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Saturn in 6th House

Written by Sreenadh OG Monday, 13 July 2009 19:52 -

Let us go by the classics on this. What are the results to be attributed to Saturn in 6th? As per Garga Hora

Shashte neechagataH souro janayet neecha vairinam Anyadha vairinam hanti nirvairaH swagriham gataH

[If Saturn is in 6th house in debilitation, then that native will have a de-generated (cruel, bad) enemy; OR the enemy will have a bad defeat. If Saturn is placed in 6th in his own house, then the native (will have enemies, but) will destroy the enemies]

In the above quote 2 results for Saturn in 6th is given. The second result attributed is that, if Saturn is in 6th in own house then native will destroy enemies. This implicitly means that Saturn in 6th in own house, causes the enemies to flourish (i.e. the native will have many enemies) but also causes the courage, will, valor and cruelty of the native also to flourish thus providing victory to native in all such fights against enemies. This is logical and understandable. Here flourishing of the enemies is told specially because the 6th lord (i.e. Saturn) is in his own house and is strong. Now what if Saturn, the malefic planet in 6th is week and debilitated? Note that nothing is known about the condition of 6th lord here. The only major thing we know is that there is a malefic but week, and thus resorting to crooked deeds planet Saturn is in 6th house. This should definitely cause destruction to the things indicated by 6th house and thus to enemies. Clearly a weak malefic planet placed in 6th indicates defeat and destruction of enemies. But also remember that a malefic planet in 6th also destroys the positive qualities of the native such as courage, will and valor. This implies that the native himself would be a cheater who will resort to degenerated means to defeat his numerous small and weak enemies who too is of the same nature. This is why Garga states that the native will have degenerated enemies (this is a certain result. Here the win or loss could be with anyone - the native or the enemy) OR the native may destroy the enemy (this is an uncertain result). Sage Garga is joining the word 'OR' here to indicate an uncertain result because - the only thing certain in this case is that the enemy will suffer a heavy loss and destruction; being weak and fearful himself, the native may or may not win - even though major chance is that he will win.

Understanding this scenario clearly helps us to understand that - Saturn is 6th DOES NOT make the native philosophical and good hearted, but instead makes him a cheater, covered and a degenerated one - even though this nature won't be visible on surface. Due to the boasting nature of the native about his own courage, it would be very difficult in such cases to identify


Saturn in 6th House

Written by Sreenadh OG Monday, 13 July 2009 19:52 -

that he is a covered. He may even murder people due to his fear and cowardice by resorting to degenerated ways and cheating, but let that not hinder our view and force us to see his lack of courage and lack of philosophical attitude. Even philosophy will only be a mask to him to cover his cowardice if used. The general perspective generated would be that - "Saturn in 6th makes that native courageous, and helps him to destroy and win over his enemies" - whether Saturn in his own house or in debilitation. That is why Chamatkara chintamani states

Arerbhoopateschoray o bheetaya kim Yadeenasya putro bhavedasya satrau na yuddhe bhavet sammukhe tasya yodha Mahishyadikam matulanam vinasaH

[If Saturn is in 6th, the native will not be afraid of thieves, government or enemies. (But be certain that he will have to face the attack of thieves, government and enemies). There won't a warrior courageous enough to fight directly against him (He would be very courageous and will win over enemies in any direct fights). He may have many pet animals such as cow etc. younger co-born of mother (as indicated by 3rd house from 4th indicating mother; a malefic in 3rd from 4th, cause destruction and damage to mother's younger co-born)will suffer destruction (as indicated by a malefic in 6th house)]

It is well evident that even though vague about the true result indicated by Saturn in 6th, the above quote helps us to understand how to apply "Bhavat bhava approach" (3rd from 4th indicating mother's younger co-born etc) in result derivation.

Even though much useful, compared to medieval texts like Chamatkara chintamani, the ancient texts like Garga hora and Bhrigu sutra provides us with better and clear understanding, and therefore should be depended upon. Let us see what Brigu sutra has to say on this

Alpa jnatiH satru khshayaH dhanadhanya samridha, kujayute desantara sanchari alpa rajayogaH Bhangayogat kvachit saukhyam kvachit yoga bhangaH randhrese mande arishtam vatarogi soola vrana dehi (Bhrigu sutra)


Saturn in 6th House

Written by Sreenadh OG Monday, 13 July 2009 19:52 -

[If Saturn is in 6th, the native will have less well wishers (relative and friends) and more enemies. But his enemies will suffer loss and defeat. (Due to the presence of cattle and other quadrupeds in his house and also because Saturn in 6th cause destruction to grain eating pests, if he indulges in agriculture) He will have good amount of wealth and grains (wealth accumulated by destroying all pests - small enemies). If Mars is present along with Saturn in 6th, then the native will go to other countries and places and will roam around (especially indicating flight journeys abroad since sky is voyage indicated by Saturn and strange foreign lands by 6th house). (But don't think that the native would be devoid of difficulties anywhere is he go - that is not in his horoscope, he has to fight and suffer everywhere, and so) He will have some minor raja yoga due to all this. This Saturn-Mars combination in 6th will give good results at times and bad result in other times - Raja yoga at times and yoga bhanga at times. (Win and good life at times and defeat and bad life at times). If the Saturn placed in 6th is the 8th lord as well, then (it is a bad combination indicating disease and suffering) and the native will suffer due to diseases such as vataroga(wind diseases) and soola roga (body pain and aches). ]

Thus all the sages, even though tries to put the picture in a positive perspective, by saying that the native will defeat his enemies and no one will dare to stand against him etc, agree that Saturn in 6th DO NOT in general indicate positive results and makes life a fight throughout with numerous enemies - if not supported by other planets and dasa periods.



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