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2010 Interational Conference on Power System Technology

Variable Renewable Generation an

Amit Jain, Member, IEEE, and Kamal Garg
Abstract-- With the advancement in wind and solar technology,
now large wind-farms and PV systems are being integrated in the
power system. This brings new level of challenges for both
protection and planning engineers. This paper reviews the
renewable power generation technologies available in the current
market and challenges in integrating these in the grid. An
introduction is provided for the renewable energy available;
including wind, solar and ocean etc. This paper also discusses an
example of the large renewable project including system
planning; establishing the type of generation sources available
and discussion of benefts. The paper also discusses the
information required for the planning engineer, types of study
and challenges before integrating in the existing system. In the
end this paper discusses a real life example and sub-synchronous
resonance interaction between wind-farm and series capacitor.
Inde TCrNsData security, ERCOT, Goose, Grid operation,
HVDC, IEC61850, NERC, PV, Real time simulation, Renewable
energy, Series capacitors, Smart grid, Solar, Synchrophasors,
System planning, Windfarm
ELIABLE power system operation requires ongoing
balancing of supply and demand in accordance with the
prevailing operating criteria and standards, such as those
established by NERC [ 1]. Operating power grids are almost
always in a changing state due to fuctuations in demand,
generation, and power fow over transmission lines,
maintenance schedules, unexpected outages and changing
interconnection schedules. The characteristics of the installed
power system equipment and its controls and the actions of
system operators play a critical role in ensuring that the bulk
power system performs acceptably afer disturbances and can
be restored to a balanced state of power fow, fequency and
North American grid interconnection is shown in Fig. 1.
One can easily visualize that there is an interrelationship
between standards as bulk system reliability standards may
affect the equipment standards and vice versa. For example, in
some jurisdictions, wind resources may need to address the
Dr. Amit Jain is Head of Power System Research Center at IIIT,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad, India (e-mail:
Kamal Garg is with the Schweitzer Engineering Laboratoriesg Pullman,
978-1-4244-5940-7/1 01$26.00201 0 IEEE
need for "Low-Voltage Ride Through" (LVRT) capability in
order to ensure satisfactory system performance. This need has
been refected in equipment design for wind turbines


Fig. I. North America Grid Interconnection
The overall behavior expected fom a power system with
high levels of variable generation will be diferent fom what
is experienced today; therefore both the bulk power system
equipment design and performance requirements must be
addressed. In this respect, reliability-focused equipment
standards must be frther developed to facilitate the reliable
integration of additional variable generation into the bulk
power system. However, NERC's focus on standards is on
system performance and neutral to specifc technologies or
From a bulk power system reliability perspective, a set of
interconnection procedures and standards are required which
applies equally to all generation resources interconnecting to
the power grid. There is considerable work required to
standardize basic requirements in these interconnection
procedures and standards, such as the ability of the generator
owner and operator to provide:
1. Voltage regulation and reactive power capability;
2. Low and high voltage ride-through;
3. Inertial-response (effective inertia as seen fom the
4. Control of the MW ramp rates and/or curtail MW
output; and
5. Frequency control (goveror action, AGC etc.).
A good example of the development of interconnection
procedures and standards is the voltage ride-through
requirement. The bulk of the power grid is exposed to the
elements (i.e. severe weather) and subject to many conditions
that can cause faults on the grid. The protective relaying and
control schemes on the transmission system are designed to
detect and clear line faults within a few cycles. During this
very short period of time, the fault can cause system voltages
to drop to very low levels and it is important that generation
resources do not trip fom the grid during the fault period or
post fault conditions due to zero/low voltage at their terminal.
The impacts of large-scale penetration of variable
generation should be considered in terms of timefames:
seconds-to-minutes, minutes-to-hours, hours-to-days, days-to
one week and beyond. Planners also must address longer time
frames, sometimes up to 30 years, for both transmission and
resource adequacy assessments. In the seconds-to-minutes
timefame, bulk power system reliability is almost entirely
controlled by automatic equipment and control systems such as
Automatic Generation Control (AGC) systems, generator
goveror and excitation systems, power system stabilizers,
automatic voltage regulators (AVRs), protective relaying and
special protection and remedial action schemes, and fault ride
through capability of the generation resources. From the
minutes through one week timefame, system operators and
operational planners must be able to commit and/or dispatch
needed facilities to re-balance, restore and position the bulk
power system to maintain reliability through normal load
variations as well as contingencies and disturbances. For
longer timefames, power system planners must ensure that
adequate transmission and generation facilities with proper
characteristics are built and maintained so that operation of the
system remains reliable throughout a range of operating
conditions. In this respect, the inherent fexibility of the
incumbent generating feet may be assessed by the:
1. Range between its minimum and maximum
output levels;
2. Ability to operate at any MW level fom
minimum and maximum output levels;
3. Start time; and
4. Ramping capability between the minimum and
maximum output levels
To maintain reliable and efcient operation of the power
system, operators must use forecasts of demand and generator
availability. Today the majority of supply-demand balancing in
a power system is achieved by controlling the output of
dispatchable generation resources to follow the changes in
demand. Typically, a smaller portion of the generation
capacity in a control area is capable of and is designated to
provide Automatic Generation Control (AGC) service in order
to deal with the more rapid and uncertain demand variations
ofen within the seconds-to minutes timefame. AGC is
expected to play a major role in managing short-term
uncertainty of variable generation and to mitigate some of the
short-term impacts (i.e., intra-hour) associated with variable
generation forecast error. Hence, it may be necessary for
planners and operators to review and potentially modif the
AGC performance criteria, capabilities and technologies to
ensure that these systems perform properly.
AGC typically includes both load fequency and
interchange control algorithms that work together to optimally
move generating units on AGC to maintain system fequency.
The AGC system resides in the system control center and
monitors the imbalance between generation and demand within
a Balancing Area.
Variable generation technologies generally refer to
generating technologies whose primary energy source varies
over time and cannot reasonably be stored to address such
variation. Variable generation sources which include wind,
solar, ocean and some hydro generation resources are all
renewable. There are two major attributes of a variable
generator that distinguish it fom conventional forms of
generation and may impact the bulk power system planning
and operations: variability and uncertainty.
Steady advances in equipment and operating experience
spurred by policy incentives and economic drivers have led to
the maturation of many variable generation technologies
technical feasibility and cost of energy fom nearly every form
of variable generation have signifcantly improved since the
early 1980s. The major underlying technologies include:
A. Wind Generation:
Wind power systems convert the movement of air into
electricity by means of a rotating turbine and a generator.
Wind power has been among the fastest growing energy
sources over the last decade, with around 30 percent annual
growth in worldwide installed capacity over the last fve years.
On- and of-shore wind energy projects are now being built
worldwide, with the commercial development of very large
wind turbines (up to 5 MW) and very large wind plant sizes
(up to several GW). Many large projects are installed all over
in Europe and North America and now China and India have
also taken lead in large scale wind power generation projects.
A typical windfarm consists of large number of generators
connected to the grid interconnections point. Windfarm
generates operates at 690V with a step up transformer at each
generator to step up the voltage to normally 34.5kV. Another
step up transformer connects the windfarms to utility grid
which may be operating at 230/345 or 500kV. There are
mainly four types of induction generators that are used in the
1. Type 1 Induction Generators - The simplest and earliest
form of wind turbine-generator in common use is
comprised of a squirrel cage induction generator that is
driven through a gearbox. This wind generator, known
as "Type 1," operates within a very narrow speed
range (fxed speed) dictated by the speed-torque
characteristic of the induction generator. As wind
speed varies up and down, the electrical power output
also varies up and down per the speed-torque
characteristic of the induction generator. The primary
advantage of Type 1 induction generators is their
simplicity and low cost. A major disadvantage is the
signifcant variation in real and reactive power output
correlated to wind speed changes. Type 1 wind
turbines generally incorporate reactive compensation
in the form of staged shunt capacitors to correct power
2. Type 2 Variable-slip Induction Generator - The
variable-slip induction generator is similar to the Type
1, except the generator includes a wound rotor and a
mechanism to quickly control the current in the rotor.
Known as "Type 2," this generator has operating
characteristics similar to the Type 1, except the rotor
current control scheme enables a degree of fast torque
control, which improves the response to fast dynamic
events and can damp torque oscillations within the
drive train. Type 1 and 2 wind turbines have limited
performance capability.
3. Type 3 Double-fed induction (asynchronous) generator
(DFG) - Power electronic applications have led to a
new generation of wind generating technologies with
utility interface characteristics which can make a large
contribution to overall power system performance and
provide for improved operation and system reliability
than earlier technologies. The double-fed induction
(asynchronous) generator (DFG), or Type 3 wind
turbine-generator, includes a mechanism that produces
a variable-frequency current in the rotor circuit. This
enables the wind turbine-generator to operate at a
variable speed (typically about 2: 1 range fom max to
min speed), which improves the power conversion
efciency and controllability of the wind turbine
generator. The fast response of the converters also
enables improved fast voltage recovery and voltage
ride-through capability. Advanced features include
goveror-type fnctions (for speed control in Type 3
and 4) and, in some cases, dynamic reactive power can
be supplied when the wind turbine is not generating real
power. Figure 2 shows the example of a typical tpe 3
windfarm machine.
4. Type 4 Wind Turbine-Generator (fll conversion) - The
Type 4 wind turbine-generator (fll conversion), passes
all turbine power output through an AC-DC-AC power
electronic converter system. It has many similar
operating characteristics to the DFG (Type 3) system,
including variable speed, reactive power control, pitch
control, and fast control of power output.
Fig. 2. Example Type 3 Wind Turbine Generator
B. Solar Generation:
Solar generation consists of two broad technologies, Solar
Thermal and Photovoltaic:
1. Solar Thermal Generation: Solar thermal plants consist
of two major subsystems: a collector system that
collects solar energy and converts it to heat, and a
power block that converts heat energy to electricity.
Concentrating solar power (CSP) generators are the
most common of the solar thermal systems. A CSP
generator produces electric power by collecting the
sun's energy to generate heat using various mirror or
lens confgurations. Other solar thermal systems, like
the solar chimney and solar ponds, which collect solar
heat without the aid of concentrators, are in
2. Solar Photovoltaic Generation: Solar photovoltaic (PV)
converts sunlight directly into electricity. The power
produced depends on the material involved and the
intensity of the solar radiation incident on the cell. In
order to interconnect with the AC power system, a PV
system must use a power electronic inverter (much like
wind turbine generators Types 4) to convert its DC
output at the terminals of the PV panel into AC. As
with solar thermal there are many forms of PV.
C Hydrokinetic Generation:
There are three major categories of Hydrokinetic
1. Hydroelectric power haresses the potential energy of
fesh water on land. Those with reservoirs are
normally not variable, but run-of-river hydroelectric
plants are.
2. Wave power haresses the energy in ocean waves - to
date there are no commercial devices in operation.
3. Tidal power haresses the gravitational energy in ocean
water movements. There are a number of pre
commercial devices in existence. Tidal energy has a
unique characteristic amongst the variable generation
resources as its generation patter corresponds to
easily predictable tides.
Renewable resources such as Wind and solar (CSP)
resources are typically located remote fom load centers. This
condition frther heightens the need to pay carefl attention to
the issues of voltage stability and regulation. There are many
large metropolitan and populated regions of the South and
South Western states of the U. S. where the transmission
system has become voltage stabilit limited due to growing
residential load (particularly residential air-conditioning) and
economic and environmental concers pushing generation to
be remote fom the load centers. A typical solution for these
scenarios has been reactive compensation at the transmission
level near load centers (e.g. Static V AR Compensation).
Locating conventional fossil-fred generation closer to the load
centers can potentially mitigate the problem (due to the
inherent reactive capability of synchronous generators),
however many factors, such as emission constraints, economic
reasons (cheaper power can be bought fom remote generation
if the transmission system is supported by smoothly control
reactive support), etc., may preclude the viability of this
The key issue here is, whether due to the advent of larger
penetration of variable renewable generation resources (which
are typically remote fom load centers) or the fact that new
conventional generation facilities of any kind, are being
located more remotely fom load centers, issues related to
voltage control, regulation and stability must be carefully
considered and the power system must have sufcient reactive
power resources (both dynamic and static) to maintain
The addition of signifcant amounts of variable generation
to the bulk system changes the way that transmission planners
must develop their fture systems to maintain reliability.
Current approaches are deterministic based on the study of a
set of well-understood contingency scenarios. With the
addition of variable resources, risk assessment and
probabilistic techniques will be required to design the bulk
power system. One vital goal of transmission planning is to
identif and justif capital investments required to maintain
power system reliability, improve system efciency and
comply with environmental policy requirements. A
transmission planner is required to identif and advance new
transmission facilities to maintain system reliability and
improve system efciency by allowing new demand growth to
be supplied, managing transmission congestion, and
integrating new generation resources, among other reasons. To
perform transmission planning, the planner needs to study
power fow, time-domain and small-signal stability along with
short-circuit duty analyses tools using the sofware tools such
as PSS/E or PSLF [3, 4]. If the renewable generation is
connected next to the series compensated or HYDC lines,
detailed harmonic and (sub synchronous resonance) should
also be performed to evaluate the interaction of various
components using the sofware tools such as PSCAD or EMTP
RV [5]. The results of this study should also be verifed using
the feld measurement and mitigation should be designed
accordingly. The new windfarm generators are complex power
electronics models and will require details detailed dynamic
model fom the wind farm manufacturer in order to perform the
dynamic study correctly.
NERC's Transmission Planning (TPL) Standards are
deterministic in nature and are based on the pre-specifcation
of critical conditions. However, with the incorporation of
variable generation resources, planning process will need to be
augmented as the number of scenarios for which sensitivity
analysis must be performed to "bracket" the range of probable
outcomes, which can dramatically increase. Probabilistic or
risk-based approaches are becoming more popular worldwide
for system planning. Some probabilistic planning criteria, tools
and techniques have been developed over the past several
decades; however, they will require critical review for
completeness and applicability before they can become an
industry-accepted approach to consistently measure bulk
power system reliability.
A comprehensive variable generation integration study
should be conducted assessing the appropriate level of system
fexibility to deal with system ramping and reserve needs.
There are many diferent sources of system fexibility

Ramping of the variable generation (modem wind

plants can limit up- and down-ramps),

Regulating and contingency reserves

Reactive power reserves

Quick start capability

Low minimum generating levels

The ability to fequently cycle the resources' output.

Additional sources of system fexibility include the
operation of structured markets, shorter scheduling intervals,
demand-side management, reservoir hydro systems, gas
storage and energy storage. System planners must ensure that
suitable system fexibility is included in fture bulk power
system designs, as this system fexibility is needed to deal
with, among many conditions, the additional variability and
uncertainty introduced into power system operations by large
scale integration of variable generation. This increased
variability/uncertainty occurs on all time scales, particularly in
the longer timefames, (i.e. ramping needs). As resources
become more distributed, control and storage equipment (e.g.
ST ATCOMs, storage devices, SVCs) may also be distributed.
In this respect, it may be necessary to relocate control and
storage equipment to maintain proper function of the system as
new resources connect.
Since most of the renewable energy sources are located at
the remote locations. Hence these resources are connected via
weak transmission network and require reactive power
compensation. Reactive power compensation is provided by
series, shunt capacitors or SVC etc. Sub-synchronous
resonance (SSR) or sub-synchronous interaction (SS!)
interaction is possible between the reactive power
compensation source and windfarms. SSI is also observed
between the thermal generation and reactive power
compensation. SSR can result fom the resonance due to
electrical or mechanical properties. Windfarms near the
reactive power compensation are afected fom the electrical
resonance where system equivalent inductance and capacitance
are equal. In summary SSR is defned as the electrical
resonance when series capacitor is near the gas turbine,
thermal generators or windfarm.
The SSR fequency of resonance is normally between 5 to
55Hz. The SSR resonance is classifed as two types [6, 7]:
Sub-synchronous Torsional Interaction ( SST!)
Sub-synchronous Control Interaction (SSC!)
Torsional SSR (SST!) is known for years and results with
interaction of power electronics devices with mechanical mass
of generator. SSCI results of interaction between power
electronics and series capacitors i.e. windfarm near series
capacitors. For a resonance between the series capacitor and
the system efective impedance (inductance L) the resonance
frequency FI is defned by equation I. SSR is a direct concer
if the fequency of the electrical resonance (F I) correlates with
the complement of a mechanical mode of oscillation. i.e. Fl =
20 H and Fm=40 Hz (40 Hz = 60-20 for a 60 Hz system).
FI: ( 1 / 2n
LC ) ----------------------------------------( 1)
FI = resonance fequency
Voltages and currents are distorted due to the electrical
resonance. It is also diffcult to flter as they are close to 60
Hz. Special protection schemes are required to detect these
low frequencies. Eigen value and fequency scan are the tools
used for the analysis of harmonic fequency [5, 8, 9]. As
mentioned earlier, detailed study should be performed for all
the possible system contingencies and operating conditions to
determine the SSR frequency and proper mitigation action
should be designed accordingly.
With the advancement of relays and protection engineering,
many analysis tools, secure communication and sofware are
available for real time analysis. For variable generation to
provide power plant control capabilities, it must be visible to
the system operator and able to respond to dispatch
instructions during normal and emergency conditions. Real
time wind turbine power output, availability, and curtailment
information is critical to the accuracy of the variable
generation plant output forecast, as well as to the reliable
operation of the system. It is critical that the area operator have
real-time knowledge of the state of the variable generation
plant and be able to communicate timely instructions to the
plants. In tum, variable generation plant operators need to
respond to directives provided by the area operator in a timely
manner. Therefore, as small variable generation facilities grow
into signifcant plants contributing signifcantly to capacity and
energy, control areas will require sufcient communications
for monitoring and sending dispatch instructions to these
facilities. An example of the Power management system is
shown the fgure 3. The proposed Power management system
is capable of collecting information fom locations, relays and
process the information accordingly for load shedding and
controls [ 10]. First line of action can be visual information and
alarms for area operator to control the load and generation.
The second course of action may be automatic load shedding
or generation control as required. Adequate communication of
data fom variable generation and enhanced system monitoring
is not only a vital reliability requirement, but is also necessary
to support the data analysis posed by other recommended
NERC and Industry actions. In this respect, the deployment of
phasor measurement units (PMUs) is a vital planning and
operational tool and assist in monitoring the dynamic
performance of the power system, particularly during high
stress and variable operating conditions. Using the
synchrophasors technology and PMU , it is possible to get the
information about the system in real time and special
protection scheme (SPS) can be implemented if undesirable
system condition are detected [ 10].
Figure 4 shows the solution using synchophasors where
multiple PMU's are shown on the same screen. Additional
information such as voltage and fequency at each location can
also be displayed in real time. Figure 5 shows another example
using synchrophasors. Many modem wind turbines are capable
of pitch control, which allows their output to be modifed
(curtailed) in real-time by adjusting the pitch of the turbine
blades (i.e., "spilling wind" or "feathering the blades"). By
throttling back their output, wind plants are able to limit or
regulate their power output to a set level or to set rates of
change by controlling the power output on individual turbines.
This capability can be used to limit ramp rate and/or power
output a wind generator and it can also contribute to power
system fequency control.
Generation and
Frequency Control
Voltage and
MVAR Control

Protective Relays
Substation Protection and Control
Fig. 3. Example Power Management System
W oos ( raa|s W
= % m
>t M ..
10_21_4_41 IVllPM 119.63 10.03
10_21_4_'2 IVllPM 138119.92 5.0
'0_21_'_'3 #v:i| 138124.08
'0_21_'_44 #V1lP 13814941 0.
10_21_'_45 IVllP 138157.03 .. 02
_KI+_+: $vu I+f1+ 1O
mC 24207 21:46:19 PactS:4SIOO Co:stationS36 TQ:P
s.. u
.'0_20'_4_44 @


Tita MMwge
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Sep24 207 lI:27:lUI Savecaionlie':'logaFie$\SEL\SEL5078SEl.
Sep24207 1I:25:15.133 S,caionlile':'logaFie,\sEL\sEL5078\SEl5tl ..
- 1C:'loIFi\sEL\sEL578eco
I our: ..
Sep 24 207 21.'5.IOcsv C:\Poga Fie$\sEL\sEL5eco.
Fig. 4. System Overview Using Synchrophasors
Turbines without pitch control cannot limit their power
output in the same fashion. However, a similar efect can be
realized by shutting down some of the turbines in the wind
plant (sometimes known as a "wind farm"). Some Type 3 and
Type 4 wind-turbine generators are also capable of controlling
their power output in real time in response to variations in grid
frequency using variable speed drives. This control feature
could be useful or required for islanded systems or in
interconnections with high penetration scenarios when the
turbine can operate below the total available power in the
wind. Type 3 and 4 wind-turbine generators do not
automatically provide inertial response and, with large wind
penetrations of these technologies, fequency deviations could
be expected following a major loss of generation. Operators
need to understand this characteristic when requesting
reductions of output.

I,. VR2
Fig. 5. Synchrophasor and Real Time System Information
I,. VR
The ability to regulate fequency and arrest any rise and
decline of system fequency is primarily provided through the
speed droop goverors in conventional generators. Variable
generation resources, such as wind power facilities, can also be
equipped to provide govering and participate in fequency
regulation. Some European power systems have already
incorporated these features in some of their wind power
facilities. It is envisioned that, with the continued maturing of
the technology, wind generators may participate in AGC
systems in the fture. Ramping control could be as simple as
electrically tripping all or a portion of the variable generation
plant. Many European and some North American areas are
requiring power management on wind power facilities such
that the system operator can reduce the power level (or ramp
rate limit) to a reliable limit that can be accommodated on the
power system at that time. Hence power management system
will be an integral part of grid operation and detailed testing
and verifcation using the tools such as real time digital
simulations (RTDS) is required before these systems can be
installed. In addition with the popularity of IEC61850 protocol
and GOOSE, it is possible to get information and control fom
diferent manufacturer equipments. Smart grid technology can
help provide real time information from various remote
locations and proper controls can be designed to integrate the
high level of variable generation in the grid.
Recently in 2009 series compensated 345kV interacted with
the Kennedy windfarm in Texas and resulted in SSR. Based
upon the study performed it was established that due to
interaction of wind farms and series capacitors very high
voltages were observed [2, 7). Recently a SSR relay is
installed to monitor the network harmonics and island the
windfarms fom the grid to mitigate the SSR condition.
This paper provides an insight into the existing renewable
energy system and learing gained fom their integration to the
grid. We have also discussed the operational challenges for
grid operators in integrating and operating large amount of
variable generation in service. The paper also discusses the
procedures and tools being utilized by NERC to integrate and
operate large amount of renewable variable energy. The paper
also highlights the effect of SSR event on system. Authors
hope that the paper provides usefl insight for the developing
countries, especially for China and India which are leaping
forward for large scale wind integration to the grid, about the
challenges ahead and tools and procedures being followed in
the area of variable renewable generation.
[1] North America Electric Reliability Council, NERC, USA.
[2] Electric Reliability Council of Texas ERCOT, USA
[3] PSSIE Sofware, Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution Inc.,
PT!, Schenectady, NY 12301-1058, USA.
[4] PSLF Sofware, GE Energy, Schenectady, NY 123345, USA.
[5] IEEE Standard 519, Recommended Practices and Requirements for
Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems, 1996.
[6] IEEE SSR Working Group, 'Terms, Definition and Symbols for
Subsynchronous Oscillations," IEEE Trans., v. PAS-104, June 1985
[7] "Integration of Large Wind Farms into Utility Grids" (see part 2 -
performance issues) by Pourbeik, P., Koessler, RJ., Dickmander, D.L.,
Wong, W, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2003,
Publication Date: 13-17 July 2003, Volume: 3, page: 1525
[8] RT Byerly and E. W Kimbark, Stability of Large Electric Power
System, IEEE Press, 1974.
[9] H. W. Dommel, Electromagnetic Transients Program Reference Manual
(EMTP Theory Book), Report Prepared for Bonneville Power
Administration, Portland, Oregon, August 1986.
[10] SEL, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Pullman, WA, USA.
Amit Jain graduated from KNIT, India in
Electrical Engineering. He completed his masters
and Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology, New
Delhi, India. He was working in Alstom on the
power SCADA systems. He was working in Korea
in 2002 as a Post -doctoral researcher in the Brain
Korea 21 project team of Chungbuk National
University. He was Post Doctoral Fellow of the
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. He also
worked as a Post Doctoral Research Associate at Tohoku University, Sendai,
Japan. Currently he is the Head of Power Systems Research Center at IlIT,
Hyderabad, India. His fields of research interest are power system real time
monitoring and control, artificial intelligence applications, power system
economics and electricity markets, renewable energy, reliability analysis, GIS
applications to power systems, parallel processing and nanotechnology.
Kamal Garg was bor in Saharanpur, India, on
July 24, 1968. He received a master's degree in
electrical engineering from Florida Interational
University (FlU), Miami, Florida, USA and liT
Roorkee, India, and a bachelor's degree in
electrical engineering from KIT, India.
He is currently a project engineer in the
engineering services division of Schweitzer
Engineering Laboratories, Inc. His employment
experience includes Power Grid Corporation, India and Black & Veatch,
USA His fields of interest include protection system design, system planning,
automation, communication, substation design, operation, testing, and

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