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LL 473:
8|omed|ca| Instrumentat|on
ro[ect 2:
LCG Des|gn

k. agiz Mungan 8288

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1he alm of Lhe lab ls deslgnlng an LCC ampllfler uslng an Au620 lnsLrumenLaLlon ampllfler
and necessary number of operaLlonal ampllflers. 1he ouLpuL daLa wlll be dlsplayed from compuLer
screen vla an uS8 daLa acqulslLlon board. lor user safeLy Lhe compuLer (preferably a lapLop) wlll have
no connecLlon oLher Lhan Lhe LCC board.
- use an Analog uevlces Au620 lnsLrumenLaLlon Ampllfler as your lnpuL sLage.
- SeL Lhe sysLem lower and upper cuL-off frequencles Lo 0.03 Pz and 130 Pz, respecLlvely.
- lnclude a rlghL leg drlve sub-clrculL ln your deslgn Lo reduce common mode nolse.
- 1he AuC volLage range ls from 0.0 volL Lo 3.0 volL. use a level shlfLer, lf necessary.

llgure 1.a: Sample LCC Waveform llgure 1.b: Sample LCC from Au620 uaLasheeL
LCC waveform ls an lmporLanL source for a person's hearLh healLh, such LhaL aLrlal flbrlllaLlon
can be deLecLed by Lhe dlsLorLlon ln Lhe p wave. 1hus for correcL evaluaLlon of a person, a preclse
devlce ls needed Lo make Lhe measuremenL mlslnLerpreLaLlons may prove faLal.
lor Lhls reason Lhe galn should be enough Lo make Lhe slgnal observable however, lL should
noL be large enough Lo saLuraLe Lhe devlces, so LhaL no false peak should occur.

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About AD620

llgure 2.a. lnLernal SchemaLlc of Au620 llgure 2.b. Symbol vlew of Au620
Au620 as seen ln flgure 2.a ls made of Lhree operaLlonal ampllflers. 1he reslsLances are
preclse Lhus lL has greaL CM88 and can be used ln commerclal clrculLs. 1he reslsLance beLween Lhe
Lwo lnverLlng lnpuLs of Lhe lnpuL operaLlonal ampllflers ls called 8g as seen from Lhe llgure 2.b.
1he reslsLance 8g deflnes Lhe galn of Lhe lnsLrumenLaLlon ampllfler such LhaL for Lhe lnpuL
sLage of Lhe lnsLrumenLaLlon ampllfler Lhe dlfferenLlal galn ls:

lor Lhe LoLal galn of Lhe devlces one can refer Lo Lhe look-up Lable ln Lhe daLasheeL:

1able 1: Caln-8g 1able for Au620

llgure 3: ln ConnecLlons for Au620
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1he 8g value ls Laken as 8.4kU whlch ls expecLed Lo provlde a galn of 8.
Irequency Ad[ustments
1he average hearLh raLe of a person ls around 1.1Pz and Lhe slgnal level ls very weak Lhus Lo
avold lnLerferences from oLher slgnals, a band pass fllLer ls needed. 1he deslred frequencles
(beLween 0.03 Pz and 130 Pz) can be achleved vla operaLlonal ampllfler, capaclLors and reslsLors
where Lhe values are found for Lhe hlgh pass and low pass respecLlvely:

llgure 4: 8and-pass lllLer
lor Lhe hlgh-pass fllLer: C=1l
lor Lhe low-pass fllLer: C=0.01 l
8=106k U
1hus Lhe fllLer supplles a galn of 3. 1he 3.18MU connecLed Lo non-lnverLlng lnpuL ls for
keeplng Lhe balance and symmeLry.
k|ght Leg Dr|ve Sub C|rcu|t
1he alm of rlghL leg drlven clrculL ls reduclng Lhe effecL of nolse. 1he common mode slgnal
Laken from Lhe boLh ends of Lhe 8g (galn reslsLance of Au620) ls glven back Lo body as a reference.
1he values of Lhe reslsLances are 23kU for Lhe lnpuL reslsLances. Also a low pass fllLer wlLh
130Pz cuL-off frequency ls exlsLenL wlLh 8=10kU and 1he galn of Lhe clrculLry ls deflned by
Lhe 1MU reslsLance and can be found as:
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llgure 3: 8lghL Leg urlven ClrculL
Cutput DC Leve| Sh|ft|ng
1he lasL sLage of Lhe clrculL ls boLh deslgned Lo provlde Lhe necessary galn and Lhe necessary
volLage shlfLlng Lo make Lhe slgnal appear on Lhe llmlLs of AuC whlch ls 0 Lo 3 volLs. 1hls sLage ls
expecLed Lo have a galn of 23. Slnce Lhe amounL of volLage shlfLlng ls unknown Lhe volLage shlfLlng ls
applled afLer Lhe flrsL LCC slgnal ls observed. lnlLlally an lnverLlng ampllfler wlLh 81=3kU and
82=123kU ls used.
1he clrculL ls flrsL reallzed on breadboard. Some of Lhe values have changed due Lo Lhe
avallablllLy of Lhe reslsLors and capaclLors. lor Lhe operaLlonal ampllfler S1 1L081 ls used ln all sLages.
Whlle Lhe clrculLry ls belng bullL each sLage ls checked by a glven slgnal whlch would noL cause
Changes W|th kea||zat|on
lnsLalllng 8g as 8.4kU gave unwanLed galn so Lhe value had Lo be lncreased Lo decrease Lhe
galn. lnserLlng a 27kU resulLed wlLh a galn of 10, even Lhough lL was unexpecLed, ln order Lo noL
uslng a larger reslsLance, Lhe 27kU ls accepLed and Lhe exLra galn ls correcLed by changlng Lhe lasL
8and ass Stage
lor Lhe hlgh-pass fllLer a reslsLance of 3.18MU ls used. 1he reslsLance ls ln facL labelled as
3MU, however lLs exacL value was 3.18MU. lor Lhe low-pass fllLer Lhe 106kU ls reallzed as an 112kU
and Lhe 21.2kU ls reallzed as a 21.8kU (serles comblnaLlon of 3.8kU and 18kU)

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Cutput DC Leve| Sh|ft|ng
1he amounL of shlfLlng ls done by supplylng Lhe slgnal from Lhe lnverLlng lnpuL and supplylng
Lhe shlfLlng dc volLage from Lhe non-lnverLlng lnpuL, Lhus Lhe amounL of dc lnpuL can be found by
dlvldlng Lhe deslred uC volLage level by Lhe non-lnverLlng galn of Lhe sLage. Powever due Lo non-
ldeallLles of Lhe 1L081 Lhe non-lnverLlng lnpuL lowered Lhe galn. WlLh an lLeraLlve meLhod Lhe correcL
values are found. 1he lnpuL dc volLage ls supplled from vdc by a volLage dlvlder.

llgure 6: Caln SLage & uC Level ShlfLer
llrsL Lhe clrculL ls LesLed whlle lL ls on Lhe breadboard, and Lhe supply volLages are Laken
from Lhe power supply. 1he ouLpuL measured vla oscllloscope ls as:

llgure 7: LCC CuLpuL Waveform

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llgure 8: LCC CuLpuL Waveform wlLh Averaglng
AfLer Lhe clrculL ls lmplemenLed on board and soldered. 1hen Lhe LCC waveform ls measured
wlLh Lhe uS8 daLa acqulslLlon board. uue Lo nolse Lhe ouLpuL ls meanlngless. 8easons for nolse:
8ad solderlng. Causes bad connecLlons.
Long carrler cables Lo merge Lhe same slgnals such as gnd, +vcc, -vcc. Causes
anLenna effecL
Low quallLy of Lhe uS8 power source.

1o prevenL Lhe slgnal belng losL ln Lhe 30Pz lnLerference, a 30Pz noLch fllLer ls deslgned and

llgure 9: noLch lllLer SchemaLlc
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uslng Lhe formula, avallable values ln Lhe laboraLory and measuremenLs Lhe fllLer ls reallzed
wlLh C=18nl and 8=200kU.
1hus Lhe flnal clrculLry can be observed by Lhe glven schemaLlc.

llgure 10: Cverall SchemaLlc of LheLCC ueslgn
LaLer decoupllng capaclLances are added beLween ground Lo+vcc and beLween ground Lo -
vcc. 1hls modlflcaLlon removed some amounL of Lhe nolse however Lhe real problem whlch ls
assumed Lo be an osclllaLlon aL around 90kPz remalned. When person ls connecLed Lo Lhe clrculLry aL
Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe Au620 one can observe Lhe weak cardlac slgnal of a person buL aL Lhe ouLpuL of
oLher sLages only Lhe osclllaLlons were observable.

llgure 11: CuLpuL Slgnal Composed of CsclllaLlons aL 90 kPz
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llgure 12: hoLograph of Lhe llnal LCC ueslgn (fronL vlew)

llgure 12: hoLograph of Lhe llnal LCC ueslgn (back vlew)

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