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Edited by Group 2

A noun is a word that names a: person place thing idea

Common Noun A nounHmmm that names ------any: person place thing Idea not capitalized

Proper Noun Happy Valley A noun that names Church Timmy a specific: person Mr. Gattis Pizza place thing Idea Newtons Theory of Gravity Capitalized

PROPER NOUNS dont usually take determiners a and the. I went to Jamaica for holiday. NOT: I went to the Jamaica for holiday Have you read Hamlet? NOT: Have you read the Hamlet? I would love to meet Tina Turner. NOT: I would love to meet the Tina Turner.

Singular Noun A noun that names This job could be dangerous! one: person place thing idea

Plural Noun A noun that names more than one: person place thing idea

Collective Noun A noun that names a group of: people things


You can always add new words to this class of words. A hundred years ago people didnt know what a computer was and 40 years ago not many people downloaded anything. In time, new nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs will appear.

You cant add any new words to this group. For example, in English we have 8 personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) and it wouldnt be possible to add another pronoun to this set.

Possessive Noun A noun that showns ownership or possession.

Count nouns and Noncount nouns Count nouns: Nouns that we can count (one pencil, two pencils, three pencils). They can be singular or plural (a book, two books).

Noncount nouns: Nouns that we can not count. They have no plural. Example: bread, cheese, icecream, yogurt.

Put a or an before singular nouns. Do not use the articles a or an with noncount nouns.

Concrete and abstract nouns

Concrete nouns: Something you can perceive with your five senses (see, touch, taste, hear or smell).


Abstract nouns: Something you can not perceive through any of your five senses.

Compound nouns

Made up of two or more words acting as a single unit. Types:

1. Separate words: coffee table

2. Hyphenated words: editor-in-chief

3. Combined words: battlefield

Can you identify the type of noun in each of these sentences? Click the correct answer.

Rubi walked to the store late yesterday. What type of noun is store? Proper noun Plural noun Common noun

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness Try again.

That is correct!

The committee met at Java room. What type of noun is committee ? Proper noun Collective noun Common noun

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness Try again.

That is correct!

We went to Aegis. What type of noun is Aegis? Proper noun Plural noun Common noun

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness Try again.

That is correct!

Connie carried heavy boxes of Tupperware What type of noun is boxes? Proper noun Plural noun Common noun

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness Try again.

That is correct!

Princess read only one book last week. What type of noun is book ? Singular noun Plural noun Common noun

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness Try again.

That is correct!

Tintins book was very interesting. What type of noun is Tintins? Possessive noun Plural noun Collective noun

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness Try again.

That is correct!

The group has to do the presentation on Monday. What type of noun is group? Proper noun Collective noun Plural noun

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness Try again.

That is correct!

Everyone liked Frankees cellfone.What type of noun is Frankees ? Proper noun Plural noun Possessive noun

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness Try again.

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness (but actually it could be proper).

That is correct!

Click on the proper noun(s) in this sentence. Everyone in Tonys jeepney was late for school on Monday.

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness The word, Tonys is a possessive noun. Try again.

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness The word school is a common noun. Try again.

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness The word Everyone is a collective noun. Try again.

That is incorrect! You have Noun Madness! Madness The word jeepney is a common noun. Try again.

That is correct! Monday is the name of a specific noun.

You have survived Noun Madness! If you need more practice, try this again.

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