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Name: World War I Artifacts Activity Class/Subject: World History (freshmen) Date: February 21, 2013 Student Objectives/Student

Outcome: Students will explore life in the trenches during World War I through examining and analyzing several historical artifacts. Students will also answer questions on a worksheet pertaining to the artifacts. Content Standards: 18.A.4 Analyze the influence of cultural factors including customs, traditions, language, media, art and architecture in developing pluralistic societies 16.A.4b Compare competing historical interpretations of an event.

Materials/Resources/Technology: In order to complete this lesson, I will need printed copies of primary documents (5-6 of each), worksheets, and a timer. Teachers Goals: My goal is to provide students with experience working with primary documents and artifacts. In doing so, I hope to give students a more well-rounded look into the lives of soldiers living in the trenches during WWI. 5 Min 5 Min 45 Min Before the Start of Class: Make copies of all documents and worksheets. Pull up a timer on the projector. Introduction Activity: Black History Month Person of the Day. Lesson Instruction: Split the class up into groups. Pass out worksheets. Teacher will give a very brief description of what each artifact is. Instruct students that each document is numbered and that each number corresponds with a section on the worksheet. Set the timer for 7 minutes. After 7 minutes, have the groups switch documents. At the end of the class period, each group will have analyzed all available documents and answered all the questions on the worksheet. There has been some extra time allotted for this portion of the lesson in case students need extra time at stations. The five stations are as follows: 1. British Trooper Photograph 2. Anna Ladd Article and Pictures 3. All Quiet on the Western Front Excerpt 4. Propaganda 5. Political Cartoons Assessments: Students will be assessed through the completion of a worksheet to be turned in at the end of the class period. There will be roughly 3-4 questions about each document. The worksheet will be turned in at the end of the class period. Closing: Give students the remaining time to tie up all loose ends, find solutions to any questions still unanswered, and turn in their worksheet.

0 Min

5 Min

Name: __________________________________ Period_______


World War I Artifact Stations A. British Trooper & American Soldier Uniform Diagrams
1. What three kit items do you think are most important to the soldiers survival? Why? 1. 2. 3. 2. Uniforms during WWI were designed to be earth tone (beige, brown) in color for the first time in history. Why do you think this is so?

3. Name three times you believe the soldier would keep in their knapsack to help him survive during the war. (HINT: What items are not listed that you would need to survive.) 1. 2. 3.

B. Anna Ladds Masks

1. Anna Ladd was a: a. painter

b. doctor

c. business woman


2. What materials did Anna Ladd use to create the prosthetics? 1. 2. 3. 3. How did Anna make the masks as real and true-to-life as possible? What did she use? (HINT: She needed the soldiers help)

4. True or False: It cost Anna $45 to make each mask.


C. All Quiet on the Western Front

1.How does the soldier attack his enemy? What weapon does he use?

2. How does the soldier feel after the attack? What does promise to the dead soldier?

3. Which of these 4 items was NOT found in the pocketbook? a. pictures b. letters c. business card

d. address

D. Propaganda
1. What are all three propaganda posters telling people to do? a. buy war bonds b. plant victory gardens c. send care packages 2.The posters were made as an advertisement to speak to ________________. 3. During WWI, Germany fought against the US and Great Britain. How does the German advertisement portray women? How do the US and British ads portray women? (ex. Scared, strong, happy, sad, tired, weak, etc.) German:

d. hide

US & Great Britain:

E. Political Cartoon 1. Identify the countries represented by each of the characters from left to right. The countries included are: Britain, Serbia, Russia, Germany, France, and Austria-Hungary. _____________, _____________, ______________, _____________, _____________, _________ 2. What is the meaning of the title of the cartoon? Could it be interpreted as an ironic or sarcastic title?

3. Describe what is happening in the cartoon. What action is being taken?

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