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Albert Einstein, smart man that he was, once said, “You cannot solve any problem in the same

state of consciousness in which it was created.”

Ponder that for a little while if it doesn’t immediately jump out at you, and you’ll see the truth in
that statement. Of course it applies to the world at large today. But this post isn’t going to be one
of my rants (I’ll do that another day). As a reader of my blog you are well aware my belief in the
oncoming changes that will affect this planet, the power of intention, and creativity, and thought.
You know I believe how awesome, and utterly perfect you are. The only issue dear one is that
you simply don’t remember your own power. Not that there is something within you that is
wrong and needs to change and blah blah blah blah. To quote John Major Jenkins “…the
unlimited divine self cannot be conceived or understood by the rational intellect, but it can be
directly experienced.” Life is a wonderful journey of human experience. In my short twenty eight
years this go around on the planet, I have had my fill of emotions and I can’t wait for more. I
learn every time I bleed, and I have only loved, never loved and lost, that’s just silly.

But, back on topic.

I have found that I’ve gone through some phases. Once you are aware of how f’d up everything
is, the manipulation and the lies, of course you want it to stop. But I think that by focusing on
what’s wrong, we give our energy to that and that’s not where we want our energy to go. Instead,
why not focus on how to make it right so we can create something new to replace what we
fucked up. To quote Peter Russell, holder of degrees in theoretical physics, experimental
psychology, computer science, an author and award winning producer, “The global crisis we are
now facing is at its root, a crisis of consciousness - a crisis born of the fact that we have
prodigious technological powers but still remain half awake.” In light of that, I want to spread
the good news and inform you today of the sweeping changes that you may not be aware of that
are affecting our current global structure in the business and political fields.

While we are the ones we are waiting for, while we must BE the change we wish to see in the
world, once the old systems collapse (whoopee!) there must be new ones to take their place. My
mother once said that to point out a problem then offer no solution can do just as much damage
as the problem itself. Which is true. I am not so naive to think that we can just wave our hand,
get rid of our retarded illusion of democracy and materialism and patiently sit and wait for some
grand savior to come in and rescue us. That’s not quite how it’s going to work. Once we knock it
down, we must rebuild something else. You may think that the only changes in consciousness are
coming from the mystical, spiritual side and from the crazy new age ranters like me, who
regularly invite our higher selves back into body, and then have a nice cosmic flush (you gotta
try it, it’s fabulous. Go to But the truth is, the changes, the shift,
the awakening, the ascension whatever you want to call it, is affecting everything. The
organizations I’m going to mention may just have a purpose that resonates in your soul, that you
want to jump into, and volunteer your time and expertise to help spread the word, do the work
and help everyone hit that catalyst point on their own journey of awakening. I’m not going to go
into a lot of detail here, I’m going to give you some cliff notes and whatever strikes your fancy
I’m sure you’ll latch onto and research more in depth yourselves. I’m just the messenger
I just finished reading (like five minutes ago) a book called The Mystery of 2012. Wonderful read
I highly recommend for anyone who wants to know what’s going. It is a collection of articles and
essays (lots of big words, I did a lot of jumping while I read it) on the 2012
phenomena from different perspectives. All agree, for the most part, that change is already here
and what we are experiencing is a awakening, a shift in consciousness that is a combination of
this planets destiny and our own free will. (You don’t have to jump on the bandwagon but your
higher self will keep trying to tap you on the shoulder to wake you up. You’re already
participating in the waters of creation, the only thing left to do is shatter your illusion of
separateness. That is the only sacrifice to make, but only make it when you are ready.) One of the
articles that really made me happy was written by Corinne McLaughlin. Corinne is an author,
Executive Director for The Center for Visionary Leadership, coordinated a national task force for
President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development, and taught politics at American
University. You can learn more about her work at

Corinne begins her article with a statement that I like to keep repeating, and repeating no matter
how many times, or different ways it’s said because I think it’s so critical to understand, “Why
not imagine a better world in the future and live this vision moment to moment in the choices
you make and the work that you do? In this way, you can help create it.” Creation, intention,
creation, intention, energy follows thought, menchicaboola.

Right now, yes right now, there exist social responsible businesses. Spiritual Capitalism is all the
new rave. Just because Fox News hasn’t told you so, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Don’t
make me go into the media is biased and full of shit speel, you should know that already. The
profit above all and fuck everything else mentality doesn’t work. No big shocker there.
Companies are starting to take notice and as CEO’s, and SVP’s, and middle management, and the
copy machine guy wakes up, they’re bringing those ideals to work with them. There is an
International Spirit at Work Organization (they are now
dormant, but I list them because their website is full of fabulous information). There is the World
Business Academy which promotes corporate responsibility
There is the United Nations Global Compact which is all about
environmental protection, human rights, and higher labor standards. They have 300 multinational
corporations part of. There is The Natural Step which shows business
the competitive advantage of sustainability and integrating environmental consideration into
strategic decisions and daily organizations.

I don’t believe money is going to be around much longer, I mean once everyone wakes up,
bartering will be acceptable but until then, Lifesystems of Health and Sustainability report there
is a 228.9 billion marketplace for ish focused on holistic health, the environment, social justice,
sustainable living, etc. The Business for Social Responsibility founded in the
1990s has over 400 organizations and about half are fortune 500 companies. Companies like,
The Body Shop, The Mens Warehouse, Timberland Company for example are on the list. We’ve
all seen Whole Foods around, one should shop there when dinero permits because hey, what we
eat is pretty important and I dislike ingesting well, crap disguised as healthy food. So go ahead
and keep shopping there. in fact go look up your favorite store and see if they’re on the list of
any of those organizations and if not, cut em off (like Nike for example and those stoopid sweat
shops, bleh). We can’t keep supporting the systems that are falling that’s just silly. I for one like
shopping in places that are on the Caring Consumer list that don’t test on animals. You can check
them out here There are things we can do, things that are being
done now to shift away from the bullshit into something better. And it’s only going to get better,
trust me.

USA Weekend did a poll, and spirituality has become the second most important factor in
personal happiness. To quote Corinne, “Growing numbers of business people want their
spirituality to be more than just faith and belief; they want it to be practical and applied. They
want to bring their whole selves to work, body, mind and spirit.” Woot. Woot. There’s that throat
chakra opening up, forcing us to speaking our truth, everywhere. There’s that solar plexus chakra
expanding, bringing in our personal power and our resolve to just say no to the dumb shit, and
that applies to the scenarios at work as well. It’s all interconnected lovies. Remember,
separateness is the illusion. And don’t think for a moment that being a socially responsible
business can’t affect the bottom line. It simply does. Happy people work harder period, you don’t
have to be a rocket scientist to know that. Corinne reports in her article that a meta-study done by
the United Kingdom’s Environment Agency and Innovest Strategic Value Advisors called
Corporate Environment Governance found that 85% saw a wonderful synergism between
environmental management and financial performance.

And just too really spin your mind a bit, do you know how many companies now have
Meditation classes and rooms at work? Would you believe me if I told you, Apple, Google,
Yahoo, IBM, Raytheon Company do just that? How wonderful.

And it’s not business. It’s affecting politics too. This makes me really happy. You know I’ve got
that warrior spirit that hasn’t been satisfied in a while, now that I’m aware of these organizations
too I’m going to have to look them up (to honorable battle!). There is the Tikkun Network of
Spiritual Progressives, and the Center for
Visionary Leadership as mentioned above. There is also an even stronger movement and that’s
from the independent sector, or civil society. That’s the organizations that locally see something
wrong, realize the government isn’t going to fix it, so they’ve rolled up their sleeves, and are
doing it their damn selves. Woot Woot. Look around at New Orleans for example and you can
see it everywhere. Visionary Activist and Entrepreneur Paul Hawken wrote a book called
Blessed Unrest (which is now on my to get list) and documents a whopping one million and
probably more to date, of these groups worldwide. Can’t hold us down. And Gods and Goddess
bless the World Wide Web for its ability to start movements, link people quicker and spread the
word faster. You want to see examples of real world results of non adversarial politics that finds
the higher ground, and teaches both sides not to compromise but instead find that issue they can
agree needs to be fixed and focus on that, check out The Truth and Reconciliation Commission They helped usher in non violent change in the South African
Government along with the awesome effort of 10,000 people who received conflict resolution
training. No Government needed. Just people who came together and said, hey, I can do this.
And I can do this. And you can teach me that, and bam, they got it done. Corinne says it the best,
“healing, reconciliation and forgiveness are spiritual qualities very much needed today.” How
about the awesome work done by the Search for Common Ground whose
mission is to “understand the differences; act on the commonalities.” This group has 300 staff
members in more than 17 countries, holding under cova (back channel) meetings with Iranians
and Americans to prevent war. The Common Ground News Service provides solution oriented
articles about the good work being done to resolve conflicts in the Middle East that CNN won’t
tell you about. And there’s more, like the Public Conversations Project, or the Institute of Multi-Track Diplomacy, or the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation What an awesome bunch of lightworkers I tell yah.

Barbara Marx Hubbard has an organization called the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and in 1984 ran for the US Vice Presidency. At
that time she proposed “a ‘Peace Room’ which was eventually to become as sophisticated as our
war rooms. Its purpose is to scan for, map, connect and communicate what is working to heal
and evolve our world.” Now imagine if we could get the NSA and CIA’s supercomputers to do
that. What might we see?

Hmm. Anyway, I’ve written enough for this time. But articles, organizations, people such as this
with real world experience and knowledge who support this shift in conciseness because they
believe and see it, well, I ask again, how much more evidence do you need? And it’s not so much
that these organizations are just sprouting up now because they aren’t, they’ve been around since
the 1980s and before, it’s that we as a collective are finally taking notice and giving them more
energy to succeeded and climb out of the hole we’ve dug ourselves into. To quotes James O’Dea,
President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, “The phenomenon we are discuss is not an
ideological counter to the status quo; it is to be understood more accurately as a quickening in
the center of our being - a quickening less susceptible to fear arousal, not condition by the
gratifications of competitive advantage, but stimulated by experiences of wholeness, unity, and
interconnection. It is what philosophers and theologians call the emergence of nondual

And it will not be televised

Namaste (I honor the light in you) & Espavo (thank you for taking your power back)


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