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Form 5 Chapter 1 : Waves

No. Key Words

1 2 3 4 5 6 Oscillating motion Waves Light Waves Sound Waves Water Waves Electromagnetic waves

7 Transverse wave 8 Longitudinal waves 9 Wavefront 10 Amplitude 11 Period 12 Complete oscillation 13 14 15 16 Frequency Wavelength Damping Forced oscillation

17 Natural frequency 18 Resonance 19 20 21 22 Reflection of waves Incident wave Reflected wave Refraction of waves

23 Diffraction 24 Principle of Superposition 25 Interference 26 Coherent Sources 27 Constructive Interference 28 Destructive Interference

29 30 31 32 33

Anitnode Node Anitnodal line Nodal line Pitch

34 Electromagnetic Spectrum

Form 5 Chapter 1 : Waves

A point or body which moves back and forth along a line about a fixed point A motion created by an oscillating or vibrating motion Vibration of electrons in an atom Vibration of mechanical bodies Disturbance or vibration on a still water surface Oscillation or vibration between the electric field and the magnetic field A wave in which the vibration of particles is at right angles to the direction of the propagation of the waves A wave in which the vibration of particles is in the medium is along (parallel to) the direction of the propagation of the waves A line or plane on which the vibrations of every point on it are in phase and are at the same distance from the source of the wave The maximum displacement from its equilibrium position / measurement of height of crest or depth of trough Time taken to complete an oscillation Movement of vibrating system from one extreme position to the other and back to the same position The number of complete oscillations made by a vibrating system in one second The distance between two successive points of the same phase in a wave A decrease in amplitude of an oscillating system An external force applied to oscillate a system Frequency of a system which oscillates freely without the action of an external force A system which oscillates at a frequency equivalent to its natural frequency by an external force. The system oscillates at maximum amplitude Occurs when a wave strikes an obstacle and undergoes a change in direction The wave before it strikes an obstacle Wave which undergone a change in direction of propagation after reflection Occurs when the speed of a wave changes as it moves from a medium to another A phenomena in which waves spread out as they pass through an aperture or round a small obstacle The wave displacement at any instant of the combined motion of any number of interacting waves at a point is the sum of displacements of all the component waves at a point Superposition of two waves originating from two coherent sources Sources which have the same frequency, amplitude and are in phase Occurs when crests or troughs of both waves coincide to produce a wave with crests or troughs of maximum amplitude Occurs when the crest of one wave coincide with the trough of the other wave, thus cancelling each other with the results of 0 amplitude

A point where constructive interference occurs A point where destructive interference occurs A line that joins all the antinodes A line that joins all the nodes An indication of how high or low the sound is Range of frequencies and wavelengths over which electromagnetic waves are propagated

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