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General information: Name: Yenifer Edith Garcia Argueta Career: English major degree Subject: Teaching perspective inventory Year: 2013 2. Introduction The Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI) is a 45-item inventory that will assess your orientation to teaching. The teacher perspective inventory (TPI) it is a reflexive. It is a tool for adult educators and for college teachers, and when I say reflexive it is because with this simple questionnaire you can notice in part if you have the vocation to be a great teacher The Teaching Perspectives Inventory also can be seen as a helpful tool in order to collect thoughts and summarize some ideas about teaching. It can be useful in examining your own teaching what kind a teacher you are, what are your weaknesses and your strengths in this branch as well as helping clarify the teaching views of other people and discover their individual perspective on teaching.

3. The TPI result and the description of your teaching perspective My result of the questionnaire was TOTAL: 41 Transmissions TOTAL: 44 Apprenticeships TOTAL: 45 Developmental TOTAL: 40 Nurturing TOTAL: 38 Social Reform

The vast majority hold one or (sometimes) two dominant perspectives. Well in my case I have two dominant perspectives which are Apprenticeships with a total of 44 that means that I see the effective teaching as process of socializing students into new social norms and ways of working. (From dependent learners to independent workers.) Nowadays students have changed they are not any more the passive students Now they are active students in their learning process. They want to be heard, they want to show what they know and what they can change. Good teachers are highly skilled practitioners of what they teach not everybody can be an excellent teacher I think that we have to study a lot in order to be a teacher . Also good teachers know what the students can and cannot do by their own and when they need for help, guidance and direction; they engage learners within their 'zone of development' Developmental with a total of 45 points that means that I see the Effective teaching must be planned and conducted "from the learner's point of view." The students point of view is the center of the class Good teachers must understand how their learners think and reason about the content if to the students its good or bad the content that they are learning if to them is relevant or not. The primary goal is to help learners develop increasingly complex and sophisticated cognitive structures for comprehending the content The key to changing those structures lies in a combination of two skills: (1) effective questioning that challenges learners to move from relatively simple to more complex forms of thinking, that means that the teacher encourage students in reasoning and analysis of things and (2) 'bridging knowledge' which provides examples that are meaningful to the learner. They shared their ideas to find the best answer to the inquietudes that they could have Good teachers adapt their knowledge to learners' levels of understanding and ways of thinking.

4. Conclusions

As a conclusion can I said that the teaching perspective inventory it is a very important tool in order to know what kind of teacher we are and what things we can change in order to be a more efficient teacher. The information obtained by this inventory to me was really useless because with this information I could know how my teaching is. How could this information about your teaching perspective be used? The teaching perspective inventory will help me to understand my own point views of these perspectives and how I express them through my own beliefs. This in turn can help me to understand new and experienced teacher reflections about their teaching practices and possible targets for improvement.

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