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okulun, evin, etc.

(genitive case-2)
We add -in/-n/-un/-n to the noun that indicates the possessor and -i/-/-u/- to the noun that indicates the possessed. It corresponds in meaning to the possessive s in English. Unlike Turkish, the word indicating the item possessed in English doesnt carry any possessive marking. okulun ad Metinin kitab = schools name = Metins book = Arifs pencil

Arifin kalemi

The possessor

The possessed

The possessor

As you can see from the example above, in Turkish both the possessor (Arif) and the posssessed (kalem) take genitive case markers. In English, only the possessor takes a case marker (s). 1- If the word indicating the possessor is ending in a consonant, then we add -in/-n/-un/-n. Ahmetin Pnarn = Ahmets = Pnars Yusufun Betln = Yusufs = Betls

2- If the word indicating the possessor is ending in a vowel, then we add -nin/-nn/-nun/-nn.

Alinin Aslnn

= Alis = Asls

Berfunun lknn

= Berfus = lks

3- Case markers on the word indicating the item vary according to the last sound of the word: Case markers after a consonant -im/-m/-um/-m -in/-n/-un/-n -i/-/-u/- -imiz/-mz/-umuz/-mz -iniz/-nz/-unuz/-nz -i/-/-u/- or -leri/-lar Case markers after a vowel -m -n -si/-s/-su/-s -miz/-mz/-muz/-mz -niz/-nz/-nuz/-nz -si/-s/-su/-s or -leri/-lar

Example defterim defterin defteri defterimiz defteriniz defteri/defterleri

Example arabam araban arabas arabamz arabanz arabas/arabalar

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