum government assumed political authority by default. Assess this statement. NYJC 2009 The rise of maximum governments in Southeast Asian states after independence was inevitable Discuss. RIJC 2009 To what extent was maximum government in the independent Southeast Asian countries a product of communist influence? SRJC 2009

The rise of authoritarian regimes in post-WWII Southeast Asia could be traced to Cold War dynamics. Discuss. YJC 2009 How far would you agree that the prevalence of authoritarianism after World War Two was a reaction to the increasing threat of communism that swept Southeast Asia? 2007 AJC Given the fissiparous nature of Southeast Asian countries, post-colonial elites across the region were thus naturally inclined towards governments that wielded pervasive authority in order to achieve national goals. How far do you agree with this view? 2007 CJC Critically examine the development of authoritarian governments in Southeast Asia after 1945. 2007 IJC Explain why the practice of democracy was limited in post-independent Southeast Asia. 2007 MJC The predominance of maximum governments in Southeast Asia was due largely to external factors. Discuss. 2007 NJC Was the rise of maximum governments in Southeast Asian states after independence inevitable? 2006 ACJC Account for the failure of democracy in Southeast Asia from 1955-1980. 2006 JJC To what extent did the militarys need to intervene and dominate politics in Southeast Asia cause the failure of democratic governments? 2006 NJC How much truth lies in the observation that the only type of government that could work in post-colonial Southeast Asia was one of militaristic nature? 2006 RJC Political ambition of the national leaders in the early years of independence led to the rise of authoritarian regimes in Southeast Asia. How accurate is this statement?

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