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Curriculum planning chart Generative Topic : The Underground Railroad

Concept* ("The student will understand") The Big Idea Traveling the Underground Railroad was extremely dangerous CC.2.4.4.A.1 Solve problems involving measurement and conversions from a larger unit to a smaller unit. CC.2.4.4.A.2 Translate information from one type of data display to another. CC.1.4.4.X Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of disciplinespecific tasks, purposes and audiences. CC.1.4.4.T With guidance and support form peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing Standard Assessment (How will you have evidence that they know it?) Storybook narratives used to present to 3rd graders Physical mapping plotting & calculating

Subject: Social Studies/Literacy/Math

Facts ("The students will know") The states comprising of the South and the North Most slaves escaped from the northern region of the South because there was less land to cross Slaves tried to hide at stations along the route, when available Slaves were limited to traveling at night Slaves took with them very few belongings, making them more exposed to harshness of the elements Skills ("The students will be able to") Chart the journey of a passenger on the UR, using calculations for distance and approximations for travel duration Teach younger students important concepts of the UR through storybooks Generate methods for obtaining the food and supplies needed along the route

Name: Allison Archer

Problems to pose ("Guiding questions" or "unit questions") If you had to leave you r home and life you knew at a moments notice, what would you take with you that wouldnt slow you down during your escape? How would you search for food if you were in the wilderness? How can you using your knowledge of map scales to help you determine the amount of miles someone traveled? Is there a way we could figure out what this translates to in time? Read narratives of passengers traveling the Underground Railroad Chart the locations a passenger travelled through on a physical map Calculate the distance travelled using the map scale Apply a formula to solve for approximate time Whole-class concept mapping of what resources could be found in the wild and what barriers to accessing these we might encounter Create a narrative of the account of someone on the Underground Railroad during Writers Workshop Read storybooks to 3rd grade Activities:

Central Question What were obstacles people faced along the journey to freedom?

* It is important to note that the concept might remain the same across subjects (e.g., the concept on the math curriculum table might be the same as the concept on the social studies curriculum table), OR it might be different.

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